545. HeatherAsh Amara

HeatherAsh Amara is the Warrior Goddess Mama and creatrix of The Warrior Heart practice. She is dedicated to inspiring depth, creativity, and joy by sharing the most potent tools from a variety of world traditions. Raised in Southeast Asia, HeatherAsh has traveled the world from childhood and is continually inspired by the diversity and beauty of human expression and experience. She brings this open-hearted, inclusive worldview to her writings and teachings.

HeatherAsh is the author of numerous books, including the bestselling:

Website: warriorgoddess.com

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and transcript of this interview

Interview recorded April 10, 2020.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:02:31 – Influences from the Toltec Tradition
  • 00:04:41 – Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan Matus
  • 00:06:55 – Exploring European Shamanism and Toltec Teachings
  • 00:08:56 – The Coronavirus as a Catalyst for Change
  • 00:11:00 – Reconnecting with Nature and the Cycles of Life and Death
  • 00:13:05 – Holding the Beauty and Grief of Life
  • 00:15:46 – Holding the Paradox and Chaos
  • 00:19:30 – The Interconnection and Transformation of the World
  • 00:24:31 – The Influence of the Toltec Tradition
  • 00:29:09 – Traveling Between Worlds and Purifying Intent
  • 00:33:56 – The Power of Impeccability and Responsibility
  • 00:38:33 – Building Awareness and Recapitulation in Toltec Wisdom
  • 00:43:08 – The Significance of Everyday Occurrences
  • 00:47:56 – The Toltecs and Teotihuacan
  • 00:53:02 – The Soul as the Drop in the Ocean
  • 00:57:37 – Concocting Stories and Making Agreements
  • 01:02:32 – Finding Peace and Joy in Life
  • 01:07:47 – Embracing Stillness and Chaos in Life
  • 01:12:37 – Parenting and Unconscious Agreements
  • 01:17:39 – Separating Feelings from Stories
  • 01:22:12 – Untangling the Story and Finding the Truth
  • 01:26:41 – Practice of Self-Inquiry
  • 01:31:07 – Working with the Chambers and Transformation
  • 01:36:22 – Recognizing the Divine and Embracing our True Work
  • 01:40:21 – Community Development and Tool Sharing
  • 01:44:57 – Moving Beyond First Attention
  • 01:49:37 – Recapitulation: Sorting and Letting Go of Energy Leakage
  • 01:54:27 – Accessing and balancing different forms of energy
  • 01:59:20 – Connecting with Your Feelings
  • 02:05:27 – Learning more about HeatherAsh and upcoming programs

515. Gillian Ross

Gillian Ross has always found it difficult to put a label on her spiritual perspective. If pressed she would describe herself as a Christian Buddhist yogi and mystic with a penchant for Taoism! Over recent years, however, she has been happy to call herself a spiritual evolutionary or evolutionary mystic in the tradition of Teilhard de Chardin in the West and Sri Aurobindo in the East.

Born in the UK in 1940, she migrated to Australia as an academic in the early sixties. Her Western education gave her an Honours Science Degree, a Masters degree in Philosophy and a Doctorate in the Behavioural Sciences but left her feeling increasingly restless and unfulfilled. There was a growing awareness that her intellectual conditioning had disconnected her from the natural spontaneity and mystical riches of her childhood.

The deep love she felt for her children awakened lost memories of spiritual connection. She began to meditate, practice yoga and study Eastern philosophies. In her early forties, she left her marriage, her city life, and academic career and took her family of two young sons, two dogs and two cats off to the Blue Mountains of NSW to explore an alternative lifestyle. She has never looked back! After many years of feeling like a fish out of water, she came to understand what it means to “flow in the current of the Eternal Tao”.

She trained as a yoga teacher and shiatsu therapist and has become a best selling ABC author (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) of relaxation and meditation CDs and a yoga video as well as publishing four books on science and mysticism and the evolution of consciousness.

After her sons left home she moved even further into the wild. Over the last 20 years, she has fallen in love with 40 acres of natural bush adjacent to a powerful sacred aboriginal site in Northern NSW. She nurtures it as a haven for spiritual retreats and residential weekends on evolutionary spirituality and mystic meditation, delighting in sharing with others some of the philosophies and practices that have helped to bring her out of spiritual bleakness into a lasting sense of peace, purpose and, above all, joy.


CD: Relaxation Audio CD


Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and transcript of this interview.

Interview recorded August 24, 2019

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:05:58 – The Consciousness Revolution and Evolutionary Spirituality
  • 00:10:36 – Evolutionary Mysticism and the Driving Force of Evolution
  • 00:18:14 – Awakening the Collective Consciousness
  • 00:24:19 – The Power of the Awakened Heart
  • 00:29:04 – Problems with Paleolithic Emotions and God-like Technology
  • 00:35:29 – The Emergence of a New Consciousness and Humanity
  • 00:39:58 – Getting Established in the Self for the Faith Transition
  • 00:43:35 – The distinction between emotions and feelings
  • 00:48:31 – The Sacredness of Life and Our Treatment of Animals
  • 00:53:48 – The Shadow Side of Non-dualism
  • 00:58:21 – The Science of Spirituality and the Impact of Consciousness
  • 01:02:30 – The Scientific Method and Mystics
  • 01:06:27 – A Journey of Mystical Awakening
  • 01:11:05 – Awakening the Mystical Anatomy
  • 01:16:10 – The Awakening of the Third Eye
  • 01:20:06 – Awakening to the Divine Within
  • 01:24:08 – The Injection of Feminine Energy
  • 01:28:32 – Flowing with the Stream of Consciousness
  • 01:32:40 – The Snowflake Self and Connectivity
  • 01:36:19 – Finding Fulfillment and Reawakening Genius
  • 01:40:04 – Buying a House and Finding the Lemon Grove
  • 01:42:43 – Guides and Spiritual Insight
  • 01:45:37 – Surrendering to the Divine Will
  • 01:48:46 – The Framework of the New Story
  • 01:51:43 – Stabilizing High Levels of Consciousness
  • 01:54:42 – Universal Mysticism and Connecting with the Sacred
  • 01:57:51 – The Transition from Ego to Essence
  • 02:00:48 – The Power of Love and Sacred Activism
  • 02:03:13 – Getting More Involved and Staying Updated
  • 02:05:28 – Encouragement to Write a Book

489. Miranda Macpherson, 2nd Interview

Miranda Macpherson began her spiritual journey at the age of thirteen when, amidst a period of clinical depression, she was spontaneously opened into a profound state of boundless love. That experience initiated a lifelong dedication to spiritual practice, psychological depth, and the study of the world’s wisdom traditions. Her travels took her from her native Australia to the United Kingdom, where after completing seminary training, she founded the OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation in London, at the request of her teacher. Over the next decade, Miranda trained and ordained more than six hundred interfaith ministers and spiritual counselors.

In 2005, a seismic shift occurred that changed the course of Miranda’s life. While meditating in a cave in India that was once home to the revered sage Sri Ramana Maharshi, she experienced a direct transmission of the true nature of reality that required total surrender. In the wake of this, Miranda found herself again moving to a new continent, this time the United States. There, in the years it took to integrate this opening, a body of teachings on Grace and Ego Relaxation began to emerge that brings ancient wisdom alive for our changing times.

Today, Miranda is known for her depth of presence and gift for guiding others into direct experience of the sacred. Miranda leads the Living Grace sangha in Marin and Sonoma counties, holds retreats internationally, and offers online programs through the Shift Network. Unapologetically feminine, joyful, and down to earth in her way of being, Miranda is dedicated to loving people all the way back into the freedom and wholeness of their true nature. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband Bob Duchmann.



Website: http://mirandamacpherson.com

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and transcript of this interview

Interview recorded February 4, 2019

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:03:57 – The Relevance of Ancient Wisdom
  • 00:07:52 – Ego Relaxation and the Sense of Time
  • 00:11:39 – Introduction and Bio of Miranda Macpherson
  • 00:15:25 – Awakening to the Fullness of Being
  • 00:19:37 – The Infinite Ways of Realization
  • 00:23:28 – The Window Panes of Ultimate Reality
  • 00:27:11 – Healing and Transformation through Grace
  • 00:31:19 – The Sweet State of Ego Relaxation
  • 00:35:24 – Living in Alignment with Grace
  • 00:39:38 – The Blessings of Grace
  • 00:43:32 – Opening ourselves to beings of higher consciousness
  • 00:47:27 – Perpetual Ascension and Spiritual Ego
  • 00:51:23 – The Paradox of Spiritual Practice
  • 00:55:04 – Cultivating Virtues: Trust and Humility
  • 01:00:00 – The Fulfillment of Life and the Richness of Life
  • 01:03:08 – Surrender and Accountability
  • 01:06:54 – The Challenge of Surrender and Relaxation
  • 01:10:57 – Surrendering to the Way
  • 01:14:57 – Moving with Life
  • 01:18:38 – Finding Stability in Uncertain Times
  • 01:22:12 – Placing Faith in Humanity
  • 01:26:13 – Relaxing into Truth
  • 01:30:05 – The Partnership between Horse and Man
  • 01:33:59 – The Healing Power of Forgiveness
  • 01:38:02 – Right Action from Being
  • 01:41:44 – The Paradox of Ego and Passivity
  • 01:45:46 – Recognizing and Befriending Our Primal Drives
  • 01:49:38 – Practical Meditation Techniques and Practices
  • 01:53:07 – Resources and Online Courses
  • 01:56:42 – Music Intro