303. Gary Renard

Gary Renard is the author of The Disappearance of the Universe trilogy of books. He speaks regularly all over the world, teaching the principles of A Course in Miracles, which is the fundamental focus of his books. In 1992, he began to be visited in person by two people in the flesh who identified themselves as Arten and Pursah, two Ascended Masters. They are the main teachers in the books and Gary is the student. The critically acclaimed books are now in 22 languages.


Website: garyrenard.com

Transcript of this interview.

Interview recorded 8/15/2015

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction and Background of Gary Renard
  • 00:04:28 – The Power of Positive Thinking
  • 00:08:43 – Living in Southern California, with an unpredictable future
  • 00:12:26 – Awakening from the Dream
  • 00:16:30 – The Oneness of Reality
  • 00:20:53 – Seeing Innocence Everywhere
  • 00:24:50 – The Truth Buried in the Mind
  • 00:29:04 – The Experience of Being Separate and Being a Body
  • 00:33:26 – The Holy Instant and Thinking with the Holy Spirit
  • 00:37:16 – The Ripple Effect of Forgiveness
  • 00:41:19 – The Forgiveness of Illusion
  • 00:45:02 – David Shapiro’s daily state of the industry update
  • 00:48:59 – The Power of the Mind to Heal the Body
  • 00:53:03 – Shifting Identity and Experiencing Spirituality
  • 00:56:58 – The Practicality of Forgiveness and Awakening in God
  • 01:00:58 – The Illusion of Separation and Awakening to Oneness
  • 01:05:15 – Following Personal Experience and the Complexity of the Universe
  • 01:09:32 – Making it Real vs Forgiving the Unreal
  • 01:13:44 – Choosing Love over Ego in the Dream
  • 01:17:27 – Ending the Cycle of Rebirth
  • 01:21:27 – Lucid Dreaming and Awakening through Forgiveness
  • 01:25:36 – Reincarnation and past lives
  • 01:29:02 – Visions in the “Inbetween Zone”
  • 01:33:06 – The Importance of Experience and Trust in A Course in Miracles
  • 01:37:19 – Reconciling the Dream and Brothers in Christ
  • 01:41:10 – Perceiving Forgiveness
  • 01:45:12 – The State of Perfect Oneness
  • 01:49:01 – The Holy Spirit’s Forms and Examples
  • 01:52:54 – The Struggle of Living According to The Course in Miracles
  • 01:57:11 – The Power of Forgiveness
  • 02:01:06 – Meeting People and Thanking Rick