536. Isira

Isira brings a deep understanding of Indigenous, ancient and universal wisdom. She bridges the gap between the overwhelming challenges we face in the world today and our spiritual journey.

As a powerful advocate for conscious change, Isira is highly engaged in today’s social issues. Her enlightened commentary assists us to navigate the divisive worlds of politics, climate change, mental health and beyond.


Website: isira.com

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and transcript of this interview

Second interview with Isira

Interview recorded February 7, 2020.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction and Welcome
  • 00:04:06 – Perception of the World
  • 00:08:22 – Indigenous Mindset and Modern Human Mindset
  • 00:12:31 – The Interconnection of All Things and the Dance of Life
  • 00:17:32 – A Traumatic Experience of Abuse and Awakening
  • 00:22:09 – The Root of Suffering and Disconnection
  • 00:26:21 – The Rubber Band Effect of Disconnection
  • 00:30:12 – A Miraculous Recovery and Forgiveness
  • 00:34:38 – Interdimensional Experiences and Reunion with the Lama
  • 00:39:00 – A Time of Preparation and Resetting
  • 00:43:09 – The Power of Alignment and Connection
  • 00:47:38 – The Intensity of Global Problems and Ignoring Warning Signs
  • 00:51:42 – The Impact of an Echo Chamber
  • 00:55:47 – The Design of Social Media Platforms and the Loss of Value and Relevance
  • 01:00:00 – The Beauty of Chaos and Transformation
  • 01:03:32 – The Story of the Seeker and the Master
  • 01:07:23 – Averting Catastrophe through Spiritual Awakening
  • 01:11:54 – The Impact of Climate Change on Metropolitan Areas
  • 01:16:14 – Severed Relationships and the Collapse of Society
  • 01:20:35 – The Need for Connectedness and Decentralized Government
  • 01:24:11 – Materialism and Fear in Modern Society
  • 01:28:12 – The Illusion of Material Possessions
  • 01:32:13 – Untapped Potential and Gamma Brainwave States
  • 01:36:51 – Accessing Deeper States of Consciousness
  • 01:40:54 – The Balance of Destructive and Creative Forces
  • 01:45:03 – Restoring Balance in Society and Nature
  • 01:48:54 – Overpopulation and the Need for Reduction
  • 01:53:01 – Holding onto the Self in Times of Radical Shifts
  • 01:56:50 – Acting in Accordance with Intuitive Impulse
  • 02:01:17 – Regeneration and the Four Pillars of Lore
  • 02:05:23 – Ordinary People Awakening