167. Amoda Maa

Amoda Maa is a contemporary spiritual teacher, author, and speaker. After years of spiritual seeking, meditation, and immersion in psychospiritual practices, an experience of the dark night of the soul led her to a profound inner awakening. Then, after a long period of integration, she began speaking from silence in small gatherings. Today she offers meetings and retreats, and is a frequent speaker at conferences and events, attracting spiritual seekers and people looking for peace and fulfillment in an increasingly chaotic world. Her teachings are free of religion and tradition, and she brings to them a deep understanding of the human journey, born out of her own experience.

She is the author of Radical Awakening (originally released as How to Find God in Everything) and Change Your Life, Change Your World: Ten Spiritual Lessons for a New Way of Being and Living. Both books were written shortly after her awakening and before she began to speak in public.

Her new book Embodied Enlightenment written 15 years after her awakening — is based on the many conversations at the cutting edge of spiritual inquiry in her meetings with people from all around the world, and addresses many of the questions relevant to today’s seeker. It has been acclaimed as “a beautiful and precious gift to an emerging new humanity.”

Amoda lives with her husband and beloved, Kavi, in California.

Website: amodamaa.com

Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded 3/23/2013

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Amoda Maa Jeevan
  • 00:04:53 – Childhood Dreams and Academic Struggles
  • 00:07:37 – The Loss and Opening of Self
  • 00:11:47 – Surrendering to Life and Opening to Love
  • 00:16:09 – A Dark Night of the Soul
  • 00:20:10 – Embracing the Darkness and Gratitude
  • 00:25:17 – The Birth of the Christ Consciousness
  • 00:28:30 – The Essence of the Experience
  • 00:32:08 – Finding My Path
  • 00:35:22 – Awakening and Enlightenment
  • 00:39:13 – The Capacity to Accept and the Misunderstanding
  • 00:43:13 – The Potential of Suffering as a Doorway
  • 00:46:45 – Awakening to the Divine Co-Creative Force
  • 00:49:33 – Embracing the Dark and Painful Parts Within Ourselves
  • 00:53:01 – The Cycle of Abuse and Re-Triggering
  • 00:56:35 – Accepting and Processing Harmful Situations
  • 00:59:54 – Investigating Vulnerability and Fear
  • 01:03:43 – Facing the Abyss: The Power of Present Awareness
  • 01:07:20 – The Importance of Reminding and Supporting Each Other 
  • 01:10:28 – The Paradox of Meditation Practice
  • 01:13:40 – Authenticity and Continuous Unfoldment
  • 01:17:09 – The Concept of God and Awakeness
  • 01:20:01 – The Profound Intelligence in Creation
  • 01:23:54 – Seeing the God in Everything
  • 01:27:20 – The Evolution of Awakening and Embodiment of Enlightenment
  • 01:30:14 – The Contradiction of “Nothing New Under the Sun” and “Only a New Seed can Yield a New Crop”
  • 01:33:28 – Embracing the Body and the World
  • 01:36:26 – The Teachings of the Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother
  • 01:39:40 – The Paradox of Optimism
  • 01:43:20 – The Transition and Contribution of Spiritual Teachers
  • 01:46:06 – Links and Contact Info




