409. Stephen D’Amico

Stephen D’Amico is a spiritual teacher, mystical poet, and author. At age 22, Stephen went through a profound spiritual transformation that culminated in a permanent realization of his true nature. Since then his life has been devoted to understanding the spiritual path from an evolutionary perspective and helping others reconnect with their true nature to help bring about a global awakening in human consciousness. The main way he does this is through the direct transmission of the enlightened state of being, which connects others with their own true nature.

In the past, Stephen has worked in the field of conflict resolution and restorative justice as a mediator, facilitator, trainer, and project leader for youth social action groups. He has also taught at both the elementary and high school levels, focusing on the special needs of students with learning disabilities. Currently, he and his wife, Aniko, run Millwood Melt, a lively grilled cheese restaurant in their beloved community of Leaside, in Toronto. Customers and students playfully refer to Stephen as “the grilled cheese guru.”

When not feeding bodies, Stephen lives and breathes to feed souls. He currently hosts transformational gatherings/satsang and offers individuals enlightened guidance and support via phone, Skype, or in person. He is the author of two books:

Discussion of this in interview in the BatGap Community Facebook page.

Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded 7/23/2017

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:05:04 – Losing Connection to True Nature
  • 00:10:06 – Lucid dreaming and maintaining awareness
  • 00:14:39 – Childhood Spiritual Experiences
  • 00:19:42 – The Practice of Witnessing
  • 00:24:18 – Witnessing and Subtle Beings
  • 00:28:52 – Beings from the Intermediate Realm
  • 00:33:32 – Transitioning into teenage years
  • 00:37:47 – Exploring Human Sexuality and Selfless Service
  • 00:41:10 – Providing for Others
  • 00:45:31 – The Perennial Search for Happiness
  • 00:49:05 – Dissolving into the Voidness
  • 00:53:41 – The Immersion in Bliss and Realizations
  • 00:58:03 – A Radical Self-Change
  • 01:01:45 – Detached State during Physical Work, Ascending and Descending
  • 01:05:08 – Taking on Cosmic Stress
  • 01:08:36 – The Perspective of Choice and Free Will
  • 01:12:28 – Evolution and Freedom of Choice
  • 01:16:07 – The Desire to Escape from the Body
  • 01:19:22 – The Importance of Sentience and Reverence for Food
  • 01:22:58 – The Process of Discovering the Ability to Channel Energies
  • 01:26:51 – The Mechanics of Enlightenment
  • 01:29:56 – The Maturing Soul and Outward Behavior
  • 01:34:08 – The Transformation into the Non-Dual State
  • 01:38:35 – The Transformation of Self
  • 01:41:54 – The Net of Indra and Interconnectivity
  • 01:46:27 – Agreement on the Mystery of Existence
  • 01:50:35 – Distinguishing True Realized Beings from Fake Gurus
  • 01:54:26 – Scrutinizing and Challenging Facades
  • 01:57:42 – A Dream Come True
  • 02:00:43 – Subscribe and Stay Updated


358. Anette Carlström

Anette Carlström is an internationally recognized speaker, author and teacher in development in consciousness living in Helsingborg, Sweden. Her focus and specialty is guiding the individual and in groups toward finding your inner compass to discover your full potential and true nature. Anette also has a strong presence in chanting Sacred Mantras, offering mantra concerts as well as having recorded several CD’s carrying the transmission of Divine Grace through the Oneness Blessing, easily accessed by simply listening.

She is the author of two acclaimed books. In her first – From the Heart – Discovering and Living the Oneness Blessing– she shares her bumpy journey of conscious Awakening and natural transformation as well as answering sensitive and profound questions. Her second book – Namaste, Awakening The Power of Presence is a road map and extraordinary guide, exploring the sacred truths that are hidden in our everyday life. It is filled with wonderful guided meditations and anecdotal stories. Each word of her books permeates the reader into the Power of Presence.

Anette is Founder of Diamond Life Foundation, an alternative health practice and meditation center in southern Sweden, where she gives weekly programs, courses and guided meditations as well as giving Cranio Sacral Treatments. Since 2003 she has been traveling around Europe and the World sharing her story, teaching and singing. When she chants and speaks, there is a natural transfer of Grace that is received either in person or over the phone. She is initiated to give the Oneness Meditation (OM) which is a Sacred Transmission of energies that accelerate Awakening to the Intelligence of the Heart.
She offers on-line Oneness Meditations every Tuesday evening Swedish time on her free Livestream channel.

Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded 8/13/2016

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to “Buddha at the Gas Pump” with Annette Karlström
  • 00:04:12 – The Longing for Uniting with the Presence Within
  • 00:08:30 – A Life-Changing Experience in Hollywood
  • 00:12:51 – Pursuing Acting and Singing in Hollywood
  • 00:17:12 – Finding Fulfillment in Chanting and Meditation
  • 00:21:12 – The Darkest Before the Dawn
  • 00:26:02 – Meeting with Light Beings
  • 00:29:57 – Profound Shift in Consciousness
  • 00:34:07 – A Life-Turning Event
  • 00:38:28 – Meeting Inner Suffering
  • 00:42:54 – Meeting Inner Suffering
  • 00:46:50 – Discovering the Magic Key
  • 00:51:04 – Starting with something simple
  • 00:55:10 – The Energy Transfer Moment
  • 00:59:25 – Profound Shift in Consciousness
  • 01:03:22 – Seeking Help from a Doctor
  • 01:07:21 – The Power of Antaryamin
  • 01:11:30 – The process and effectiveness of Diksha
  • 01:15:53 – The Three Components of Deeksha
  • 01:19:50 – The Magic Temple with No Pillars
  • 01:23:43 – Staying at Shambhala and the Oneness University
  • 01:27:37 – Mystical Experiences in Campus 3
  • 01:31:45 – Levels of Awakening
  • 01:35:33 – Levels of Consciousness and Processing the Suffering of Humanity
  • 01:39:23 – Experiencing the Suffering of the World
  • 01:43:42 – Enjoying the Ride and Awakening to Divine Consciousness
  • 01:47:57 – The Groundswell of Awakening
  • 01:51:46 – Connecting with Your Inner Self
  • 01:55:24 – The Importance of Regular Practice
  • 02:00:30 – Chant of Gratitude
  • 02:05:16 – Exploring the Menus on BatGap

216. Jan Esmann, 2nd Interview

Jan Esmann, born 1960, is an “enlightened kundalinī shaktipāt master” living in Copenhagen, Denmark, where he teaches, transmits and gives shaktipāt. The highest teachings are transmitted in silence during meditation or afterward. Jan is not part of any tradition or represents a lineage. He has been giving shaktipāt since the mid-1980s but did not fully emerge as a teacher until after 2006.

He has an MA in History of Modern Culture from Copenhagen University, and a B.Sc in Art-restoration from the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen. He earns his living as an artist, a writer, and a software developer.


Website: shaktipat.one

Transcript of this interview

First BatGap interview with Jan.

Interview recorded 2/1/2014

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction and Spiritual Journey
  • 00:04:51 – Awakening versus Self-realization
  • 00:09:14 – The Journey to Self-Realization
  • 00:13:42 – The Distinction Between Enlightenment and Awakening
  • 00:18:44 – Witnessing Consciousness and Self-Realization
  • 00:23:11 – Awakening vs Self-realization
  • 00:27:29 – The Mechanism of Self-realization
  • 00:32:35 – The Dark Night of the Soul and Depression
  • 00:37:12 – Witnessing Sleep and Dream
  • 00:41:53 – Witnessing and Self-Realization
  • 00:46:34 – Dissolving the Kundalini and Liberation
  • 00:51:24 – Remembering Past Lives
  • 00:55:51 – The Value of Understanding
  • 01:00:20 – Bliss in God-Consciousness
  • 01:05:52 – Pure Self-Realization and God-Consciousness
  • 01:10:39 – A Divine Encounter
  • 01:15:44 – Self-realization as a baby
  • 01:20:28 – The Soul and Kundalini
  • 01:25:59 – Kundalini awakening and Shaktipat
  • 01:31:08 – Endless Journey of Enlightenment
  • 01:37:07 – Advaita Vedanta and Ramanuja’s Point of View
  • 01:41:27 – The Opening and Expansion of the Crown Chakra
  • 01:46:09 – The Significance of Profound Experiences
  • 01:51:00 – Zen Practice and Enlightenment
  • 01:55:11 – The Effectiveness of In-Person Interaction
  • 02:00:00 – The Recognition of Bliss
  • 02:05:25 – Sahaja Samadhi and the Variations of Experience
  • 02:09:59 – The Power of Shaktipat
  • 02:14:55 – The Mechanics of Meditation and Shaktipat
  • 02:20:33 – Self-Realization and Para-Bhakti
  • 02:26:09 – Meditation Practices and Contact Information