710. Viivi Jokela

Viivi Jokela facilitates awakening in people who are inclined in that way. She had a spontaneous, deep awakening to true nature in 2022, followed by a strange and at times intense acclimation, which she refers to as no self realization or simply the natural state.

Viivi communicates a direct approach to realization, grounded on experiential insight on the aspects of awakening. She invites you to inquire into and recognize the awe-striking immediate, inherently awake radiance of your own being and of all being.

Website: sensingradiance.com

In this interview, Viivi Jokela shares her journey of spiritual awakening and self-realization. She discusses her early life, her struggles with suffering and alienation, and her eventual deep awakening to her true nature in 2022. She describes the intense acclimation process she went through, which she refers to as no self-realization or the natural state. Viivi also talks about her experiences with a yoga school that turned out to be a cult, her powerful Kundalini awakening, and the subsequent purification process. Throughout the interview, she emphasizes the importance of understanding the nature of experience and the difference between direct experience and mental interpretation.

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group

Summary and transcript of this interview

Interview recorded June 29, 2024

709. Philip Weber

Philip Weber had a successful 35-year career as an executive in the hospitality industry. A member of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self-Realization Fellowship since 1999, Phil is known for his highly ecumenical outlook, holding a deep appreciation for many of the world’s spiritual traditions and teachings, and often affirming his Guru’s adage: “Truth is one, paths are many.”

Currently retired and residing in Carlsbad, California, Phil prefers a quiet, contemplative life. He is not a spiritual teacher and has no online or social media presence. For Phil’s book announcements, please go to his editor’s website.


To Contact Phil please go the “Connect” page of his editor’s website.

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded June 16, 2024.

708. A Conversation with Rick Archer of “Buddha at the Gas Pump”

Since we have a gap in the schedule I thought I’d put up a recent video of Yvonne Kason of Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) interviewing me. SAI is a non-profit worldwide network of individuals and groups who are interested in collaborating to raise awareness, network, and share personal experience relating to diverse types of Spiritually Transformative Experiences, to raise global spiritual awareness. From the description on their YouTube channel:

“A Conversation with Rick Archer of Buddha at the Gas Pump” was presented to Spiritual Awakenings International on May 18, 2024. Rick Archer shares his personal spiritual journey from childhood, through the turbulent 1960’s, his introduction to Transcendental Meditation, to the launch of his popular podcast on spirituality, Buddha at the Gas Pump. Rick shares his spiritual awakening story, starting with his complicated family life, learning to meditate in 1968, and his years as a Transcendental Meditation teacher. He describes his inspiration and motivation to start Buddha at the Gas Pump in 2009. He also shares insights and experiences he’s had while doing this now very popular spiritually focused podcast. Rick also talks about the importance of ethical behavior for spiritual leaders and the Association for Spiritual Integrity, which he helped found.

Also, I was interviewed a few months ago by Amertat Cohn of Sunseed. He split it into three parts:

And another recent interview by James Plath of the The Institute For Advanced Astonishment.

Summary and transcript

Interview recorded May 18, 2024