697. David Doyle

David Doyle lives on the water in the island city of Alameda in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, their teenage son, and Merlin, a rambunctious Rat Terrier. At an early age he set upon a spiritual path and soon put down the books and turned inward. David’s path has been by most standards a very traditional inner practice, starting with Hatha Yoga and quickly moving to Raja Yoga. Meditation was his main practice, with asanas as an adjunct to meditation.

Early on in his spiritual practice a teacher said that if you master the basics of yoga, and if you practice in earnest, all will unfold – everything you need will come to you. David took this to heart, beginning a life-long practice that for the most part was a solitary journey.

At 20 years old his third eye opened in a dramatic unfolding, and from there came the never-ending gift of insight and abilities including: clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, precognition, telepathy and more.

Some years later David joined the Berkeley Psychic Institute during its heyday and befriended the founder, Dr. Lewis S Bostwick, whom he considers to be his first great spiritual teacher, and friend. He spent over a decade with this group and at its many (at the time) institutes and thousands of students and teachers.

In 2012, David came to an abiding awakening, and since that time, many changes have taken place in an ongoing process of daily and weekly energetic and auspicious unfoldings, many of which have left him nearly incapacitated.

Since awakening, David has also become an adept Qi Gong Master under the guidance of Grand Master Shi Yong Yao, formerly an elite teacher-monk at the Northern Shaolin Temple in China. Additionally, many siddhis have developed as byproducts along The Way as well as a massive kundalini awakening and other extraordinary happenings.

Now, with ten years having passed since awakening, David is ready to share experiences from his fifty+ year journey with a wider audience. He created Monk with Family, a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to the householder, but inclusive of anyone for whom The Way is their life’s focus. David leads a weekly Satsang open to all those interested, and is available for speaking engagements and other spiritual events.

David A. Doyle: Inventor, entrepreneur, manufacturer, publisher, sailor, skier, burning man (burner), householder.

Founder: Monk with Family Website

Founding member of Shaolin Master Qi Gong, a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to sharing the teachings of Master Yao. David is registered in China as the: Deputy Director of the U.S. Regional Department of Shaolin Fohanmen.

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group

Interview recorded December 30, 2023

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction and Background
  • 00:04:34 – Introduction to Monk with Family and David’s Spiritual Journey
  • 00:09:27 – The Serious Effects of Kundalini
  • 00:14:08 – The Wall in Meditation
  • 00:17:38 – Types of Meditation and Overcoming Resistance
  • 00:22:14 – Meditation Tips: Finding the Center of the Head
  • 00:26:49 – Proper Posture and Alignment in Meditation
  • 00:30:03 – Energy Flying in Meditation Space
  • 00:34:49 – Skiing in Cold Weather with a Surprising Warmth
  • 00:38:48 – Tummo Practice and Yogis in Nepal
  • 00:42:58 – The Bizarre Experience
  • 00:47:01 – Telepathic Communication and Kundalini Experiences
  • 00:51:01 – The Kundalini Experience
  • 00:55:00 – Profound Spiritual Experiences
  • 01:00:22 – The Unawareness of Our Own Abilities
  • 01:03:35 – Energetic Phenomena and Thought Forms
  • 01:06:45 – A Fortunate Tire Blowout and Unexpected Help
  • 01:11:27 – The Spiritual Warrior and Negative Entities
  • 01:16:56 – Dealing with the Demonic
  • 01:20:42 – Unleashing Unnatural Abilities
  • 01:25:54 – The Faint Remains of Ignorance
  • 01:30:37 – The Changing Landscape of Work and Invention
  • 01:34:27 – Women’s Liberation Movement
  • 01:38:50 – Raising Vibration and Letting go of Fears
  • 01:43:42 – Reaching Certain Points and Scary Energies
  • 01:48:47 – A Surprising Encounter with an Astral Being
  • 01:53:57 – The Nature of Channeling and Lower Beings.
  • 01:58:52 – The Dangers of Clearing Chakras without Proper Knowledge
  • 02:01:36 – Setting Ground Rules for Beings in Your Space
  • 02:05:28 – Wrapping Up and Future Online Satsangs
  • 02:08:35 – Funny little story from the life of Rick Archer.

683. Jeff Carreira

Jeff Carreira is a meditation teacher, mystical philosopher and author who works with a growing number of people throughout the world. As a teacher, he offers retreats and courses guiding individuals in a form of meditation he refers to as The Art of Conscious Contentment. Through this simple and effective technique, he has led thousands of people in a journey beyond the confines of fear and self-concern into the expansive liberated awareness that is our true home.

As a philosopher, Jeff is interested in defining a new way of being in the world that will move us from our current paradigm of separation and isolation into an emerging paradigm of unity and wholeness. In his books and lectures, he explores revolutionary ideas in the domains of spirituality, consciousness, and human development. He creates courses and programs that encourage people to question their most foundational experience of reality until previously held assumptions fall away leaving space for a dramatically new understanding to emerge.

Jeff is passionate about the potential ideas have to shape how we perceive reality and how we live together. His enthusiasm for learning is infectious, and he has taught at colleges and universities throughout the world.

Jeff is the author of numerous books including:

Website: jeffcarreira.com

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and transcript of this interview.

Interview recorded May 20, 2023.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction and Background
  • 00:05:24 – Discovering Conscious Contentment
  • 00:11:12 – The Influence of Past Experiences
  • 00:18:53 – The Bright, Clear Awareness
  • 00:26:00 – The End of Seeking: Letting Go and Contentment
  • 00:32:29 – Letting go in Meditation
  • 00:40:10 – Overcoming Sleepiness in Meditation
  • 00:45:28 – Lucid Dreaming and Spiritual Experience
  • 00:49:39 – Interpreting Spiritual Experiences
  • 00:54:07 – The Role of Interpretation in Spiritual Progress
  • 01:00:44 – Exploring New Paths and Spiritual Growth
  • 01:04:51 – P.D. Ospensky and Cosmic Consciousness
  • 01:10:53 – Embracing Creative Expression
  • 01:16:32 – Expressing Ourselves and Taking a Break
  • 01:21:24 – “Partners on the Spiritual Path”
  • 01:29:07 – The Effects of “Crazy Wisdom” Teaching
  • 01:34:21 – The End of an Experiment
  • 01:38:12 – Transparency and Spiritual Integrity
  • 01:41:57 – The Intensity of Spiritual Practice
  • 01:46:09 – Spiritual Experiences and Seeking Alone in the Mountains
  • 01:49:01 – Embracing the Opportunities in Your Circumstances
  • 01:54:02 – The Middle Realms of Being
  • 01:58:23 – The Importance of Non-Dual Awakening & the Advaita Tradition
  • 02:02:10 – Higher Realms of the Soul

680. Daniel Stone on Meher Baba

Daniel Stone is a follower of Meher Baba. He came to Meher Baba in 1972 after a period of spiritual search that led him to travel overland to India in search of a master. While there he found and received an awakening with Neem Karoli Baba, who then inwardly guided him to Meher Baba, who Daniel recognized and accepted as his master.

Meher Baba is widely known and regarded my many throughout the world as the Avatar of our current age, as God in human form, and as a source of spiritual guidance and awakening for all who approach him. Since becoming a follower of Baba, Daniel has been actively engaged in sharing about Baba’s teachings and life-work through talks, publications, radio programs, video programs, and music. He serves on the board of directors for the Meher Spiritual Center, the major center for Meher Baba in the West, and has consulted extensively for Baba groups around the world.



* Digital copies can be downloaded for free at https://avatarmeherbabatrust.org/online-library/


In his professional life, Daniel is a strategic organizational consultant, providing assistance to a wide variety of organizations including the Centers for Disease Control, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, and many others. He lives in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with his wife, two cats and a grand-dog. Daniel is also a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle where he co-leads a group focused on helping achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. He is also a recording musician, whose first CD of songs dedicated to Meher Baba is entitled “Decorate With Song”.

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group

Summary and transcript of this interview

Interview recorded April 16, 2023

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:06:30 – Meeting Neem Karoli Baba
  • 00:15:18 – Introduction and Background: Meher Baba’s Early Life
  • 00:21:37 – The Wanderings and Encounters
  • 00:26:34 – The Role of the Avatar
  • 00:32:28 – The Concept of an Avatar
  • 00:37:59 – The Limitations of Human and Divine Capabilities
  • 00:43:24 – Meher Baba and His Ability to Make Contact with Multiple Beings Simultaneously
  • 00:50:06 – The Male Form of the Avatar
  • 00:56:49 – A Life of Hopelessness and Helplessness
  • 01:05:34 – Earning Trust Before Obedience
  • 01:13:07 – Baba’s Silence and Communication
  • 01:20:15 – Accessing Higher Levels of Consciousness
  • 01:25:21 – The Fourth Layer of the Heart and Divine Guidance
  • 01:31:11 – Revitalization of Sufism and World Religions
  • 01:36:10 – The Miracles and Love of Meher Baba
  • 01:39:55 – Insightful Film and Atheism of Zeffirelli
  • 01:44:48 – The Masts and their Spiritual States
  • 01:50:08 – The Ripple Effect of Baba’s Work
  • 01:56:45 – Awakening All Over the World
  • 02:04:01 – The Role of the Master in Eliminating Sanskaras
  • 02:08:38 – The Journey of the Soul and Higher Planes
  • 02:15:13 – Finding Me Inside Your Heart
  • 02:19:51 – Links and Resources