594. Lisa Rose

All I ever did was emphatically declare, “I want to know God, NOW!”  It wasn’t long before I was fast-tracked into a reality I didn’t know existed, an inner world full of extraordinary gifts and ultimately liberation of the mind.  I’d stumbled upon a pamphlet that outlines a formula to regenerate one’s human race consciousness to Divine Consciousness, like a reboot, by calling forth into one’s mind higher, more universally aligned modes of Being.  That pamphlet became my bible, my book of living, and thru contemplative practice expanded the I AM presence within, attracting that which is stable, immutable Principle into my self-consciousness.  The art of surrender as put forth by Ramana Maharshi played a huge role along the way, although at the time I had little clue who he was.

The regeneration occurred in February 2016, followed by three full years of Bliss, a state of Consciousness I am convinced is that of a newborn.  I wallowed in that cocoon, integrating the expansion that I sometimes felt might never end!!! until the desire emerged to step back out into the world.  A two-year investigation of kundalini life energy, universal consciousness, and fractal/plasma physics has continued my evolving perception and experiences.  The real fun has truly begun, my book of living has become my Book of Life!

Lisa’s Facebook page

Books mentioned during the interview:

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and transcript of this interview.

Interview recorded April 10, 2021.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:06:16 – An Unexpected Experience
  • 00:11:52 – Telepathic Communication with Ramana Maharshi
  • 00:17:20 – Three years of contemplation and Kundalini energy struggles
  • 00:22:47 – Surrendering to the Kundalini Energy
  • 00:28:08 – Bliss and the Falling Away
  • 00:33:43 – Bliss and Detachment
  • 00:38:02 – The Journey to Understanding Consciousness
  • 00:42:03 – The Importance of Evidence and Religion in Consciousness Transformation
  • 00:45:54 – Consciousness Regeneration and the Kundalini Awakening
  • 00:50:07 – Living in Fear
  • 00:54:46 – Heart-Brain Coherence and Universal Cosmic Coherence
  • 00:58:54 – Understanding our True Nature and Well-being
  • 01:02:58 – The Power of Understanding and Experience
  • 01:06:59 – Binaural Beats and Spiritual Practice
  • 01:10:58 – The Power of Consciousness
  • 01:14:36 – Striving for Pure Intention
  • 01:18:07 – Kundalini Energy and its Activation
  • 01:22:05 – Tapping into the Power of Kundalini
  • 01:25:56 – Organizing Zoom Meetings and Sharing on Facebook
  • 01:29:49 – Claiming your true identity as infinite and eternal
  • 01:33:46 – Claiming Your True Identity
  • 01:37:33 – The Power of Self-Inquiry
  • 01:41:35 – Words of Wisdom from Nisargadatta
  • 01:45:37 – Surrendering to the Divine Consciousness
  • 01:49:26 – The Importance of Meditation
  • 01:53:21 – The Evolution of Yoga and Contemplation
  • 01:57:18 – The Concept of Conscious Immortality
  • 02:01:13 – Regeneration of Consciousness and Self-Healing
  • 02:05:33 – The Importance of the Pineal Gland and Integrative Medicine
  • 02:09:05 – Conclusion and Next Guests