216. Jan Esmann, 2nd Interview

Jan Esmann, born 1960, is an “enlightened kundalinī shaktipāt master” living in Copenhagen, Denmark, where he teaches, transmits and gives shaktipāt. The highest teachings are transmitted in silence during meditation or afterward. Jan is not part of any tradition or represents a lineage. He has been giving shaktipāt since the mid-1980s but did not fully emerge as a teacher until after 2006.

He has an MA in History of Modern Culture from Copenhagen University, and a B.Sc in Art-restoration from the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen. He earns his living as an artist, a writer, and a software developer.


Website: shaktipat.one

Transcript of this interview

First BatGap interview with Jan.

Interview recorded 2/1/2014

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction and Spiritual Journey
  • 00:04:51 – Awakening versus Self-realization
  • 00:09:14 – The Journey to Self-Realization
  • 00:13:42 – The Distinction Between Enlightenment and Awakening
  • 00:18:44 – Witnessing Consciousness and Self-Realization
  • 00:23:11 – Awakening vs Self-realization
  • 00:27:29 – The Mechanism of Self-realization
  • 00:32:35 – The Dark Night of the Soul and Depression
  • 00:37:12 – Witnessing Sleep and Dream
  • 00:41:53 – Witnessing and Self-Realization
  • 00:46:34 – Dissolving the Kundalini and Liberation
  • 00:51:24 – Remembering Past Lives
  • 00:55:51 – The Value of Understanding
  • 01:00:20 – Bliss in God-Consciousness
  • 01:05:52 – Pure Self-Realization and God-Consciousness
  • 01:10:39 – A Divine Encounter
  • 01:15:44 – Self-realization as a baby
  • 01:20:28 – The Soul and Kundalini
  • 01:25:59 – Kundalini awakening and Shaktipat
  • 01:31:08 – Endless Journey of Enlightenment
  • 01:37:07 – Advaita Vedanta and Ramanuja’s Point of View
  • 01:41:27 – The Opening and Expansion of the Crown Chakra
  • 01:46:09 – The Significance of Profound Experiences
  • 01:51:00 – Zen Practice and Enlightenment
  • 01:55:11 – The Effectiveness of In-Person Interaction
  • 02:00:00 – The Recognition of Bliss
  • 02:05:25 – Sahaja Samadhi and the Variations of Experience
  • 02:09:59 – The Power of Shaktipat
  • 02:14:55 – The Mechanics of Meditation and Shaktipat
  • 02:20:33 – Self-Realization and Para-Bhakti
  • 02:26:09 – Meditation Practices and Contact Information