Why Donate?

BATGAP NON-PROFIT is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the federal tax laws, EIN: 45-4889832. Please consult your tax advisor regarding deductibility. All donated funds will be used for the many related expenses of Buddha at the Gas Pump. Donations of any size are truly appreciated.

It has been our privilege to offer Buddha at the Gas Pump for the past 15 years. We receive many messages of profound appreciation and personal transformation. We are dedicated to providing this service for as long as we are able. If you would like to be a part of BatGap’s role in greater global awakening, then you may be inspired to contribute.

Our BatGap website freely offers extensive spiritual resources:

All of this is made possible by the generous support of our viewers and listeners. If you’ve been inspired or felt spiritually nourished by the interviews on BatGap and feel moved to donate, we appreciate your financial support in any amount.

Some people have suggested that we should charge an access fee, but we don’t want to exclude anyone. We would rather receive support from those with means and motivation while still allowing those without or those who are just “checking it out”, to enjoy the interviews.

Our expenses include:

  • Equipment
  • Monthly Fees: Web Hosting, upkeep, and development. Software fees, Internet connectivity etc.
  • Essential salaries
  • Office Supplies
  • Computer Consulting
  • Accounting

Google’s Ad Grants program offers free ads to qualifying non-profits. Google requires that we include the following message on our site: Although BatGap has a worldwide audience, we target our ads to all the English-speaking countries, including Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK, and the US.

Thank you!
