Welcome to Buddha at the Gas Pump (BatGap)

Ordinary people everywhere are undergoing a shift to a more awakened state of consciousness, thus transforming their understanding of themselves and the world. For some, the shift has been abrupt and dramatic. For others, it has been a very gradual process of awakenings. Awakening is an ongoing process and as such we are not claiming to interview fully “enlightened” individuals. But rather, for the most part, ordinary people who are experiencing a shift to a higher level of consciousness.

Such shifts, or “awakenings,” are not new: Christ spoke of the “Kingdom of Heaven within,” Buddhists speak of Nirvana, Zen masters of Satori, Hindus of Moksha, but these traditions generally regard these states as rare and difficult to attain. Many people are therefore skeptical about claims of higher states of consciousness. They find it hard to believe that ordinary friends and neighbors might be experiencing something extraordinary.

“A huge number of people are going through the process of awakening, some in the early stages, some in later stages, and it’s wonderful to see.” — Eckhart Tolle

These conversations attempt to dispel skepticism and misconceptions by allowing otherwise ordinary people to relate their experiences of spiritual awakening. There are no universally agreed-upon definitions to describe these experiences and it is not something that an individual person “gets”. It’s not even something that the mind can grasp. It’s an awakening to that which contains the mind and all other things. It is not surprising that language is inadequate to convey it.

BatGap also conducts conversations with individuals whose research, academic study or teaching has contributed significantly to the understanding and experience of higher consciousness. Or with those whose work or service has contributed to the raising of collective or individual consciousness. And sometimes conversations are about specific awakened abilities such as healers, mediums, etc.

Perhaps those listening to these conversations will become convinced, as we are, that genuine and permanent spiritual awakenings are real and becoming more commonplace. But most of all we hope to uplift and inspire your understanding of what is possible.

“Spiritualization of material life is the real need of the modern world. We want Christs and Buddhas walking the busy streets of New York and esplanades of Calcutta … When all duties of this imperfect earth will be performed by angelic men and women … then our earth will be heaven, and darkness will be changed into light.” — Paramahansa Yogananda

BatGap’s intention is to inspire and inform. We are not in a position to endorse any of our guests’ teachings, practices, healings, etc. We encourage you to discriminate carefully and make your own decisions before signing up for any retreats, sessions, or healings.