690. Bill Witherspoon

Bill Witherspoon is a life-long visual artist, serial entrepreneur, and lover of sky. In his six decades, living on and off in the High Steppe desert in southeastern Oregon, he has painted watercolor skies, practiced ancient art as spiritual discipline, and weathered that pristine geological expanse.

As an artist, over the last four decades, Bill has mounted 40 one-man exhibitions of paintings, prints, and sculptures (1968 – 2020), in addition to desert public art projects. He is also the founder and Creative Director of The Sky Factory, a fine arts, digital technology, and cognitive science studio that designs and manufactures the world’s only research-verified virtual skylights—Luminous SkyCeilings and Luminous Virtual Windows.

His first book, Enter Space—Stories from the High Desert, lays witness to a life surrounded by that rare, unsummoned vastness; one that those of us steeped in the ceaseless churn of urban life can now imagine living through the faithful record of the artist’s experience.

Book: Enter Space: Stories from the High Desert

Transcript and Summary of this interview

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group

Interview recorded September 3, 2023.

YouTube Video Chapters:

00:00:00 – Introduction and Background of Bill Witherspoon
00:04:49 – A Life of Adventure and Silence
00:09:25 – Being Swept Away by the Waterfall
00:12:52 – A Life-Threatening Water Rescue
00:16:34 – The Near-Drowning Experience That Changed My Life
00:21:02 – The Transcendent Experience of Meditation
00:24:35 – Climbing the Radio Tower and Facing Danger at Sea
00:29:01 – Seeing More Deeply
00:32:33 – Healing the Eye of the Heart
00:36:42 – The Burning Shell
00:40:15 – Learning and Growth through Perseverance
00:43:50 – The Sri Yantra: An Instance of a Law of Nature
00:48:10 – The Bindu
00:52:38 – The New Kind of Seeing
00:57:00 – The Essence of Memory and Love
01:01:06 – A Slideshow of Photographic Events in the Wilderness
01:05:39 – Living in Harmony with Rattlesnakes
01:08:46 – Witnessing Violence and the Impact
01:12:55 – Encounters with Rattlesnakes
01:16:22 – The Strange Book and its Contents
01:20:36 – The Presence of Divine Intelligence
01:24:30 – Accessing Deeper Levels of Consciousness through Meditation
01:32:35 – The Horrors of Being on Death Row
01:35:35 – The Influence of Human Presence
01:40:37 – “Goodbye,” when we went looking for wild horses
01:44:58 – Reflections on an Interesting Life
01:49:33 – Going Deeper in Consciousness
01:53:02 – Building a Beautiful Corporation
01:56:56 – The Skill of Self-Reflection
02:00:18 – Gratitude and Farewell

605. Chelan Harkin

Chelan Harkin has been channeling ecstatic poetry for years and has now published two books in the past seven months, Susceptible to Light and Let Us Dance!: The Stumble and Whirl With The Beloved. Her publishing journey has been mystical and transformational and filled with “prayer experiments” gone right. Chelan has regularly been compared to the great mystic poets, Rumi, Hafiz, and Rilke. She lives in a geographically spectacular region of Washington State, The Columbia Gorge, with her husband and two small children. In her poetry and in her life, Chelan continually invites the fumbling, suffering parts of our nature and our divinity to meet for tea in the heart, to have a great laugh, and share a big hug.

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and Transcript of this interview.

Interview recorded July 3, 2021

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:04:59 – Connecting with Hafez: Inspiring Poetry and Publishing Success
  • 00:09:55 – The Spontaneous Poem
  • 00:14:14 – The Feeling of a Coming Poem
  • 00:17:55 – Unleashing Our Inner Genius
  • 00:21:48 – The Birth of Creativity
  • 00:26:12 – Healing through Hypnotherapy
  • 00:30:33 – Reframing and Reclaiming “I’m Too Much”
  • 00:35:15 – Inspiration from Night Walks
  • 00:39:32 – The Humility of Relationships
  • 00:43:15 – The Worst Thing We Ever Did
  • 00:47:36 – Opening Up to Vulnerability
  • 00:52:09 – The Strength in Sensitivity
  • 00:56:56 – The Essence of Infinity and Connection
  • 01:01:11 – A Serendipitous Connection with Daniel
  • 01:05:35 – Summoning Poetry with Hafez
  • 01:09:32 – Chelan’s Spiritual Upbringing
  • 01:13:31 – A Sacred Experience in Bahala’s Prison Cell
  • 01:17:04 – Chelan’s Aneurysm Journey
  • 01:20:33 – The Impact of Diet and Social Media on Channeling Abilities
  • 01:24:39 – The Thirst for Intellectual Knowledge
  • 01:28:52 – The Potency of Embodied Spirituality
  • 01:33:28 – The Power of Prayer
  • 01:37:34 – Finding Joy in Work
  • 01:41:18 – The God Who Made the Octopus
  • 01:45:28 – The Cosmic Wallop and Cosmic Timing
  • 01:49:19 – Discovering the Poet Within
  • 01:52:33 – The Power of Language
  • 01:56:21 – Living an Authentic Truth
  • 01:59:41 – Openness to Opportunities
  • 02:03:11 – Farewell and Good Wishes

563. Diana Durham

Diana Durham is a British/American poet and writer who draws on archetype to explore our identity. She’s a poet, writer, and documentary film producer who, following a degree in English Literature from University College, London, took the ‘path less traveled’ and became involved in an intentional community in England, the United States, and Canada. In the early 1990’s she was among a grouping who began to explore dialogue and collective intelligence with the late theoretical physicist David Bohm.

Her most recent book Coherent Self, Coherent World: A New Synthesis Of Myth, Metaphysics & Bohm’s Implicate Order explores how our thinking becomes coherent when our ‘personality self’ is in a meaningful relationship with a deeper, more intuitive quality of awareness and identity. And it also traces how, when we are disconnected from this intuitive source, our thinking becomes incoherent leading to problematic outcomes.

The work grew out of her deep study of the Arthurian and Grail Myths, explored in her former nonfiction book, The Return of King Arthur: Finishing the Quest for Wholeness, Inner Strength, and Self-Knowledge, as well as her participation in dialogue with Bohm.

Other works include the novel The Curve of the Land; and three poetry books:

Her poems have also appeared in numerous magazines in the UK and USA, including Orbis, Tears in the Fence, Kindred Spirit, Mankato Review, Northern New England Review, Parabola, and Ecozone@:European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment from Leiden University, The Netherlands,  as well as in twelve anthologies, including Soul of the Earth The Awen Anthology of Eco-Spiritual Poetry edited by Jay Ramsay, published by Awen Press, UK, The 2008 Poets’ Guide to New Hampshire published by the Poetry Society of New Hampshire and Diamond Cutters: Visionary Poets in America, Britain & Oceania edited by Andrew Harvey and Jay Ramsay, published by Tayen Lane.

She also wrote, performed, and co-produced a dramatic retelling of the Grail Myth called Perceval & the Grail which is in CD and downloadable form as an audio play as well as a 15-part animated series on YouTube.

She was a Visiting Research Associate at the Women’s Studies Research Centre, Brandeis in 2011, and gave talks and workshops using the grail myth sponsored by the NH Humanities Council (in the US), as well as national and international women’s groups and business executives leadership training courses. In addition to writing books, she collaborates with her husband as writer/producer of documentary films. Their current project is a series of short films, ‘Making Sense’. For their first film, they talked to psychiatrist Dr. Iain McGilchrist, author of ‘The Master & His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of Western Culture’.

Website: dianadurham.net

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and transcript of this interview.

Interview recorded August 8, 2020

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:04:05 – The Energy Within Us
  • 00:08:17 – The Introduction of David Bohm
  • 00:12:17 – Science and the Distrust of Science
  • 00:15:35 – The Limitations of Scientific Understanding
  • 00:19:21 – The Existence of Consciousness Beyond the Body
  • 00:22:32 – Distorted Spirituality and Materialism
  • 00:25:44 – The Vesica Piscis and the Inner Self
  • 00:30:25 – The Vicious Cycle of Consumption and Addiction
  • 00:34:50 – The importance of intuition in consciousness
  • 00:39:26 – Living from Intuition and Cosmic Intelligence
  • 00:43:58 – The Loss of Inner Juice
  • 00:47:49 – The Expansion of Meaning through Inner and Outer Interaction
  • 00:52:40 – Skewed Values and Negating Intuition
  • 00:56:54 – Finding Beauty and Fulfillment in the World
  • 01:01:35 – The Naturalness of Being Aligned
  • 01:05:54 – Walking the Razor’s Edge
  • 01:10:17 – Recognizing Your True Nature and Self
  • 01:14:35 – The Power of Consciousness and Myth
  • 01:18:51 – Understanding the Dream and the World
  • 01:23:20 – The Symbolism of the Grail
  • 01:27:52 – The Consequences of Financial Inequality
  • 01:32:22 – The Urgency of the Spiritual Renaissance
  • 01:37:04 – Vision and Morality
  • 01:40:41 – Navigating the Pitfalls of the Spiritual Community
  • 01:43:52 – Trusting Children’s Being and Minimizing Fear
  • 01:48:10 – Psychotherapy and Enlightenment
  • 01:52:39 – The Impact of Brain Damage on the Self
  • 01:56:33 – Finding Bliss in Life from Appreciation
  • 02:00:01 – The Coherence of the World
  • 02:03:37 – Interview with Iain McGilchrist