381. Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer. Marianne has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, Charlie Rose & Bill Maher. Seven of her twelve published books have been New York Times Best Sellers. Four of these have been #1. The mega best seller A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality. A paragraph from that book, beginning “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers.

Marianne is the founder of Sister Giant, an annual conference dedicated to forging a deeper conversation about what is happening in America today – and what we can do to change it. Speakers have included Senator Bernie Sanders, Thom Hartmann, Jean Houston, Robert Thurman, and many more. The event is livestreamed.

Marianne’s other books include:

Marianne is a native of Houston, Texas. In 1989, she founded Project Angel Food, a meals-on-wheels program that serves homebound people with AIDS in the Los Angeles area. To date, Project Angel Food has served over 10 million meals.  Marianne also co-founded the Peace Alliance. And she serves on the Board of Directors of the RESULTS organization, working to end the worst ravages of hunger and poverty throughout the world.

Website: marianne.com

Marianne gives weekly talks in New York City, based on A Course in Miracles … every Tuesday night at 7:30pm, at Marble Collegiate Church, Fifth Avenue and West 29th Street. The talks are Live Streamed and so are available to everyone, everywhere. Register at marianne.com.

Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded January 7, 2017

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:02:59 – Marianne’s View on Politics and Spirituality
  • 00:05:50 – The Symbolic Three Days and Forty Years
  • 00:08:30 – Addressing the Suffering of Other Sentient Beings
  • 00:11:12 – The Path of the Heart
  • 00:13:30 – Correlation of Spirituality with Politics
  • 00:16:02 – The Mistake Hillary Made
  • 00:18:42 – Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul
  • 00:21:03 – The Spiritual Responsibility to Heal the Nation and the World
  • 00:23:43 – The Need for Change and Persistence
  • 00:26:13 – The Impact of the Healing Crisis
  • 00:28:31 – Love and Leadership in the Spiritual Community
  • 00:31:06 – The Power of Love and Political Activism
  • 00:33:36 – Inner Work and Public Engagement
  • 00:36:17 – Collaboration and the Great Resistance
  • 00:38:44 – The Game of Economic Disparity
  • 00:41:44 – The Desire for Entrepreneurship and Capitalism Among College Students
  • 00:44:20 – Tapping into Our Inner Resource
  • 00:46:51 – Emotional Discipline in Great Athletes
  • 00:49:41 – Hope and Optimism in a Troubled World
  • 00:52:06 – The Fall of Empires and Depletion of Resources
  • 00:54:50 – The Possibility of Bernie Winning
  • 00:57:24 – The Transition to an Enlightened Society
  • 01:00:01 – Responding to Exxon and the Need for Action
  • 01:02:49 – Psychotherapy’s Failure to Provide Comfort and Inspiration
  • 01:05:30 – The Desensitization to Suffering
  • 01:07:59 – Connecting with Inner Happiness through Meditation
  • 01:10:33 – The Power of Meditation and Eclectic Practices
  • 01:13:10 – Dwelling within the Darkness
  • 01:15:43 – Embracing the Possibility
  • 01:18:14 – J.P. Sears and Ultra-Spirituality
