147. Francis Lucille

Francis Lucille is a spiritual teacher of the tradition of Advaita Vedanta (non-duality). He became a disciple of Jean Klein, a French Advaita teacher whom he met in 1975. This was the beginning of a close association that lasted until the death of his friend and spiritual master in 1998. Jean Klein’s own guru, “Panditji” Rao, whom he met in India in the nineteen-fifties, was a college professor in Bangalore who taught Sanskrit and belonged to a lineage of traditional Advaita Vedanta teachers. www.francislucille.com.

Interview recorded 10/29/2012

Transcript of this interview.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Francis Lucille
  • 00:02:54 – The Impossibility of Proving Consciousness
  • 00:05:58 – The Belief in Limited Consciousness and its Revolt
  • 00:08:51 – The Search for Truth
  • 00:11:26 – The Reality of Consciousness
  • 00:14:08 – The Reality of Consciousness
  • 00:16:30 – Discrimination between the perceiver and the perceived
  • 00:19:04 – The Journey to Enlightenment
  • 00:21:56 – The Difference Between Intellectual Understanding and Realization
  • 00:24:18 – A Zen Story about Satori
  • 00:27:08 – Establishing Peace and Happiness
  • 00:29:35 – The Journey to the Summit
  • 00:32:00 – The Importance of Physical Proximity in Transmission
  • 00:34:43 – Becoming Addicted and Finding True Nature
  • 00:37:28 – The Natural State of Fulfillment
  • 00:39:43 – Enjoying the Show and Following Your Heart
  • 00:41:20 – The Value of Exemplarity
  • 00:43:40 – The Watershed Moment of Enlightenment
  • 00:46:01 – Incremental Glimpses of Consciousness
  • 00:48:15 – Glimpses of Not-Being
  • 00:50:29 – The Litmus Test for Awakening
  • 00:53:04 – The Three States of Consciousness
  • 00:55:53 – The Unity of God in Sufism
  • 00:59:30 – Expanding Consciousness and Connecting with Others
  • 01:02:07 – The Body Expanded to the Size of the Universe and Contains All Things
  • 01:04:37 – The Surprise of Absolute Happiness
  • 01:06:24 – Recognizing the Love for Truth
  • 01:08:56 – The Miraculous Intelligence in Everything
  • 01:11:24 – The Divine qualities in consciousness
  • 01:13:42 – The Bird Enjoys the Singing
  • 01:15:36 – Gratitude for Donations and Closing Remarks