049. Scott Kiloby

Scott Kiloby is an author and international speaker on mindfulness and addiction recovery. Scott is also the founder and director of the Kiloby Center for Recovery. After twenty years of addiction to drugs and alcohol, Scott began to develop Natural Rest for Addiction which has helped people all over the world confront the root of their addiction, anxiety, and depression.

Scott was the COO of MyLife Recovery which held the patent on the naltrexone implant. Scott also developed an app that acts as an interface between pain management doctors and their patients to decrease the likelihood of addiction. The app also protects doctors legally from claims of negligence arising out of opiate overdoses.

Originally from southern Indiana, Scott was an attorney for several years before becoming an author. He travels extensively across the United States and in Europe giving talks, seminars, and intensives.

Along with his work at the Kiloby Center, Scott is also the director and co-owner of the Natural Rest House, a detox and residential addiction treatment center located in La Quinta, California.

In addition to Natural Rest for Addiction: A Radical Approach to Recovery Through Mindfulness and Awareness, Scott is the author of the following books which can be found on Amazon:

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded 12/4/2010.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Scott Kiloby on Non-Duality Teaching
  • 00:04:45 – The Illusion of Separation
  • 00:08:23 – Seeking the Present Moment
  • 00:11:49 – Dissolving Thoughts, Finding Unity
  • 00:16:43 – Gradual Awakening and Radical Shifts
  • 00:21:53 – The Two Aspects of Our Experience
  • 00:25:24 – The Difference Between Seeking and Exploring
  • 00:29:32 – Cultivating non-conceptual experience and enjoying the world
  • 00:33:38 – Finding Balance and Enhancing Life Experience
  • 00:37:12 – The Progressive Stages of Development
  • 00:40:17 – The Value of Diversity in Teaching Methods and Voices
  • 00:43:10 – Voices of Wisdom from Around the World
  • 00:46:38 – Deconstructing Neo-Advaita Concepts
  • 00:49:57 – Finding Divinity in All Things
  • 00:53:40 – The Grandeur and Significance of Life
  • 00:57:50 – The Capacity to Love and Develop
  • 01:00:59 – The Middle Way and Diverse Paths
  • 01:03:43 – The Value of the Non-dual Perspective
  • 01:06:54 – Embracing the Inner Fundamentalist
  • 01:09:12 – Embracing Both Absolute and Relative Realities
  • 01:12:26 – Mysticism in Different Religions
  • 01:15:41 – Experiential Meditation and the Danger of Division
  • 01:18:19 – Individual Approaches to Understanding Non-Duality
  • 01:22:26 – The Compartmentalization of Experience
  • 01:25:44 – Transition to the topic of addiction and the Natural Rest book
  • 01:30:18 – Study and Law School while Battling Addiction
  • 01:36:50 – Analyzing the Illusion of Manifestation
  • 01:40:55 – The Temptation to Hang On
  • 01:43:50 – Shadow work and the story of the self
  • 01:46:26 – Tailored Dialogue to Individuals
  • 01:49:19 – Conversation with Scott Kiloby
