691. Jennifer Lisa Vest

Jennifer Lisa Vest is a scientist, philosopher, and intuitive. She holds a PhD in Indigenous Philosophy from UC Berkeley, an MA in History from Howard, and a BA in Physics from Hampshire College. Her first career was as a philosophy professor at Seattle University and the University of Central Florida. Spiritually, Vest is a Medical Intuitive, an Akashic Records reader, a certified Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique practitioner, and a Master Reiki practitioner, and has been trained in the traditions of African American Hoodoo., Native American Sweatlodge, Jamaican Revivalism, Trinidadian Shango, and Spiritualism from community elders.


Website: drvestmedicalintuitive.com

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group

Transcript and summary of this interview

Interview recorded October 7, 2023.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:05:40 – Childhood Experiences with Spirits and Mediumship
  • 00:10:31 – Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over
  • 00:15:33 – Simultaneous Lifetimes
  • 00:20:35 – The Unsustainability of Society and Potential Collapse
  • 00:25:43 – The Importance of Being of Service in Spiritual Work
  • 00:30:36 – Indigenous Apprenticeship Programs
  • 00:35:22 – Dangers of Pretending to be a Medicine Person
  • 00:40:16 – Preparing for an Altered State Experience
  • 00:44:59 – The Importance of Humility in Psychic Work
  • 00:49:40 – Importance of Humility and Sensitivity to Client Needs
  • 00:54:02 – Client Needs vs Practitioner’s Perspective
  • 00:58:18 – Tapping into Higher Sources
  • 01:02:58 – The Vulnerability of Mediums
  • 01:07:54 – Risks of Mediumship and Channeling
  • 01:13:09 – Causes of Mental Illness in Indigenous Contexts
  • 01:18:04 – Financial Responsibility in the Spiritual Community
  • 01:22:57 – The Ethics of Charging for Healing Services
  • 01:27:42 – The Harm of Brutal Honesty
  • 01:32:28 – Ethics of Controlling Others with Magic
  • 01:37:21 – Ethical Use of Spiritual Gifts, Misuse of Spiritual Gifts and Sexual Energy
  • 01:42:12 – Spiritual Affair and its Consequences
  • 01:47:01 – Assisting Spirits in Crossing Over
  • 01:51:53 – Interference with Spirits
  • 01:56:44 – The Phenomenon of “Walk-Ins”
  • 02:01:31 – Choosing Teachers and Company
  • 02:06:24 – Examining Influences and Doing Emotional Work
  • 02:11:09 – The Harm of Inaccurate Readings and Lack of Compassion
  • 02:15:53 – Becoming a Hollow Bone & Living a Balanced Life
  • 02:20:43 – The Importance of Balance in Healing
  • 02:25:41 – Exploring the Connection between Quantum Physics and Spirituality

468. Suzanne B. Stryker, Ph.D.

Suzanne B. Stryker, Ph.D. is an intuitive healer, artist, writer and teacher. She has always tended to have profound spiritual experiences.

For over 45 years Suzanne has experienced unity, with divine and Vedic perceptions. Yet she does not claim to have reached the pinnacle of evolution, if there even is such a thing. She feels she is a continual blissful work in progress.

Suzanne had a close student/teacher relationship with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. In 1976 Maharishi said, “Suzanne is having a positive influence on other people and their experiences, a catalytic effect…”.

Since 1972 Suzanne has been the subject of numerous scientific studies, some of them published in peer-reviewed journals. One study suggested she could influence matter at the quantum mechanical level by mere intention. EEG studies recorded different types of brain wave coherence not typically seen, indicating harmonious and orderly functioning between different parts of her brain.

Oprah’s “Next Chapter” show has asked for an interview. She has been asked to be in a movie with David Lynch on Maharishi’s life.

Through distance healings and phone sessions, she assists people with issues ranging from addiction to dharma. Some of her webinars focus on cultivating intuition, healing and other abilities so that participants can heal themselves and help others as well.

You can sign up for notification of free webinars and the next free Global Group Healing at her website: revealwisdom.com.

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded August 25, 2018.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:04:15 – The Interview and Busy Schedule
  • 00:07:44 – Enhancing Spiritual Experiences through Writing
  • 00:11:52 – Taking Care of Mind and Body
  • 00:15:52 – The Importance of Physical Activity and Brainwave Coherence
  • 00:19:42 – Effect of Meditation on Brain Waves
  • 00:23:52 – Brainwave Coherence and Higher States of Consciousness
  • 00:28:03 – Witnessing Sleep and the Experience of Pure Awareness
  • 00:32:10 – The Anchor of Inner Peace
  • 00:36:14 – Expansion of Awareness
  • 00:41:17 – Questions and Suggestions
  • 00:45:01 – A Mind-Blowing Experience
  • 00:49:30 – Appreciating the Beauty of the Apple
  • 00:54:16 – Absorbing Challenging Experiences
  • 00:58:57 – Vedic Cognition: What is Veda?
  • 01:03:01 – Vedic Chanting and the Flow of Knowledge
  • 01:06:59 – Divine Sounds and Glorious Humming
  • 01:10:57 – Divine Music and Vedic Hymns
  • 01:15:25 – Experiencing Vedic Cognition
  • 01:19:54 – The Mechanics of Healing Others
  • 01:24:10 – Healing and Results
  • 01:28:34 – Living with an Addictive Personality
  • 01:32:05 – The Meaning of “Kamayante”
  • 01:36:22 – A Special Guest: The Beaver
  • 01:40:46 – Synchronicity with Nature and Owl Experiences
  • 01:45:03 – Resonance and the Pure State of Being
  • 01:49:15 – The Power of Intention
  • 01:53:25 – Visual Experiences of Veda
  • 01:57:32 – The Divine Dance of Love
  • 02:02:21 – Helping Others Can Reduce Karmic Overload
  • 02:06:41 – Interesting Discussion

335. Abdy Electriciteh

Abdy was born in Iran in 1964 to the Electriciteh family. At an early age he realized that his realm of reality was beyond what he could share with others. As a child, his awareness of extraordinary abilities, such as putting light and sparkles on people, could only be rationalized as a dream. When, thirty years later, he realized those sparkles were being received by the people, healing them physically, emotionally and spiritually, he gave up his adapted reality to his child-hood reality. In 2002 he began working around the world anchoring light and spreading his wisdom.

Abdy works with an ancient energy which dissipates our inabilities to relate to our self, higher self and the universe. His work is to bring about and support the transformation of humanity and the Earth to a higher consciousness. This is carried out by raising the vibration of people and places. He channels an energy that allows an individual to connect to their own divinity.

He believes the truth cannot be learned and can only be connected to, from within. Even though most of his work is energy-based, he guides people to realize their gift and their wisdom. Through Abdy’s presence, some people have become healers, spiritual teachers, life coaches and many free from physical and emotional illnesses, but many more have been gifted to see the beauty of life and its participants.

Abdy’s gift is to radiate timeless, spaceless connection to the Source. The universe’s gift to Abdy is for him to live life knowingly connected.

Website: abdy.info

Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded 2/11/2016.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Abdy Electriciteh
  • 00:03:50 – The Nature of Energy and Antennas
  • 00:07:48 – Different Antennas and Personal Gifts in Energy Awareness
  • 00:11:33 – The Power of Energy
  • 00:16:03 – The Cycle of the Universe
  • 00:19:44 – The Essence of the Universe in Our Cells
  • 00:23:39 – Personal Favor and Determinism
  • 00:26:18 – The Harmony of the Universe and Human Choice
  • 00:29:11 – The Illusion of Choice
  • 00:32:25 – The Concept of Dimensions and Connection
  • 00:35:45 – The Power of Prayer and Spiritual Connection
  • 00:39:09 – The Impact of Energetic Body on Consciousness
  • 00:42:15 – Connecting to Your Own Wisdom and Impacting Others
  • 00:45:05 – The Nature of Trees and Animals
  • 00:47:59 – The Cycle of Lives and Energetic Harmony
  • 00:51:24 – Celebrating Death & Optimum Vibration
  • 00:55:46 – The Power of Energy and Consciousness
  • 00:59:53 – Aligning with the Energy of Life
  • 01:03:36 – The Economy and the Earth
  • 01:07:16 – Falling Over and Surrendering Control
  • 01:10:48 – The Importance of Emotion in Communication
  • 01:14:47 – The Influence of Collective Consciousness
  • 01:17:51 – The Business of Spirituality and Dependency
  • 01:21:06 – The Power of Ready and Healing Gifts
  • 01:24:12 – Taking Back Individual Power and Breaking Free
  • 01:26:49 – The Ego and Compassion
  • 01:29:44 – The Role of Belief and Energy in Connection
  • 01:32:18 – Fear of Emotions: The Problem with Expectations
  • 01:35:13 – The Nature of Creatures and Polarity
  • 01:37:56 – The Joy of Tapping into Perfection
  • 01:42:06 – Background Music