371. Adyashanti and Susanne Marie on the Falling Away of Self

Join Susanne Marie and Adyashanti in an exploration of an often misunderstood subject. Beyond the traditional landing places that mind creates (commonly discussed in non-dual circles), lies an indescribable landscape of living as pure, direct experiencing. Prior to this opening, the habitual subjective filter creates a veil of separation of which one is not even aware. This is true even within expanded, unified states of consciousness. Once this filter falls away, life is experienced directly, as itself, without an intermediary.

Adyashanti is an American-born spiritual teacher and author devoted to serving the awakening of all beings. His teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence. Asked to teach in 1996 by his Zen teacher of 14 years, Adyashanti offers teachings that are free of any tradition or ideology. “The Truth I point to is not confined within any religious point of view, belief system, or doctrine, but is open to all and found within all.” He teaches throughout North America and Europe, offering satsangs, weekend intensives, silent retreats, and a live internet radio broadcast. Adya’s podcast, “Being Unlimited“.

Previous BatGap posts involving Adyashanti:

Website: adyashanti.org

A lifelong spiritual explorer, Susanne Marie offers teachings in support of freedom, meeting in sacred mutuality, and celebrating our common essence of Love and Unity with all life. Her work is transformational and empowering, as she points to the remembering of That which we have always been, allowing truth to become ever more conscious of Itself through a human life. Susanne, the mother of two teenagers, lives in Northern California and works with individuals and groups, offering spiritual mentoring to those who feel called to work with her. She is available for Skype and phone sessions as well as open to invitations to share with groups.

Website: susannemarie.org

Previous BatGap posts involving Susanne Marie:

Transcript of this discussion.

Interview recorded October 23, 2016.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
  • 00:04:40 – The Expansion of Unity and Perception
  • 00:08:44 – A Shift in Perception
  • 00:13:11 – The Journey from Unity Consciousness to No-Self
  • 00:17:46 – The Mistranslation of Experience
  • 00:21:44 – Being Forces of Nature
  • 00:26:15 – The Falling Away of the Sense of Self
  • 00:29:53 – The Sense of Self and Localization
  • 00:33:00 – The Fear of No-Self and Unbuffered Consciousness
  • 00:36:30 – The Premonition of the End
  • 00:40:36 – Recognizing Differentiation
  • 00:44:38 – The Experience of Perception
  • 00:48:37 – The Perceiver in Us All
  • 00:52:17 – The Spiritual Search
  • 00:56:00 – Consciousness in All Things
  • 01:00:12 – Transition and Integration in the Journey to No-Self
  • 01:03:40 – The Awakening of Divine Will
  • 01:07:34 – Divine Will and Personal Will
  • 01:11:10 – The Evolution of Human Consciousness
  • 01:15:19 – Awakening to the True Nature of Being
  • 01:18:53 – The All-pervading Intelligence
  • 01:21:46 – The Importance of Terminology in Spiritual Culture
  • 01:25:32 – Unconceptualizing Ourselves and Letting Go
  • 01:29:21 – The nature of Saguna and Nirguna Brahman
  • 01:33:11 – The Different States of Being
  • 01:37:12 – The End of Life and Constant Evolution
  • 01:40:50 – Closing Thoughts and the Continuation of Development
  • 01:44:50 – Realizing No-Self: Saints and Jerks
  • 01:48:19 – Waking Up, Cleaning Up, and Growing Up
  • 01:51:40 – Sharing Personal Experiences and Understanding Others
  • 01:55:05 – Thank You and Theme Music

