Rick: Welcome to Buddha at the Gas Pump. My name is Rick Archer and my guest today is Abdy Electriciteh And Abdy is from Iran originally. I actually spent a few months in Iran myself back in the 70’s, but that’s another story. When I first heard about Abdy a few years ago, in light of what he does, which we’ll explain in a minute, I thought, Hmm, he’s somebody I’d kind of like to interview in person, but I didn’t know quite how that was going to happen. Then it just sort of fell together and here he is in my house. So, I’m getting to do it in person, which sort of leads me to believe I should start buying lottery tickets or something. Abdi at an early age realized that his realm of reality, was beyond what he could share with others. As a child, his awareness of extraordinary abilities, such as putting light and sprinkles on people, could only be rationalized as a dream. Did anybody ever joke around with you about Tinkerbell and Peter Pan and all that?
Abdy: Well, I didn’t share it at the time, so nobody joked.
Rick: That’s what Tinkerbell used to do. When, 30 years later, he realized those sparkles – oh, I said sprinkles, I meant sparkles – when he realized those sparkles were being received by the people, healing them physically, emotionally and spiritually, he gave up his adapted reality to his childhood reality. In 2002, he began working around the world, anchoring light and spreading his wisdom. And it’s funny because when I first heard your name, Electriciteh, I figured, alright, well he kind of conveys some sort of electricity to people, through this energy transmission, so that must be his spiritual name. But that’s really your name.
Abdy: Right, I see many people assume that this is a stage name. But my grandfather had the same name.
Rick: Is that a common name in Iran?
Abdy: No, my grandfather was the pioneer of electricity in Iran, so, King Reza called him Mr. Electriciteh.
Rick: Oh, okay. Well, my name is Archer, so probably my ancestors were archers. That’s how people got their names. Abdy works with an ancient energy, which dissipates our inabilities to relate to our self, higher self and the universe. When we say ancient energy, that kind of puts an age on it, like it’s 10,000 years old or something, but is it really an energy that has a starting point, or are you talking about something more eternal?
Abdy: Well, when you go deep, there’s no time anyway. So, it’s more, I’ve mentioned it that way, because it’s an energy that has not been… it was unearthed for a while and not been utilized, and now it’s back again. So, it’s not ancient, like it’s an old thing, it’s ancient and pure at its original format.
Rick: Let me just probe this a little bit. So, it was unearthed for a while, then it was unavailable, then it came back again. Now, obviously there are certain kinds of energies that exist, whether or not we’re aware of them, or whether or not we tap into them. So, for instance, nuclear energy, it’s been there ever since the beginning of the universe, but only in the last few decades do we understand how to harness it in a certain way. Would this energy you’re referring to be similar in that way?
Abdy: Well, every energy in a way is similar. But generally, I don’t try to label anything. That’s one of the reasons I use ancient, because a lot of people say, Mitra energy, Christ energy, and so many labels. So, I just cover that label by something mysterious. Which is not quite mystery, but many people think they got everything clear and classified the way they need to know. But it’s not as simple as that. So, actually, there is no title of energies. It’s just the way we relate to a part of energy, we classify that part only. So scientifically, we can measure certain energies, and we label them that way. Then the one we cannot measure, scientifically, some spiritual people name it differently. But they’re all interrelated, they’re not just one and separate from others.
Rick: Right. Okay. So, when you say you work with an energy, because some people watching this will be familiar with what you do, but many won’t. What you actually do in working with it, is you, would you say you channel it, transmit it, serve as a conduit?
Abdy: Again, it’s all of it, all of the above. I don’t do really much with it. It’s just with me all the time. And that energy is with many, many people, it’s not just me. I just know that I have it, and kind of, I use it.
Rick: Yeah. Well, could we say this? Right now, you and I have radio waves passing through our bodies, with all kinds of news shows and music shows and everything else, but we’re not radios, so we don’t hear the music or the news shows, that these radio waves are transmitting. But if we were a radio, or if we had one here and turned it on, we’d hear those things, because that particular instrument is designed to pick up on those particular frequencies of the electromagnetic field and give us music. So, would you say that this energy that we’re talking about, is something that is universal and all-pervading, and everyone is ultimately pervaded by it or connected with it, but most people are not radios in the sense that, or at least have not turned their radio on, so to speak, so as to be able to become aware of it or transmit it or anything?
Abdy: Actually, yes. I always say that everybody is like an antenna, and the nature of your antenna is different than other people, and the vibration that you receive, and you transmit is based on your antenna. And of course, each antenna is not quite the same, just that the frequencies are different, it’s like science. So, the energy that surrounds your antenna is different than others. But also, some people, even though they have- everybody has a certain vibration that goes through them, but the majority of people have no idea.
Rick: Not aware of it.
Abdy: So it’s a certain energy that is different than others, number one, because everybody has a different antenna. Number two is being aware of it.
Rick: Yeah, so using that metaphor, some people are tuned into one channel, some people are tuned into another channel on the radio, so to speak. As antennas, they’re picking up different frequencies of the electromagnetic field, and in this case, we’re talking about a sort of spiritual energy, consciousness or whatever, and you’re saying – I don’t mean to put words in your mouth, but just to make sure we’re clear on what we’re saying – you’re saying that everyone has their own gift. Your particular gift. How would you distinguish or define your particular gift from the average person? What they experience?
Abdy: I personally didn’t have much relationship to it. I could do certain things and I thought everybody could, then I realized, no, that’s what I could. But then other people brought information, because I don’t relate to information, because information comes, when you see something, for example, the only way you can have information about it, if you can classify it mentally somewhere, that it relates to some mental connection, like label or whatever. But the way I relate to things is not so much through those mental labels. So, it’s very difficult to explain what energy or how it is, but I have an understanding and I know what that understanding is, and then I can reason why I have this understanding, because the energy that I’m connected to runs through me. So, some people call it – some people come to me and say, “Well, you know, you have Atlantean energy.” Some people come and tell me, “You have Lahorian energy.” Some people say, “Oh, you have Christ energy.” Some people say this and that. But I don’t think all of them are so different. And the only difference is that each person relates to a different part of an elephant, and they call it a different thing.
Rick: Yeah, it’s a famous analogy.
Abdy: Yeah, actually, they have an elephant in front of me, so it was so sinful to say that. So, it’s not such a different thing, All of them, electromagnetic even is a part of it. Science is a part of it. It’s not just spiritual or non-spiritual. The term spirituality is a very funny term because everything is spiritual. And all part of the spirituality that science can tap into is also part of spirituality. And when you – if you call somebody spiritual, it simply means that that person is aware of that spirituality. It’s not that anybody is not. And energetically is the same way, too. Everything, what is a spirit is, to me, is beyond three-dimensional understanding. And energy is beyond three-dimensional understanding. Any energy, even electromagnetic, we just relate to it through some ways of scientific translation.
Rick: And that’s kind of a handicap of doing an interview show like this because we’re talking about something very subtle that has to actually be experienced, but we’re just sitting here using words. And you can’t push a button and everybody watching this is all of a sudden having the experience. They just have to sort of get a taste or a feeling or whatever from the conversation, and then if they’re interested, go and have the experience themselves.
Abdy: Well, actually, that’s not quite true because some of the people who watch this, they’re going to tap into that energy.
Rick: Oh, okay. Just the conversation will be a catalyst for them.
Abdy: Well, the conversation, yes. It’s just how it works, but not for everybody.
Rick: Right.
Abdy: But I’ve had many TV interviews or whatever, and people got – actually, many years ago, the cameraman fell off because of that. [Laughter]
Abdy: So energy doesn’t need a medium, doesn’t need a particular way, doesn’t need me, doesn’t need anything.
Rick: Doesn’t need anything.
Abdy: But it uses every possible device to conduct itself. It could be me; it could be you; it could be the situation. So, it flows.
Rick: Do you feel like the kind of energy we’re referring to here actually has an agenda? What you said was just – it kind of implied that. That in other words, there’s a kind of an evolutionary force or purpose, that it would like to further, to fulfill, to advance. And that when there’s a willing participant, someone who is appreciative of it, and able to tune into it and help others tune into it, then we’re kind of anthropomorphizing it here, making it sound like a human being. But that energy kind of rejoices in a way with the opportunity to have someone be a servant or an emissary.
Abdy: Yes, but also energy works with the energy body of a person. It doesn’t take somebody’s will or appreciation or commitment. It does what it needs to do, regardless of people’s wants or needs or will.
Rick: Incidentally, just to jump topic for a second here, I think Abdy left his home in Toronto at like three this morning or something. First of all, when he heard that this interview was to be done, he rearranged his flight schedule and had to buy a whole other ticket, which I wish he had told me, because maybe we would have worked something out. I’d hate to see you incur the expense, but I thought that was extremely gracious of him. And then he had to leave home very early to get here and take a couple of different planes and drive himself down from the airport. And when he arrived here, my first impression of him was that he looked fresh as a daisy. He looked like somebody who’s been traveling for the past 12 hours. And there’s a gentleness about the man and a good feeling about him that is quite palpable. So, not to embarrass you, but I just wanted to express that appreciation.
Abdy: Oh, I don’t get embarrassed. Thank you.
Rick: All right, we’ll continue to play with these notions. So, reading on in your bio here, “His work, Abdy’s work, is to bring about and support the transformation of humanity and the earth to a higher consciousness.” This is kind of what I was alluding to just now about this energy having an evolutionary…
Abdy: Yes, everything has a purpose. Some we know, some we don’t. But nothing is in this universe without a purpose.
Rick: And this is carried out, this helping transform humanity and earth to higher consciousness, by raising the vibration of people and places. He channels an energy that allows an individual to connect to their own divinity. So, there are some interesting things in here. One is, in a larger sense, do you feel like the vibration of the planet as a whole is rising now? Many people have said that it is, feel that it is. Do you have any comments about that?
Abdy: Yes, definitely. Well, I can have a long explanation for that if you want to hear.
Rick: We have time.
Abdy: Well, every 2,012 years is one cycle of time and astrologically everything reset itself. That means the possibility, energetic possibility of here 2,012 years ago and now is exactly the same. And every seven times that is 14,000 something is one cycle of the whole universe.
Rick: And this is based on what system?
Abdy: My system
Rick: Oh, that you just cognized or something?
Abdy: Yeah, and it’s one cycle of universe. And when you look at 14,000 years ago, whatever, what happens is that the whole universe gradually goes up on its energetic course and into a higher vibration. Earth goes up with the whole universe too, however, because of human, we drag the energy of the earth a little bit below or behind from the whole universe. So, every 14,000 years something happens on earth that it catches up to everything else.
Rick: There’s an acceleration.
Abdy: Yes, and it has happened many times if you look at the time of Dinosaur’s Wind and if you go 14,000 years ago, you go to Atlantean time or you go 28, you go to the Lemurian time. This has happened many times. And each time that has happened, humanity kind of eliminated itself. And this is the first time that’s happened.
Rick: You mean everybody died?
Abdy: Yeah.
Rick: Or a lot of people?
Abdy: Well, a lot of them. We had to start again; you know. Yes. Of course, our history doesn’t go that far and scientifically anything you cannot prove doesn’t exist.
Rick: Well, not from history. We know that people didn’t all die 14,000 years ago.
Abdy: No, otherwise if they all died, we wouldn’t start again. But if you go to Egyptian time, something happened.
Rick: So, a big shakeup every 14,000 years.;
Abdy: Well, yeah. So, this is a time that we are going to end of a cycle again. And it’s a cycle that is much more interesting than before, by the way.
Rick: Why?
Abdy: Because it’s a time that elimination doesn’t happen. And one reason, I mean there’s many reasons, but one of them is that so many people do so much energetic work. And each time they do some energetic work, individual or group or whatever, they raise the vibration of the earth to a level when it comes to correction, the gap is so small. So, it won’t be as disastrous as before.
Rick: Even though everybody thinks it’s so bad, actually it’s not that bad. Now, you know, of course, that 14,000 years is just the snap of a finger in the span of time of the universe. It’s going to take 8 billion years for the Andromeda Galaxy to merge with the Milky Way. And if we made every second 10 million years, it would still take about 15 minutes for that to happen. So, there must have been millions of these little 14-year cycles, if you’re talking about the whole universe.
Abdy: Well, I can relate to seven of them. I don’t know the rest.
Rick: Now, when you say that, is that something that you actually cognized in some kind of inner state? How did you come up with this? You didn’t get it from a book, right?
Abdy: No. Actually, I don’t read.
Rick: You know how to read.
Abdy: Yeah, but I haven’t read anything for 12 years.
Rick: Right.
Abdy: And in my whole life, I probably read two and a half books.
Rick: I heard you say that in an interview, and yet you said you were a top-notch student.
Abdy: Yes.
Rick: How are you a good student if you’re reading books?
Abdy: No I wasn’t reading books in school. Actually, I listened. But, if you had to do homework, it’s different. But reading a book for the…
Rick: Just for the honors.
Abdy: For reading a book, yeah. And one of the reasons, I didn’t know, and one of the reasons is just, you can… every cell of your body knows everything. Every cell of anything knows everything, because every cell is in tune of the vibration of the totality of the whole universe. So, the essence of the universe is in your cell, everything is that way. We try to tap into knowledge or understanding or whatever through our external connection, which is through our brain. And we don’t tap to those cells. And when we are conditioned that way, then we lose connection with our inner knowledge. So, I have been lazy to read all my life. It’s not that I know these things, but many years ago I have realized why. So, I’m going more within to know. Well, I don’t share this story with many people actually in public like that, but this is the first time I’m doing it. I’m going to tell this story. It’s that many years ago I was told anything I say happens.
Rick: Who told you that?
Abdy: Well, I was in a situation and some psychic and I was initiated to some stuff and I thought it was a joke. But it did. So, I had to watch myself, I had to watch my anger, I had to watch a lot of things. And for a while I thought it was a curse, because I could get upset, anybody, I could hurt them. Anything I say, I mean, whatever. So, I had to watch myself very tightly and I thought it was a curse. But one day I realized, okay, if everything I say happens, that means I cannot lie, that means whatever I know must be only the truth. If I say this truth, so I start talking. And so, I never read the Bible or Torah or whatever, but I said certain things. And somebody said, “Oh, that’s in Bible. Did you read that? It’s there.” So, many people from different parts of the world, “You read that book?” And I said, “No.” And then it’s been many years, that the confidence has become much stronger, that there are certain knowledge that I know it because I say it, not because I know it.
Rick: very interesting. I like that. There’s a lot of stories like that in the Vedic literature. For instance, there’s this book called the Srimad Bhagavatam. And the way the book starts out, there’s this sage and he’s sitting in samadhi, and he’s sitting in a deep meditative state. And some king comes along and asks him a question, and the sage ignores him because he doesn’t even hear him, because he’s in this deep state. And the king gets really mad and offended, and he takes a dead stick, and drapes it around the sage’s shoulders. And the king doesn’t even know that’s happening. And then a little while later, the sage’s son comes along, and he sees someone committed this great insult against my father. And he said, “Whoever did this will die by being bitten by a poisonous snake in one week.” And then his father comes out of samadhi and says, “What did you say?” He said, “Well, I said this,” because they offended you. He said, “Oh my God, now this is going to have to come true, because you said it, because you have that level of sattva, that level of purity, that whatever you say is going to happen.” So, it turns out that the king found out about this. He said, “I deserve it. I shouldn’t have done that to the sage.” And then the whole book is like this narration of this beautiful story, because the king wanted to hear it in the week before he died. Anyway, so there are many stories like that, where if someone says something, it has to happen, because they’re speaking from a level that knows only truth. And so, whatever they say happens.
Abdy: Happens. But of course, after a while, I realized something else. For example, many years ago, about 12 years ago, I met my wife. And just before I met her, I was upset, and I said certain things. And I called God, my boss, and one of my friends said, “Why don’t you ask your boss for a partner?” I said, “I don’t want any personal favor, but if I don’t get what I want, I’ll go on a strike, and I won’t have my tour, continue my tour.” And two hours later, I met my wife in Hyde Park in England. And many people said, “Oh, so you wish it to happen, but that’s not true.” It is true, but it’s not, I said it happened. It was something that was happening anyways, and I tapped to that. So, before I thought anything I say happened, then I realized, actually, there is an interrelation between manifestation and what is happening anyways. So many people speak of what is happening, but because they say it, other people think because they say it happened, but it was happening anyways. So, nothing is going to happen when it needs to happen.
Rick: It’s kind of a chicken and egg question.
Abdy: That’s right.
Rick: And actually, I listened to quite a few hours of other interviews and talks and stuff that you have done during the past week, and for some reason, there is a lot of discussion about free will and determinism. and whether we have free will. People are asking all kinds of questions about this. It sounds like you are saying we don’t, and that things just happen in a deterministic way, but we feel like we are doing them, and yet we are just…you go ahead and elaborate on the point.
Abdy: Well, I always flip a coin. I can do it right now for you. I don’t know if I…no, I do, I do. Flip a coin. I’m going to ask you… I don’t know which coin is not… That’s the head. That’s the tail. Anyhow. Okay, what’s the possibility of this going to be head?
Rick: 50/50.
Abdy: Okay. What is the possibility that this is head?
Rick: 50/50.
Abdy: Right?
Rick: Oh, you’re right. It’s whatever it actually is. But we don’t know until we look.
Abdy: It’s 100% not head.
Rick: Actually, that is the head.
Abdy: 100% head. So, it’s not 50, it was 100.
Rick: Right.
Abdy: But also 50.
Rick: Until we know.
Abdy: Exactly. You see, what we call possibility has nothing to do with what it is. It has to do with the possibility of us knowing the outcome. So, the possibility of us knowing the outcome is 50/50 in everything. But what is happening is happening. It’s already happened.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: And you see, Everything is tight in the universe. Everything is tight. It’s a tight universe. It’s not haphazard. The sun runs from… Everything is set up in a certain way.
Rick: Yes, perfectly orchestrated.
Abdy: Exactly. Like an engine that works perfectly. In a universe like that, why don’t we think we should be so loose, we can do whatever we want? In an engine, in an organism, in your body, can you have one system that does whatever we want, like a heart or… No. If everything is organized, which is an organism, that’s what it is, you cannot have a haphazard situation. And if there is no haphazard situation, there cannot be a random possibility. And that is how it is. The sun comes from the same direction every day. The earth does what it does. The trees do what they need to do. And why is it that we think we can come from right one day and the other day from left? The reason we think that way, which is valid, it serves our reality. We think that way. Because we are disconnected from that harmony. We are separated. So, we don’t see the connection and we don’t see that we are organized, as a part of that organism of the universe or whatever you want to call it. So, because we are not connected, we can be haphazard. But the earth and sun and everything is connected, and we look at it and they cannot be. So, it’s our illusion that is, that we can create whatever we want to create. But from the moment we are born, we are an energetic entity, a new one, or whatever, reformat one you want to call it. And energetically you only have one possibility. And that is not up to you. It depends on the other attraction and repulsion of everything else in the universe that’s bigger than you. And that’s how the astrology works, by the way. For example, if I put a thousand magnets on this floor, I throw one among other ones, it always goes the same direction based on attraction and repulsion of others. It has nothing to do with that magnet. So, you are energetic, everything is energetic. Why should we be independent of our environment? If you say you have a free will, that means you are independent of your environment. Which is not true. In our reality you have free will, but how the free will works is that, is that, how do we choose? We choose based on an emotion. Some people think logic, but it’s nothing logical. It’s just basically an emotion or a reaction to something, whatever you want to call it. But something in your environment happens, makes you to choose. So, I’m not in charge of that, what’s happening in your environment. So, is it your choice really? You have a reaction. Your choice is only a reaction. So, I am here sitting with you, but from the moment I was born I was supposed to have this interview. No matter how many flights I had to change.
Rick: Yeah, it’s interesting. Hearing you describe it; I ponder this thought myself a lot and have discussions with people about it. And hearing you describe it right now, I have a more visceral appreciation of what you’re saying.
Abdy: But also, if you understand it, you see everybody is in search of enlightenment and whatever. But if you put all that aside, if you really understand that, then you realize there’s no need for ego. And you can’t do wrong. And you cannot be guilty of not, if you think you did wrong and you don’t have expectation from others. All the teaching that comes from many people, if you understand this concept, they can work. But if you’re in charge, then other people are in charge, everybody has to perform, and they all have to have fulfilled expectations. That wouldn’t work.
Rick: Yeah. Would it be fair to say in summary that the more estranged you are, the more detached you are from oneness or source or whatever, the more you might have the feeling that you’re a free agent, and that you’re independent and that you’re calling the shots and pulling the strings. But that if you’re really experientially in tune with the source or oneness, if you’re really living from that level, then there’s just a spontaneous flow in life and you don’t feel like the doer or the actor or the decider. You’re just along for the ride.
Abdy: Yeah, exactly. Exactly, that’s what it is. Of course, I don’t feel that way all the time. I know I have to change my flight to get here. All those, I get involved with what I have to do. Well, I get involved, but on a larger scale in my life, I know I have no–I’m just showing do whatever I have to do. When I put food in my mouth, I chew, but I’m conditioned to do that. So basically, I know everybody’s different. And the reason it’s different is not because of choice they have made, it’s because of their nature and the environment, universe, and you just play with your nature to make the choice you have to choose. And everybody reacts to certain situations differently based on their nature. And I have different way of looking at holistic or on a small scale. I believe to know everything in universe, to connect to everything, you need to understand 12 dimensions. Our mind is on three, four dimensional, and whatever we don’t understand, the nine dimension we don’t understand, we call it time. So, on a three-dimensional system, of course, there’s choice. You choose everything.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: But when you look at it on a more holistic basis, it’s–there is no choice. It’s just–and the dimension–well, I go one step farther, since, I mentioned something without explanation. A lot of people talking about five-dimensional time or certain things, but dimension is simply the way you can relate to something. For example, a dimension of this is wool, another dimension is gray.
Rick: Another dimension is your microphone, which I don’t want you to cover up.
Abdy: Okay. [laughter] So, there’s a certain way you can relate to something, each of them is a dimension.
Rick: Right.
Abdy: We generally relate to everything on our external situation, so, we have given them X, Y, Z dimensions. And then whatever we don’t understand, in order for it to make sense, because I’m here and I’m here again, is some time pass. So, we have created time to cover up what we don’t understand. But if somebody can go connect to five, six, seven dimensions, they can create something without time pass, we call it a miracle. But it’s not really a miracle, it’s just they use the connection that other people do not see, like a magician use something that, a black cord that nobody sees.
Rick: Right.
Abdy: So everything is connected, and there is no disconnection. And understanding that, life is so easy.
Rick: I’ve heard you talk about 12 dimensions before, and I presume this is also something that you didn’t read in a book, that you just sort of know. And if we took the time to do so, would we be able to go through all 12 dimensions and say exactly what each one is? Like if I said, okay, what’s dimension number nine, would you be able to describe it, or is it too abstract to really put into words?
Abdy: It’s too abstract to put into words, because you name something that you know. You cannot name something that you don’t know. If you don’t relate to something, how are you going to name it?
Rick: may not have words for it.
Abdy: But however, I think it’s time for humanity, one of the things I said is a special time and raising vibration, is a time for humanity to relate to other dimensions. I think the next two dimensions that people are going to relate to in the next 25 years, some are relating right now, is the dimension of intention and attention. Is that when you intend, your thought form can manipulate and materialize. And other vibration can affect you. Up to now, yes.
Rick: though you don’t have free will, you still intend, and it appears like an individual motivation, an individual push to have a certain thing happen, but it’s actually just part of the divine orchestration. It’s not something that you independently are doing.
Abdy: Well, I’m going to say something about that. You see, the divine plays with you to have that intention. I’m explaining how it works, not who is in charge.
Rick: Right, okay, I got it. You see, I always say if I have a nail and I put it in this wall with a hammer, who is putting the nail in? I am putting it with a hammer. If a hammer had a brain, the hammer is doing it, I wouldn’t see my connection to the hammer.
Rick: Right, that’s good, I understand.
Abdy: So, the cause is different, but I’m just talking about the flow. So, that’s how prayer works, actually. That’s how, you know, humanity has been using it for so long, but it hasn’t been valued in some ways, and it had some value, it’s lost it, because we are so much focused on three-dimensional format of life. So, it’s time that the other two dimensions, people are going to relate, Well, if they realize that if somebody is not in it, if I’m agitated, I’m sitting here saying nothing, it can affect you. And also, if I have a thought form about you again, intentionally I can affect you.
Rick: Right.
Abdy: And this is known to many people for so long, but when you realize that, also realize the connection. So, the way we… each of us is like a cell of a body. Each human is like a cell of a body, we create the body of humanity. The way we operate right now is that if you have a toe and it’s not ready, you just cut it and throw it away, because we don’t see the connection.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: Or we invent a toe because we can have some room in it, you just take it out and chop everything and whatever, you sell it for, if you don’t see the connection that foot is connected to you, you have no value. But when we realize humanity is one, and no matter when we invade, when we manipulate, when we harm several of humans, we get affected directly, not through biblical term, directly. Then we live differently.
Rick: Well, there actually is a good biblical thing for this. You’ve probably heard the quote, Jesus said, “Whatsoever you do unto the least of these, you do unto me.”
Abdy: That’s how it is.
Rick: So, are you saying, if there are these 12 dimensions, does spiritual evolution involve being able to live or to incorporate more and more of these dimensions in one’s living experience? So, there might be people walking around who have 8 dimensions living and another 10 dimensions, another all 12, anything like that?
Abdy: All of those, but not to the extent that you’re explaining. You see, everybody has all the dimensions.
Rick: Right.
Abdy: Some relate to your consciousness. So normally, people are related to 3, 4, whatever. Now, there are many Reiki courses, how you can shift things, change, affect your energy body or whatever. So those people learn how to work with 4 and 5th dimension.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: A powerful healer can go to 6 or 7 or maybe 8, but that’s it. On 12 dimensions, you don’t need to exist, and you won’t exist. So, life is a process of us, to get to high vibration, and eventually to get to a different dimension, eventually, and then we get to 12, you don’t need to do your life anymore.
Rick: When you’re doing your thing, how many dimensions are involved? When you’re meeting people? Because I said a very powerful healer has 8, I’m not going to rate myself that high.
Rick: That’s the way I think of the question.
Abdy: But it’s pretty high. It’s high up, but it’s still below 10. I don’t, because it’s how it is. And it’s not something that you graduate from, it’s your energetic body that relates to that consciousness. And each consciousness is a dimension, it’s 12 consciousness or 12 dimension or whatever you want to call it, label it. So, and at a higher consciousness, then there’s nothing to do, nowhere to go, and everything is perfect. Because it’s not that way for me, I’m not there either.
Rick: Right, so you have something to do, somewhere to go.
Abdy: That’s right. Yeah, he is showing off here.
Rick: Right, you have to come all the way from Toronto. But then, I would say, here’s what I would say to that, is that there could be people, and have been people, and are people, who in their experience aren’t doing a thing. They are not doing anything. And yet, looking at them externally, they seem to be doing a lot. They seem to be very busy, going here, going there, doing this, doing that. And yet, their inner silence is so profound, that there’s, from their perspective, they’re not doing anything.
Abdy: Well, actually, what you do or you don’t do doesn’t matter anyways. The effect that a person…. any effect is energetically first. What you do is the second thing. What you do, you do for yourself to be in the energy that you need to be.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: So, some people need to be busy to go in there, some people need to be quiet, some people need, you know, it’s just what you do. Nobody does anything for anybody. Everybody does it for themselves, and the energy is what is impacting others. And it might take four months, like, you know, is a video or whatever, interview now, but what it is, is beyond the interview. Or what you do, or what anybody does, is beyond what they do. It’s that energy that impacts.
Rick: So, if everyone is ultimately doing it for themselves, and I know what you mean by that, and it doesn’t mean they’re being selfish, because that selfish, it has a small, greedy connotation.
Abdy: Yeah, many years ago I went to write a book, and the reason I didn’t, because I had to change everything in the vocabulary. Because the way we relate to anything is very narrow. Because, selfish, well, it’s not good to be selfish, but everything is selfish. Everybody is selfish, but we don’t want to know it.
Rick: I know what you mean. Mother Teresa did what she did because it was gratifying for her. It gave her joy, it gave her bliss, it gave her meaning in life.
Abdy: Exactly.
Rick: Just using her as a case in point. And probably we could say the same of what you’re doing.
Abdy: For everybody. Any mother is a good mother because their nature mandates them to be that way. They don’t do it for the child.
Rick: They do it because it’s their nature.
Abdy: Exactly.
Rick: Right. Okay, good. I’m actually still reading his bio here. “He believes the truth cannot be learned and can only be connected to from within. Even though most of his work is energy-based, he guides people to realize their gift and their wisdom.” Which is a good point, because sometimes when people go to healers or people like that, there’s a sense of disempowerment. Like” I have to see this guy in order to connect with something that I couldn’t possibly do on my own.” And I think what you’re saying is, you guide people to realize their own gift and their own wisdom. You don’t necessarily want them to be dependent upon you for the rest of their life.
Abdy: Well, I think everybody…. Jesus came to earth to show everybody that, “Look, everybody can be like me. We are the same.”
Rick: And he said so.
Abdy: for us, because it’s so hard to be like, if I feel, how can I, if my ego or not my, a third person ego would think, “Okay, if I cannot be like Jesus, so, it’s not something wrong with me, so I cannot handle that. So, what I’ll do, I bring Jesus as something superpower, so I never can be that.”
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: Well, of course he was super power, but not because we are so different. And he came as an example for everybody to be independent, to be connected on their own. Buddha the same. But we always, rather than we get the teaching, we like the teacher.
Rick: Yeah, put him up on a pedestal.
Abdy: Yeah.
Rick: Yeah. Jesus said, he said, “All these great things that I do, you shall do even greater things.” You know.
Abdy: Exactly. So, I think what it is, what you mentioned, what I mentioned is we are all like a tuning fork, and like that antenna and we resonate with what we need to resonate. And all it takes is sometimes a loud noise go through your tuning fork for you to realize the sound. So, you do it on your own.
Rick: Yeah. A tuning fork is a good example because, if you have the two tuning forks close to each other and you get one going, the other one will start to hum, if they’re the right resonance with each other.
Abdy: That’s right.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: That’s right. So.
Rick: Or you could use the example of a burning log. You put another log next to it and the burning log gets that log burning and then it’s burning on its own after.
Abdy: Exactly. So, everything, is our vibration. Whatever vibration we are, affect people around us. And as more pure and clear we are in our ego, that vibration is more powerful and the impact of it is much bigger. Of course, nobody’s doing it to impact others. It’s just how it is, how everybody’s nature is. And I think when people realize it through step-by-step guidance, we all realize we have no need. You see, if you look at a tree, a tree doesn’t have a need. It’s just there. Everything that it needs is there. Always been there. And all the animals, they just get what they need. And it’s just they’re not ever suffering. The only one who suffers, us, who are very intelligent. And if we go deeper, we realize we really don’t have any need. And whatever we need, we already have. And whatever we don’t have, we don’t need.
Rick: Let me probe you on that one a little bit. A tree needs water, a tree needs sunlight. And an animal, if it gets its leg caught in a trap, isn’t it suffering?
Abdy: You brought an if. But whatever tree needs, it has it. It’s not a need that is not fulfilled.
Rick: What if there’s a drought and it doesn’t get enough water and it dies?
Abdy: it doesn’t get upset for it. That’s how it is.
Rick: So, you’re saying that trees and animals, they’re much more accepting, you’re saying.
Abdy: Well, they are more connected. They are connected to their connection. You see, when I’m connected to my whole body and I have a corner of my toe is infected, as a whole body, I just go to the surgeon and can cut that infection out. And there’s no suffering because it’s for the harmony of the body. But if I’m that corner only with this connection, how come I’m being eliminated?
Rick: So what you’re saying is, if you don’t realize the bigger picture, then there’s suffering.
Abdy: That’s right. Right.
Rick: But if you realize your connectedness with the whole, then all is well and wisely put.
Abdy: Exactly.
Rick: Okay, got it. “Through Abdi’s presence, some people have become healers, spiritual teachers, life coaches, and many have become free from physical and emotional illnesses. But many more have been gifted to see the beauty of life and its participants.” Yeah, I was listening to one girl, and she said she had had this bad ulcer problem for 10 years or something, and then working with you, the ulcer is totally gone. Now she can eat Indian food.
Abdy: Good for her.
Rick: So, is there a lot of that, that people actually overcome physical ailments. Do you place an emphasis on that?
Abdy: No I don’t like to. That is not even secondary. It’s way down in the bottom of the list.
Rick: And it’s certainly not something you could promise, obviously.
Abdy: Not only a promise, I really don’t care. It was a long ago, 12 years ago, I used to go and heal people. And with somebody that had cancer, they didn’t have it anymore. But I got a message that I should not interfere with the universal flow, so I don’t do it anymore. I don’t call myself a healer or don’t do healing.
Rick: Okay.
Abdy: But when everything happens to you is an energetic disharmony and a disconnection of your understanding. Of course, everything is connected, but you are not aware of it. When you are kind of connected again, there is a new level of harmony. And when there is harmony, whatever physical side effect of it might go away.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: I’m not doing it. It just happened to them because their energy level shifts.
Rick: Yeah, you help them to get into more balance.
Abdy: I don’t like even that word. We have to choose our words carefully. I’m so myself.
Rick: Yeah, I get it. You are a facilitator in some way, a catalyst. You know what a catalyst does? It facilitates a chemical reaction without itself being involved in the reaction or changing.
Abdy: Exactly what it is. But I don’t want to…. I get so many calls, people have cancer, they ask me how to help them. I don’t. I send them to other people I know. But it’s not in my consciousness. I remember many years ago I was at the place that somebody was dying and asked me to help him. And I said no in front of his children. At the time it was so difficult for me. But when you realize, what is wrong with dying? The best day of my life is the day I die. Of course, my children don’t want to hear it. I don’t say loud in front of them. But that’s how it is. When you realize the cycle of lives that we relate to and how energetic and soul exists forever. And your physical body is 100 years on that soul. If you look at the length of your physical body to the length of your soul, it’s like one day of this life. Would you care so much to have one bad day? No. But why do you care so much? Because you don’t see. If you didn’t know there is tomorrow, you care so much you have one bad day today.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: And that’s how we live. We live based on the ignorance of limitation. And true, when you are limited, you are so much into to make the best thing. Actually, many years ago I came up with a theory called absolute theory. That is related to emotion and consciousness and time. Of course, I’m not going to go into detail of it now. Basically, our full consciousness is fraction by time, and we create emotion for it. And if we realize there is no time, we are fully conscious and we have no suffering, no emotion. And I’m not going to detail now because not everybody can understand. I don’t want to fill up your interview with a theory. But I’ll give you an example. If you go to a buffet and you take a food you don’t like, do you get upset? No, you take something else because there is no limitation. But if you go to a restaurant, you order something, you take it and you don’t like it, you are not happy with your choice. If we realize everything is a buffet, there is no beginning, there is no limitation, there is no beginning and end, the way we deal with everything is totally different. We look at everything as an experience, not as a mistake, not as only chance.
Rick: Right. I like that perspective. It definitely makes life a lot smoother. Regarding dying, if I were driving a car that was breaking down and it needed the head gasket repaired and it was rusting, and it was breaking down by the roadway, I’d want a new car. I wouldn’t be upset if I traded that car in for a new car.
Abdy: That’s how it is. On the same token, we believe on many things opposite than it is. And through that opposition we have created a system, a belief system. For example, we are a 12-dimensional being, we connect to the outer dimension, we are higher consciousness, higher vibration before we are born and after we die. And then we are upset with dying, but we should celebrate it because we get there, that’s the optimum truth. And then we celebrate birth because, well, it brings some high vibration to a lower three-dimensional, what is to celebrate? And if you go deeper, you realize, for example, also the time you sleep, you’re connected to everything. That is your optimum vibration, that is your optimum being. Most people think they need to sleep in order to go to war, but the reality is you need to get tired, so you connect to your optimum reality. But it all depends on how you condition to which reality to tap into.
Rick: That’s nice. There’s a verse in the Bhagavad Gita that says, “Certain indeed is death for the born and certain is birth for the dead. This does not bewilder the wise.” Here’s a question. When someone has been healed, you just said you don’t do the healing thing so much, but let’s just say, let’s not even use the word healing, but whatever it is that happens when you have a session with people, it seems that it’s rare that the effect lasts. Perhaps in some cases where there’s a lot of grace it is permanent, but in most cases won’t the person just revert back to their issues and there’s an Indian word, “vasanas,” and their tendencies. How can it be practical for someone to be healed or to do sessions repeatedly for more effect? Doesn’t it all come back to the individual to heal themselves?
Abdy: Definitely. That’s why I don’t do any healing. I don’t even believe in that healing word. But you see what happens is that we are layers within layers.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: First of all, we are all run by different energies. What I call energies, emotion, the way we relate to those energies through emotion, and for the sadness is one energy, anger is another energy, agitation or whatever, controlling is another energy. And the way the energy manifests itself through our life is through our environment, our relationship to our environment and physical or whatever, some people that energy make them not have money or suffer from something or whatever else. And sometimes for somebody to come out of that situation, they have to go deeper first. They have to go, deal with all of it before they can get rid of it. And for other situations, they can just come out of it easy, and then they have to deal with a different layer of it, because it’s not just one or the other, and not everything dealt with at once.
Rick: Yeah, I was reading on your website various testimonials, and there’s one woman in Australia that started doing sessions with you, and we don’t want to scare people, but she said that her life started changing so much, she divorced her husband, who she also considered her best friend, from 25 years of marriage, and she started going through all this intense stuff and just deep transformation and crying and all kinds of rigmarole. It seemed kind of dramatic. How common is it for people who get involved with your sessions to have their whole life turned upside down?
Abdy: If they’re very blessed, very common. If they’re not so blessed, not common. You see, energetically, we are surrounded by energy that supports us. For example, the people here have certain energy, certain ethnicities have certain energy, a family has that certain energy, and if your energy has shifted to a high vibration, whatever around you cannot support you, cannot exist around you. If it’s at work, if it’s a husband, or whatever it is, it’s as simple as that. Of course, those happen for the people who have the understanding. You see, that’s a blessing.
Rick: Sure, they realize something. Yeah, and she offered to put a testimonial on your website, so, she saw it as a good thing.
Abdy: Yes. Well, I’m not in charge of the testimonial. Somebody has dealt with it. I haven’t heard those things. I don’t read them. I’m so detached from what people tell about me. You see, our lives happen for us to go through a path that we all end to that destination that we need to end. It’s like going to school from grade 1, grade 2, grade 12, each year you learn something, and you go through whatever you have to go through next year. If you go to school and you’re happy and nothing happens, you just play, you learn nothing. And lives are the same way. If you put a bunch of lives in one lifetime, it’s not a pleasant life.
Rick: You go through a lot.
Abdy: Yes. That’s how it is. But everything will happen. It will happen gradually or fast. It’s like a surgery or taking a pill. For different people it’s different. But the problem is……well, it’s not a problem, but I’m going to explain what’s happening now. The energy that is on earth is much more powerful than before.
Rick: Accelerating.
Abdy: Yes. You see, there was an energy that supported the human consciousness on earth from the beginning of existence until December 21st, 2012. That this energy supported the people the way they were, Of course, Mayan people tap into that consciousness, and they realize, well, it finishes, that is end time, but that consciousness finished. From then to September 2013, there was nothing. It’s a time of whatever. And then is a new consciousness, new energy since September 2013. And this new energy, new consciousness is very powerful. And what happens, we are all like an antenna. The energy goes from our crown chakra through us to earth. And this energy differs like 110 volts or 220, it’s different than before. Also, it’s much more powerful. If our energetic body is not aligned, doesn’t allow that energy to go through us, it will blow like a fuse. So, on our physical body we create cancer, on our emotional body we create depression and anxiety. And this is going to happen. This is happening. You can go through this or that.
Rick: So, there are billions of people in the world whom I would say are not very well aligned. So, would you predict epidemics of cancer? Now there is this Zika virus which is a big deal. Do you expect all hell to break loose in a way?
Abdy: It has already. But what is happening also is a time, the new energy that is coming, is the energy that connects your heart and your intuition. And it drags you to a different consciousness. So, because of that new energy, a lot of people are opening to spiritual paths. So, there is no possibility, but if there was, yes, what you say is correct. But however, there is another factor that is opening people before all this happens, people go through it. That’s why I do what I do, and you do what you do and everybody else does what they do. You have an interview here, but what you do is beyond an interview. Bringing consciousness to people.
Rick: Yeah, that’s why.
Abdy: And why do you bring that? Because why didn’t you do it 20 years ago? Because it’s time now. Yeah.
Rick: 20 years ago I was teaching meditation, but this is actually more fun. So, one thing I infer from what you just said is that if people want to have a smoother ride, then they should align themselves with that energy, attune themselves, cooperate with it. And then things will be, rather than resisting it or pushing in another direction, and then things, perhaps they’ll avert all sorts of unpleasantness in their lives.
Abdy: Yeah, I didn’t say quite that word, but nobody is in charge of their energy to align or not align. But the reason we are not aligned is because we are disconnected with our nature. Because we are natural beings. You are nature and every part of you is nature and you are part of nature. Through our mind, we disconnect ourselves. We are making better, we are the one who walks on the earth and, you know, make the earth, we make things. So, we bring the disconnection and then we create that energy. Because we are disconnected, this new energy doesn’t go through. It’s like a fuse that is not fully connected. So, life and situation right now has been magnified people to go through a lot of turbulences.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: To release the anger, the sadness or whatever they need to release. To become more pure in their frequencies and become more harmony and attuned to the universe and earth. So, gradually these energies go through them. This is happening to everybody, absolutely everybody. Either they do a practice, or they come to something or not. Then there’s other people who just go through quick surgery. Through whatever format it is, could go to a session or many other things happen in people’s life. So many people die, they don’t die. And then they just open up to something else. So, what they saw as a disaster of a death has become a blessing of a new birth.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: So, it all depends on how you look at everything. But basically, what is happening is a blessing to the whole humanity, is a revolution for humanity and is a time of celebration. Actually, in Bibles and most biblical and ancient religion have been promised this time.
Rick: Yeah, a lot of things predicted.
Abdy: So, if you build a new house, you have to destroy the old one. And if you don’t see this new house, the destroying is just a loss. But if you relate a process of what’s happening, it’s a celebration. So, it depends on how you relate to your life and yourself and your situations.
Rick: Using that house metaphor, do you have a sense of when the destruction of the old house and the completion of the new house will happen in years? And what the new house will be like compared with the old house?
Abdy: Well, it’s very difficult. It’s just the new house is going to be more free.
Rick: I mean, if you describe society 20, 30 years from now, what would you predict?
Abdy: Well, I think 25 years from now, I know most people don’t like what I say. They don’t believe it, but in 25 years, I think nobody is going to be only three-dimensional. Everybody is going to be five-dimensional.
Rick: what will that mean in terms of…
Abdy: That means it’s just, the oneness. People relate to oneness. People relate to earth. People relate to nature. People relate to everything as a connection to them. So, the materialistic value of our conditioned system will be reduced so much. Everybody say there’s a problem with the economy. Actually, there’s no problem with the economy. There’s a problem having an economy. Because what economy is a game. There’s a distribution of wealth. And where does wealth come from to start with? From earth. Everything comes from earth. So, as more consumption you have, the economy you have, but you invade the earth more. So, would it sustain itself? No, because the earth is much more powerful than it corrects us.
Rick: And you used to be a financial advisor, didn’t you?
Abdy: That’s right.
Rick: So, you know a thing or two about the economy.
Abdy: Yes, but we are conditioned to value certain things now. That is really not that important. And totally ignore other things that is very important, like our purity of water, our being, our sense of humanity and compassion, connection. And that is, at the end of the day, what puts you in peace or in war is you. And that is much more important than anything else that you can have your illusion of the day.
Rick: Yeah. I was listening to an interview this morning with Erin Brockovich, who is this sort of activist. And there is this big thing going on up in Michigan with the water supply, where there is lead in the water and the kids are all getting lead poisoning and stuff. And she said there are thousands of towns like that which have that kind of problem. And Flint, Michigan is the tip of the iceberg. And that’s just one small example, but a very significant one for those children. But it seems like there are so many things in this world that are destroying the earth, polluting the earth, destroying the people because of the pollution, and that just actually have no place in that new house you alluded to. They just will somehow have to be rectified, eliminated, swept away, and a whole new structure built in which we don’t kill ourselves through pollution, and we don’t destroy the planet and so on. I’ve always been sort of fascinated with how that transition will actually play out.
Abdy: But it’s not going to be a transition. It’s going to be an evolution.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: And it’s not that we do it.
Rick: Well, evolution is a transition. You go from childhood to adulthood.
Abdy: Yeah, but it’s a very rapid transition because we have to live a certain way. I don’t think we do it. It goes through us. And it’s going to be, it’s happening right now. WI mentioned to you the energy of the earth has to catch up to a new level. And when it does, every element of the earth acts the way it needs to act. You could like a chemical reaction when you want to take water to a vapor, you have to put so much heat and boil it and disturb it and become vapor. And in our system, you can look at it scientifically or a native way, the four elements, the element of fire goes to where it needs to go. That’s why the volcanoes are so active now. The element of water does the tsunamis. The element of earth does the earthquakes. And the air does the hurricanes and tornadoes. So, it is happening. Many years ago, I was telling people in Louisiana that they had this hurricane came, to everybody who before the hurricane, they said, “Well, you know, life is this and this is as long as you’re doing it, you’re happy.” But then suddenly something happened, even though you could be anybody, but it was something unexpected. And then you have to adjust yourself to different way of life. And, of course, within our system we forget, but it will be the evolution that I’m talking about. It’s nothing that we can forget. It’s going to happen through us. I don’t think, …. cautiously, I love people who care about the earth, but care, the earth doesn’t need me to take care of earth. Earth is going to take care of me and itself, and we cannot handle it when it happens.
Rick: Okay, I’m going to shift gears again. So, during your sessions, it’s sort of dramatic sometimes, people fall over when you touch them, and somebody is there to catch them. That’s a show. Is it? I mean, someone is there to catch them.
Abdy: It doesn’t have to be that way.
Rick: Okay. We had a guy here about four or five years ago, Kenji Kumari, and he did a similar thing where he would touch you in a certain way and people were all falling over. I just stood there like a dummy. I didn’t feel like falling over. I had no inclination to fall over. I’m almost afraid to come to your session because I don’t want to set a bad example. But what is all this falling over business about?
Abdy: nothing. You see, what happens is, it doesn’t have to be in any form as energetic, but when you are connected to your true format and to your soul, your mind is not in control. So, falling, lying down is an easy format of, because as long as you’re standing, doing anything, your mind has its own interpretation. So, it’s not about lying down or sitting. People get, even if they’re aware of it, even nothing, they feel nothing happened, doesn’t matter.
Rick: Maybe they should start lying down rather than bothering to fall over.
Abdy: Yeah, but for the space, and I have to generally, if I had 200 yoga or 200 massage tables, that’s what I would do. I can’t bend over on everybody and do that. It’s a nice show.
Rick: Okay.
Abdy: And also for people, a lot of, so mind is still, play its game. And wants to say, “I’m in charge.” Even they come with so many things they feel or not feel, a day later, they tell me that this happened, then a week later, they deny it. But that falling is something they cannot deny. It’s not that easy to deny.
Rick: Shows them they’re not in charge so much.
Abdy: Exactly. So, in. many places, when more advanced people come, I have also a retreat or whatever, I don’t do that. With more advanced people, I just tell them to lie down. And maybe logically. I remember many years ago, I used, when I started at the beginning of a session, I mentioned, if you serve in an army or you were in the police, you won’t fall back because you’re conditioned to stand, to be like that. And then I had a session with Bogota police over 10 years ago, 9 years ago, something like that. And at first it was difficult, you know, 1 out of 2 out of 10 fall back, but it was difficult. Then I went to the general, and when he fell, then everybody did. So that’s how it is. That’s an example,
Rick: So, on a subtle level, what are the mechanics of what’s actually happening? Let’s try to get into that a little bit. Here you are, you’re a guy, and you come in, you’re in a room full of people, and you do some stuff, and people have all kinds of experiences. If we could see all the subtler dimensions, if we have that sort of perception, what are the mechanics of what’s actually taking place with you, with them, between you and them?
Abdy: Well, it’s very difficult to explain, but I try my best. But don’t take me literally.
Rick: Okay.
Abdy: It’s like a laundromat.
Rick: Laundromat.
Abdy: Everybody goes in a bubble that is separate from outside, and mixed up together, and with whatever additive it is, and some stuff comes out of them. And also, it’s a laundromat that is …you don’t dry them. You just take them wet, soaking outside, and they go through life, for each person to be dried the way they need to. But now I go in one further step. You see, our existence, the way we relate to our existence is through our mind, but our soul is in charge of it. We are not in charge of anything, because the energetic of anything is the one which is in charge of it, not the thing. So, our soul is as we are. Of course, there’s no such thing as our soul either, because you don’t have an individual soul, but I’m not going to go there. So, your energetic body, through lifetimes, has been altered in a way, that you have lost connection with your source.
Rick: Okay.
Abdy: And that alteration is only energetic. The way you relate to those energies through emotions. So, actually, I will say many people have problems with emotion. I say emotion is the only way of communication of you with your soul.
Rick: Emotion.
Abdy: Emotion. And, any time you are emotional, your soul reaches to you to something beyond what you believe, and you are in control of. And through emotion, you do something illogical, which is your mind is in charge, because your soul has nothing to do with logic or what is right or wrong or that conditioning of mind, mental conditioning. So, energetically, certain energies shift and, let’s say, come out of you, and it’s not gone for good, it’s just diluted to a certain different level of harmony, for everybody in the group. Some people relate to it, they feel it, they experience it. Some people have no idea. It’s like a shit, if I have a pan that is dirty, I can see it’s dirty, I put in laundry, and it’s washed, oh, it’s clean. But if I don’t see dirt in it, if I’m totally, I cannot relate to any of the dirt, and I have children who don’t see dirt on their pants, because, oh, it’s dirt. And when it comes out, it’s the same. There’s no relation. So, not everybody relates to it, but basically, it’s being in a time and a space, less space, which is always that way, but we can relate to it. Some people can, some cannot. And going through magnified transformation of self, not to anything, Just reorganize itself, , it’s like a messy room, and put it in order. There’s nothing new to it, and nothing taking away from it, just putting some order. And that is happening in life, anyways, the old life is about that, life does it for us. And people come to that situation, it just happens faster. And some people, I know somebody, for example, many years ago in Australia, some guy came to my session, and then he left, I didn’t know about it. Then my organizers four months later called the guy, he said, “Please take me off his list, because I felt nothing, and it was just a waste of time. Don’t call me again.” Then the guy two months later called and said, “You know what, put me back in the list, because last two months, if something happened, I know everything has to do with that session.” So, it took seven months or whatever. Or some people may not notice it. Really noticing something and not noticing something, it all has to do with our conditioning, it has nothing to do with the truth.
Rick: Okay. Yeah, let me summarize what I think you just said, to make sure I understand it correctly. So, the laundromat metaphor is that there is a sort of a collective consciousness generated in the room when you’re doing these sessions, and everyone gets sort of tumbled up in it, and affected by it, and washed, so to speak. There’s an infusion of coherence that influences everyone, but people are only aware of it according to their capacity, and there might be a lot of stuff going on that they’re not aware of, because that’s the way life is anyway. Most of the stuff that’s going on, we’re not aware of. We’re just aware of the little thin crust of the surface value of things. So, anybody who’s in that atmosphere, like being in a washing machine, is getting influenced, and it could be that the majority of change or influence that’s taking place for them, is beneath the threshold of their ability to perceive. But it might manifest or be recognized four or six months later, and yet things have been shifting all that time unbeknownst to them.
Abdy: That’s right. That’s right. But also, you mentioned before, there’s a certain common goal. You see, many people who come and feel something, they might lose the feeling later. It doesn’t mean that it’s not there. If you put your hand in hot water, you feel the heat. After a while, you get used to it. So, it’s as if it’s cold, but it’s not. You just get used to your new energy level. I’m going back to one of the questions you asked, and I thought I answered, but I didn’t. So, another time they go to another layer. So, going back to this question, exactly. And through that, those energies, if somebody releases sadness, they become sad. If somebody releases anger, they become angry. Agitation, they become agitated. And when somebody releases controlling energy, they become controlling, and when you control, you experience nothing.
Rick: Interesting. That’s an interesting thing. Yeah, so we tend to experience the thing that we’re releasing.
Abdy: That’s right.
Rick: That’s a good little summary of the point.
Abdy: That’s what it is.
Rick: Okay. On your website, it says something about hourly energy transmissions, and probably one of them happened during this conversation you and I have been having. What’s the mechanics of that? Is it something that you are consciously involved in? Does it happen 24/7 around the clock, every hour there’s an energy transmission? So, it must be something that’s kind of set up automatically, that you don’t have to consciously do anything about.
Abdy: That’s right. But, , this came to me because….. I don’t know, spirituality has become an industry, and a lot of people try to sell dependency and new courses and new things. And I thought, well, I want to do something that it doesn’t need anything. So, everything works. I don’t even have to come to a place to have a session. I’ve had sessions from other places. Once, for example, in Brazil, they didn’t let me go because I had a yellow fever. I didn’t have a yellow fever certificate coming from Amazon. And I had a session. I told them, “Okay, you have a session. I’ll have the session from a distance.” But that particular one, I slept in. I didn’t have a session. So, I’ve learned it really doesn’t matter. Where the intention is going there, if the intention is that I have put that intention, that, I touched your microphone again, the intention that every hour I want to share whatever through me with the whole universe, for 12 minutes, that’s happened.
Rick: Once the intention is established, it just works automatically.
Abdy: That’s right.
Rick: Yeah. They call that sankalpa in Sanskrit. There’s something where, again, you were talking an hour ago about speaking truth. If someone who has that sort of resonance with truth or an intention, it’s going to happen without their conscious intervention, once the intention has been set.
Abdy: That’s what’s happening. So, every hour, from hour to 12 minutes after, people can tap into the energy. Of course, that energy is not quite exactly the same as the one that comes to the session. But it’s a valid version of it. But for so many people who are used to it, they absorb. It’s like a frequency sent out, but what is received is based on your antenna. If you have a good antenna, you receive a lot. If you have a small antenna, you have parasites.
Rick: Yeah. It’s like there’s a reservoir. The amount of water you can draw from it depends on how large the pipe is that you put up to it. Yeah. Okay. Now, a bunch of people sent in questions, and I just want to ask some of these questions that people have asked. We don’t have to spend a long time on each one because there are quite a few. We’re doing okay on time. What time is your thing today?
Abdy: 5.30. I can be there at 5.15. I mean, I can be at 5.30.
Rick: All right. So, we’ve got another half an hour or so, maybe. Okay. So here are some questions. This is from Trish in Phoenix, Arizona. She says, “How do I know what my healing gifts are, and how do I activate them?”
Abdy: Well, first of all, you’re not in charge of activating anything. When you need to know, it’s been activated for you to know it. Many people think…. they look at energetic healing or whatever, as if like anything else you learn, you take a course or something. But it’s not that way. For some people, maybe this lifetime is a good time for you to find out, maybe next lifetime or another lifetime. There’s no time really for you to find out. When you’re ready for it, you get it. Ready means not that you can prepare yourself. When you’re energetically to a level that you can receive it, you know it and you act on it.
Rick: in other words, if you have healing gifts…
Abdy: Everybody does.
Rick: Everybody does. If they are meant to be activated, they will be.
Abdy: Exactly.
Rick: You don’t have to manipulate.
Abdy: That’s right.
Rick: Okay. This is from Edalia in Bogota, Colombia. You said you’ve been to Bogota. She probably knows you. Abdy, you say you haven’t written a book because at present humanity would not understand what you would write in it. And even if we could understand it, it would not be sufficient because the mind always wants to know more. The question is,” in the language of your heart, what is the mind, and why does it resist the truth?”
Abdy: Well, mind is a part of our nature and it’s part of our human reality and it serves us. It’s nothing that we have to go against our mind. My mind brought me here today too. It’s part of the energy. Mind is part of that energy.
Rick: It’s a fact.
Abdy: Well, yes, it is, but it’s beyond that. So, for different people, their mind serves differently. Some people are totally mental, they need to understand something. Some people, other people don’t need to. They don’t even use it. I actually have an analytical mind, very much so. And for me to have that and not to listen to it, it’s a very amazing thing. So, the mind has been created for us to have that conversation, to have that dialogue, to have it go through this side and the other side. And we have to love our mind, even though it plays tricks on us, even though it does whatever it does. We all learn not to use it too much.
Rick: So, what you’re saying then is that we need to be more simple perhaps and not over-intellectualize things and not try to figure everything out.
Abdy: What I’m saying is that if we try to figure everything out, it’s okay. You can become the observer of it. My mind can do whatever it needs to do. I just watch it.
Rick: Abdy, have you regarded writing a book and you don’t want to write one because…
Abdy: Well, because I don’t think… Again, I have a lot of people… You see, what I say is not necessarily something that people like to hear. So, I don’t want to write a book that is not a bestseller. Why bother, why bother?
Rick: You said Oprah once invited you on her show. If she would do that again, you’ll have a bestseller. Here’s a question from Jean in Nova Scotia. She says, “Our world seems to be ruled by a small handful of people who are in control, no matter which political party is voted in. How do we individually take back our power and collectively break free from the control of this consortium? Or does any of this matter and all will unfold according to divine will?”
Abdy: Well, it doesn’t matter. The last one is true. But if your nature needs to be participating in something that it doesn’t like or fighting against something, that’s how your nature is. For each person it’s different. You see, that’s the thing. Writing a book, you have to have one remedy for everybody. But it’s not true. If she thinks that she needs to fight something, she should. Why not?
Rick: Yeah, that’s a good answer. We need political activists, but if you’re not inclined to be one, that’s okay too. That’s your role.
Abdy: That’s right.
Rick: Here’s one from Amy in Hong Kong. She says, “What role does the sense of self-ego play?” Is that clear? Is that a good enough question?
Abdy: Well, I think the major role, our reality is through our ego. Everything we know is that ego that it knows. So, it’s a big role.
Rick: Some teachers talk about killing the ego or eliminating the ego or diminishing the ego or that kind of thing. Do you think along those lines?
Abdy: Well, yes and no. Because if you want to kill the ego and diminish it, that means you are in charge. If you kill something very powerful, that means you are more powerful. You still have it.
Rick: Good point
Abdy: So now…
Rick: What’s going on?
Abdy: Exactly. So we are in a process that the ego is being diluted. It’s not that we’re doing it. It’s our reality, our life make it happen. Of course, is it our destination? Before we get there, we might have more ego now for us to realize that doesn’t serve us. But basically, nobody is in charge of their ego. So, we don’t need to do anything about it except any situation, always accept it. If you have an ego, a self-ego, accept it. Say that’s the way I am. You can’t fight anything. When you accept anything, it loses its presence. The fight, you give it more power.
Rick: Makes it more powerful, yeah. How would you define ego? I have my own definition. But how would you define it?
Abdy: There are different levels of ego. First of all, ego is what creates our human reality. But what ego she says is I’m better than others or whatever, everything for… Excuse me. For a benefit to me and everything else. You see, you can look at the whole world as the world and I’m part of it. Or you and everything else around you. The way you look at the world through that ego, that self or through everything. But most people, the reality of 99.999% is self and everything else around them.
Rick: Kind of like what we were talking before about the trees and the animals and all.
Abdy: So, it is how we are. And if we are that, when you have what you call compassion, when you have compassion is when you feel that connection, the oneness. So, when you have that compassion and that oneness, then you feel that connection, then the ego is not powerful. If you don’t have it, the ego becomes powerful. It’s nothing you can control, and it doesn’t have something, not that you can turn it this way or that way. You cannot deal with the ego. All you can deal with is observing the connection.
Rick: Yeah. Okay, that’s clear. And she asked a question about Ayurveda, but you probably don’t know much about Ayurveda, do you?
Abdy: I’d rather not to answer that one.
Rick: Yeah. And then…
Abdy: Probably you can answer that one. A little bit.
Rick: Well, actually she started asking about rising with the sun. In other words, being on a certain routine, enabling us to be more in tune with our spiritual nature.
Abdy: Everything is good.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: But actually I had this, somebody, just one of the organizers in Ferfuri told me that I have a problem with meditation. I said, “No, I have a problem with dependency.” And everything serves you, everything does. But when you depend on it, it doesn’t serve you anymore. Without that thing, you have a problem.
Rick: Yeah. I was just thinking this morning about an old friend who once said that, “I can’t take a shower too long because I can’t wait to meditate. I just have to do it.” There’s this like a heroin addict kind of quality to it.
Abdy: So, our journey is to realize we don’t have a need. We do have need, but it’s fulfilled and beyond. We don’t have to battle for our need. And whatever need you have in meditation or whatever else, that is taking you away from that journey.
Rick: you yourself don’t meditate, haven’t had a teacher or anything. It’s just happening, everything is just happening spontaneously for you.
Abdy: Exactly, yes.
Rick: Okay. This might be a good one. Does belief play any role in connection to the greater existence of all?
Abdy: No, not at all.
Rick: What? It doesn’t really matter what you believe.
Abdy: It doesn’t matter, but your connection plays with your belief.
Rick: Say that again?
Abdy: our belief doesn’t play any role with the connection of existence, but your energy plays with your belief. It’s opposite.
Rick: Experience will determine what you believe, not the other way around. Is that what you’re saying?
Abdy: No, not experience. No, I’m saying exactly what it is. Your belief cannot bring deeper connection.
Rick: Right.
Abdy: if you have a connection, it can alter your belief system.
Rick: Yeah, if you have a deeper connection, you’ll have a different belief system. Right?
Abdy: Yeah, that’s what I meant.
Rick: All right, enough from Amy. Here’s one from Trish in Perth, Western Australia. This is a good one. I guess she’s speaking to you in particular. “What helps you maintain your calmness, your center or your connection, when chaos is all around you? And how can you share how we can integrate this into being present in the moment, instead of trying to escape or leave our body?” I must say, you do have a very calm air about you, despite the fact that you’ve been traveling for the past 12 hours. So, what helps you maintain it?
Abdy: Actually, you know what? I don’t maintain calmness, and sometimes I’m chaotic. I’m not chaotic, actually. Sometimes I’m not calm, and I cannot deal with chaos. It just agitates me. But when that happens, I’m okay with it. So, there’s an extra layer of calmness. So, to understand it’s okay to be chaotic, to deal with chaos, to be agitated, it’s okay. Then there’s another layer of calmness to it.
Rick: Like when you’re going through a busy airport, you’re going through O’Hare, and you’re changing planes, and there’s crowds of people, and all kinds of stuff going on, and your plane is late, and you might miss your connection. How do you feel in a circumstance like that?
Abdy: Actually, in those situations, it’s not chaotic for me. And anytime I’m around people, a large group of people, everything is serene no matter what happens. Actually, a lot of people–I had something in New York recently, and I told them, to me, walking in a rainforest in the middle of Manhattan is the same. Because it’s just–
Rick: There’s a deep silence. Yeah. So, in an airport, that’s not a good example. But in situations, , children or things, that individual situation, sometimes I’m acting beyond reason, or from a place of mind and disconnection. But that’s a human being.
Rick: Sure.
Abdy: So, I’m not judging myself. If I did judge myself, why did I do that, then I won’t be in peace. Because it didn’t come to the judgment, it’s okay. Many years ago, I used to mention, every emotion is okay. Fear is okay. Sadness is okay. But the problem we have is just when we have fear of that emotion. If you have fear of being sad, then that fear becomes a glue that is stuck to you. So, the problem is fear of the emotion that we have created for us. Through that fear, we have expectation to be different. If we don’t have the expectation, if it’s okay to be not calm, and tomorrow we are, and we wait just for that tomorrow, and that from now till tomorrow is one second. If you expect that you should have been calm, and you should be calm, that from now till tomorrow is a year.
Rick: Yeah, you make the situation worse. There’s an old fairy tale called “The Princess and the Pin,” where she was going to get stuck by a pin the next day or something, and she was just like worrying and fretting and fuming, going through all this terrible stuff for 24 hours, and finally, she got stuck by the pin, and she thought, “That wasn’t so bad.” [Laughter] I don’t know about this, but she said, Trish asks something about an energy shift on the 6th of January that happened, and what happened, and what does that mean for humanity?
Abdy: Well, I just recently wrote a newsletter, and I don’t think– I’m not going to go there. It’s long, and it’s not for everybody to hear.
Rick: Okay. They’ll have to read your newsletter.
Abdy: Well, I share newsletters with some people that they understand, because they have gone through certain things, and then they are–it’s just grade 1 and grade 12, and it’s–
Rick: Okay. Here’s one from–this is the final question. This is from Suzy in Tempe, Arizona. This is a good question. How do we utilize our spiritual connection to make the best choices for our lives?
Abdy: Oh, that question is against everything I say, so, the answer would be your spiritual connection will make the best choices for your life.
Rick: We don’t have to do it. You don’t have to choose it. It just does it.
Rick: Yeah. Do you think sometimes in terms of–we spoke of dimensions– in terms of levels of consciousness, higher levels of consciousness, do you ever use that terminology?
Abdy: Yes, but you see, we are not–you see, the question she asked, as if she’s in charge, she can do something about it. Right. We are not in charge of it. We are part of the process, and through that process, we go in a higher dimension, and then the connection becomes deeper, and the choices become clearer on the lower dimension.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: And that clarity brings that there’s no choice.
Rick: Right. Well, that’s why I asked you that question, because wouldn’t you say that we just act according to our level of consciousness? We can’t help but do so.
Abdy: Well, exactly. That’s what it is. Her nature, she’s just going to choose what she needs to choose, and the consciousness comes the way it needs to come.
Rick: People sometimes give me a hard time for quoting the Bhagavad Gita all the time, but I just know it really well. There’s a verse in it that says, “Creatures act according to their own nature. What can the restraint accomplish?” Yeah.
Abdy: Yeah, but you see, we are, I always say, for example, because we don’t see a benefit in something, doesn’t mean that that doesn’t have a benefit. For example, a scorpion is created because of a reason that we don’t know.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: And we just look at it as a, whatever, nuisance creature. But it’s not that way. Everything is created perfectly, and everything we have is what we need to have, including our pain and suffering. It’s not a mistake that we have pain. It’s not a mistake that we suffer. Nothing is a mistake. Everything has happened to us, through us, for us, for our evolution, for our higher vibration, for our growth.
Rick: Yeah. And also, wouldn’t you say that it’s natural, the universe seems to be structured in such a way that there are naturally polarities? We have scorpions and we have butterflies. We have sadness and we have happiness. It’s hard to imagine a universe in which it was all just one end of the spectrum and not the other.
Abdy: Yeah, well, you see, the universe doesn’t have polarity. We have polarity.
Rick: We interpret it.
Abdy: Exactly.
Rick: Yeah.
Abdy: You see, the duality comes from separation. It’s all perception. For example, right now, you are sitting on the other side of this flower, so you are on the other side. In this system, we have a duality. You are on the other side. If somebody looks at the ceiling, we are in the same place. And then, in one higher level, we are in this room and your wife is in another room. But if somebody goes farther up, you are in the same house.
Rick: Right. It’s a matter of perspective.
Abdy: Exactly. So, on a lower perspective, there is a lot of polarities. Up until the 11th dimension, there is polarity. At 12, there is no more polarity.
Rick: And then you say you don’t have to be born anymore.
Abdy: You don’t say it. It just doesn’t happen.
Rick: Okay, well, is there anything we haven’t covered that you would like to say? Anything we can think of?
Abdy: Well, I can say many things. I can just, usually I love when people ask me questions that I’ve never answered before, so I learn myself.
Rick: Did I get any of those today? [Laughter]
Abdy: So, most of it comes from memory. But, no. The last thing I want to share is that everything is perfect. What I said was perfect, if correct or not. What I didn’t say was perfect, too. And when you tap to that perfection, it’s only a joy. And when everybody taps into their own perfection, the universe is beautiful regardless of what happens in it. And that is not far. It’s just some roses away.
Rick: Nice. Well, I’m sorry I didn’t ask you any questions you’ve never been asked before. Maybe next time.
Abdy: No, maybe you did. I don’t know, but I didn’t come up with anything new.
Rick: There’s nothing new under the sun. Sometimes, from time to time, you know, the same question comes, and I tap into something new. You come with the same question and sometimes it doesn’t. But this is an interview we’re having, but to me, I say a bunch of words and its logic somebody needs to hear. But to me, it’s beyond that. I see a dynamic, energetic bubble here. What I see is that through that bubble, there’s a breeze of cords that connect to each person exactly the way they need to connect. Not one, it goes to two people. Each person gets uniquely for what they need to get.
Rick: Yeah, nice. And even if a lot of this wasn’t new for you, it’s probably new for 95% of the people listening.
Abdy: That’s why I’m here.
Rick: Yeah, good. Well, I really appreciate your being here. You went through a lot of rigmarole to get down here and you have two sessions tonight here in Fairfield, which will have happened by the time people see this. And then you have to drive all the way back to Chicago and then tomorrow night you have San Francisco.
Abdy: San Francisco, then LA, San Diego, Seattle, Portland, Sedona, Phoenix, Houston, Denver, Sarasota, Miami, Philadelphia, New York, and home.
Rick: This interview will be online before all those 10 days, and obviously this will be up for years, and people can go to your website, which is abdy.info, and there’s a place there that shows what your schedule is and all that stuff. And I guess that’s about it. So, thank you for coming, and thanks to those who have been listening or watching. If this is new to you, this Buddha at the Gas Pump thing, go to batgap.com, where you’ll find about, 330 something previous interviews, maybe more by the time you watch this. They’re categorized in various ways under the past interviews’ menu. There’s also an upcoming interviews menu, which shows who’s scheduled, a place to put in guest suggestions if you’d like to suggest somebody. There’s a donate button there, which enables this whole thing to roll along. It’s possible to sign up to be notified by email each time a new interview is posted. There’s an audio podcast of the show, which about as many people listen to as we have YouTube viewers. And some other things, there’s even a ringtone of the Batgap theme song for your telephone or your phone if you want. So, check it out, and thanks for listening or watching, and we’ll see you next time. Thank you, Abdy.
Abdy: Thank you, Rick. Really enjoyed this.
Rick: Same here. Yeah