534. SAND Panel on Sexual Misconduct, Money, Power, Trauma & Ethics in Spiritual Communities

Panel Discussion at the Science and Nonduality Conference on Sexual Misconduct, Money, Power, Trauma & Ethics in Spiritual Communities, with Jac O’Keeffe, Mariana Caplan, Craig Holliday, and Miranda Macpherson

  • Introduction by Rick Archer
  • The spiritual awakening sweeping the world may be critical to addressing our critical problems.
  • Ethical breaches by spiritual teachers sabotage this awakening.
  • How the ASI was founded. Its role & perspective.
  • Qualities and Characteristics of a healthy teacher, student, and spiritual community.
  • What to look for in a spiritual teacher
  • The student’s responsibility.
  • Healthy teacher/student relationships.
  • Support for teachers recognizing their blind spots.
  • Are higher consciousness and more ideal behavior correlated?
  • Continual growth and learning, even in the teachers’ seat.
  • Discriminating between Awakening, Integration process, and actualization.
  • Abiding exclusively in nondual awareness vs. developing a multi-layered perspective.
  • What contributes to unhealthy behavior or cult-like tendencies.

Questions and answers

  • Guru addiction
  • Money issues in spiritual communities
  • The responsibility teachers and students share
  • The importance of therapy.
  • Teachers referring students to other teachers.
  • How long to stay with a teacher
  • Teachers inviting students to give them feedback

Discussion of this panel in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and transcript of this discussion.

Recorded October 25, 2019

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction and Purpose of the Organization
  • 00:02:40 – Establishing Guidelines for Spiritual Teachers
  • 00:04:40 – Introduction of Spiritual Speakers
  • 00:06:29 – Qualities of a Healthy Spiritual Teacher and Student
  • 00:08:38 – Pursuing Growth in Spiritual Communities
  • 00:10:47 – Accountability and Ethics in Teaching
  • 00:12:47 – The Role of Humility in Teaching
  • 00:14:31 – The Role of Trust in Teacher-Student Relationships
  • 00:16:17 – The Process of Idealizing Teachers
  • 00:18:23 – The Interplay in Unhealthy Relationships
  • 00:20:25 – Higher Consciousness and Behavior
  • 00:22:22 – Aligning with Integrity in Sexuality, Money, and Power
  • 00:24:26 – Embracing Lifelong Learning
  • 00:26:20 – Finding Balance and Growth in Education
  • 00:28:08 – The Tricky Spot of Non-Dual Awareness
  • 00:30:02 – The Deterrent of Fixed Notions and the Endless Possibilities of Awakening
  • 00:32:02 – The Problem with the Search for Enlightenment
  • 00:33:49 – The Danger of Group Think in Spiritual Communities
  • 00:35:41 – Challenging Group Think and Teacher-Student Relationships
  • 00:37:41 – Recovery from Guru Addiction
  • 00:39:35 – Working on Our Relationship with Money
  • 00:41:30 – The Illusion of Giving in Spiritual Teachings
  • 00:43:30 – Mobilizing Teachers in the Shift
  • 00:45:27 – The Power of Students Speaking Up
  • 00:47:02 – The Development of Spiritual Maturity
  • 00:49:05 – Engaging in Good Therapy and Trauma Healing
  • 00:50:43 – Referring a Student Out of Their Depth
  • 00:52:12 – Long-term relationships with students
  • 00:54:24 – A Teacher’s Role in Empowering Students
  • 00:56:09 – The Need for Connection and Support in the ASI Community
  • 00:58:01 – Music Interlude