112. Elle Collier Re

From age 7, Elle was awake to divine Word. At 17, a revelatory spiritual experience increased this capacity and began her lifelong commitment to God-centered awareness.

Elle awakened into Unity consciousness in her early 20’s. For the next two decades, her life revolved around prayer, meditation, Zen practice, and independent spiritual inquiry until her mind became fully accessible to the Emanating Spirit of Divine Counsel.

What People Gain from this Teaching

Elle is fully awake to the Divine Word and has become a bridge to the Godmind within. She is a midwife to the Soulassisting all in bringing forth their prime Design and Path. Elle resonates to the quality of Light of each person, responding empathically and telepathically to the nature of both human and soul, and inspiring us to True Awareness.

In this Gatework, we are immersed in the divine theme of Being and taught to live in a way that is Divinity reliant and at-one with the Core Self … the God-Essence within. The awakened individual is freed of negative concepts and able to live in interactive communion to the Whole.

These experiences of unity consciousness merge the Sublime Truth into the logic and point the way from separation into Unity.

Elle’s website: teachingofannam.org

Interview recorded 2/25/2012

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introducing Elle Collier Re
  • 00:02:45 – The Numinous Experience of Jesus
  • 00:05:34 – Adapting to the Inner Christ and Lessons from the Divine
  • 00:07:34 – The Presence of Light
  • 00:10:33 – Adjustments and the Need for Solitude
  • 00:13:17 – Receiving my True Name
  • 00:15:25 – From Voiceovers to Broadcasting
  • 00:17:23 – Connecting with the Divine Spirit
  • 00:20:05 – Navigating Subtle Entities
  • 00:22:24 – Non-Dualism and the Flow
  • 00:25:52 – The Unfoldment of Creation and Appreciating the Richness
  • 00:29:09 – Fine-tuning our Instruments
  • 00:32:09 – Training in a Monastery
  • 00:34:07 – The Difficulty of Discerning the Right Path
  • 00:36:26 – The Connection between Kitties and Schizophrenia
  • 00:38:47 – The Journey of Training and Revelation
  • 00:41:50 – Discerning Higher Truths
  • 00:44:42 – The Celebration of Isness
  • 00:47:17 – Connecting with Purpose
  • 00:49:54 – Ine Ra’e: The Language of Angelic Fire
  • 00:53:11 – Revealing the Hidden Reason
  • 00:55:55 – Accommodating Different Levels of Spiritual Aspirants
  • 00:58:35 – Changing the Way the Mind Learns
  • 01:01:23 – The Mind’s Transformation and Awakening
  • 01:03:54 – Building Genuine Connections
  • 01:05:56 – Trust in the Divine Plan
  • 01:08:21 – The Importance of Seeing from a Different Level
  • 01:11:33 – Communicating with Earth and Responsible Consumption
  • 01:14:21 – The Power of Love
  • 01:16:38 – Concluding Remarks
  • 01:18:51 – Namaste