545. HeatherAsh Amara

HeatherAsh Amara is the Warrior Goddess Mama and creatrix of The Warrior Heart practice. She is dedicated to inspiring depth, creativity, and joy by sharing the most potent tools from a variety of world traditions. Raised in Southeast Asia, HeatherAsh has traveled the world from childhood and is continually inspired by the diversity and beauty of human expression and experience. She brings this open-hearted, inclusive worldview to her writings and teachings.

HeatherAsh is the author of numerous books, including the bestselling:

Website: warriorgoddess.com

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and transcript of this interview

Interview recorded April 10, 2020.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:02:31 – Influences from the Toltec Tradition
  • 00:04:41 – Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan Matus
  • 00:06:55 – Exploring European Shamanism and Toltec Teachings
  • 00:08:56 – The Coronavirus as a Catalyst for Change
  • 00:11:00 – Reconnecting with Nature and the Cycles of Life and Death
  • 00:13:05 – Holding the Beauty and Grief of Life
  • 00:15:46 – Holding the Paradox and Chaos
  • 00:19:30 – The Interconnection and Transformation of the World
  • 00:24:31 – The Influence of the Toltec Tradition
  • 00:29:09 – Traveling Between Worlds and Purifying Intent
  • 00:33:56 – The Power of Impeccability and Responsibility
  • 00:38:33 – Building Awareness and Recapitulation in Toltec Wisdom
  • 00:43:08 – The Significance of Everyday Occurrences
  • 00:47:56 – The Toltecs and Teotihuacan
  • 00:53:02 – The Soul as the Drop in the Ocean
  • 00:57:37 – Concocting Stories and Making Agreements
  • 01:02:32 – Finding Peace and Joy in Life
  • 01:07:47 – Embracing Stillness and Chaos in Life
  • 01:12:37 – Parenting and Unconscious Agreements
  • 01:17:39 – Separating Feelings from Stories
  • 01:22:12 – Untangling the Story and Finding the Truth
  • 01:26:41 – Practice of Self-Inquiry
  • 01:31:07 – Working with the Chambers and Transformation
  • 01:36:22 – Recognizing the Divine and Embracing our True Work
  • 01:40:21 – Community Development and Tool Sharing
  • 01:44:57 – Moving Beyond First Attention
  • 01:49:37 – Recapitulation: Sorting and Letting Go of Energy Leakage
  • 01:54:27 – Accessing and balancing different forms of energy
  • 01:59:20 – Connecting with Your Feelings
  • 02:05:27 – Learning more about HeatherAsh and upcoming programs