669. Neil Douglas-Klotz

Neil Douglas-Klotz is an internationally known scholar in the fields connecting religious studies (comparative Semitic hermeneutics) and psychology as well as a poet and musician. He is the author of Prayers of the Cosmos, Desert Wisdom, The Hidden Gospel, and The Genesis Meditations as well as coauthor of The Tent of Abraham with Sr. Joan Chittister and Rabbi Arthur Waskow. He is the past chair of the Mysticism Group of the American Academy of Religion and is active in various international colloquia and conferences dedicated to peace and spirituality.

Website: abwoon.org

Amazon Author’s Page, listing all of his books

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group

Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded November 5, 2022

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Neil Douglas-Klotz
  • 00:03:29 Neil’s background
  • 00:04:40 – A Childhood of Alternative Beliefs
  • 00:09:22 – How I Made Major Life Decisions
  • 00:12:20 Aramaic, Sanskrit, Sound and Meaning
  • 00:13:42 – The Connection Between Language and Objects
  • 00:15:54 Chanting, mantra and the evolution of consciousness
  • 00:17:47 – Human Consciousness and Modern Life
  • 00:20:34. Changing the cultural paradigm of materialism
  • 00:21:52 – Separation from Family Conditioning
  • 00:22:09 Yeshua’s healings and the culture of his time.
  • 00:24:14 Did Jesus exist?
  • 00:26:29 – The Transmission History of the Gospels
  • 00:26:55 How and when were Jesus’ words first written down?
  • 00:30:22 – The Origins of Aramaic and Greek in Jesus’s Vicinity
  • 00:31:11 Aramaic and Greek at Jesus’ tme.
  • 00:33:04 Hundreds of early gospels.
  • 00:34:50 – The Origins of Christian Creeds
  • 00:35:49 Modern Christian religion and politics.
  • 00:37:03 Neil’s new book Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus: his method and texts
  • 00:39:04 – The Translation of Scriptures
  • 00:39:10 The King James Version of the Bible
  • 00:40:27 “What would Jesus do?”
  • 00:43:29 – The Connection to the Source of the Self
  • 00:44:10 Evolution of Neil’s work
  • 00:45:07 “I am the way, the truth and the life….”
  • 00:47:50 – The Meaning of “Hayye”
  • 00:50:15 Jesus’ miracles and healings, and early human consciousness.
  • 00:52:13 – Healing through Connection to the Unseen
  • 00:54:15 The important Aramaic words usually translated “good” and “evil”
  • 00:56:50 – Ripening in the Breath
  • 00:59:50 Jesus and prayer, with and without words
  • 01:00:45 – Entraining with the Teacher’s Consciousness
  • 01:03:01 Worst mistranlation that empowers colonialism and ecocide.
  • 01:04:49 – The Injustices of the World
  • 01:06:56“Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven…”
  • 01:08:57 – The Interconnection of Inner and Outer Life
  • 01:09:09 The “sin against the Holy Ghost.”
  • 01:12:06 The Aramaic “lord’s prayer” in brief
  • 01:14:37 – Hollowing oneself for resonance with the cosmos
  • 01:18:57 – The Aramaic Prayer of Dedication
  • 01:20:39 Conversion, “saving the soul” or the soul saving you
  • 01:23:18 – The history of Christianity and religion’s impact
  • 01:23:40 Snake handling?
  • 01:25:28 “I and my father are one.”
  • 01:27:25 – The Living Togetherness with the Creating Source
  • 01:29:38 “omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent?
  • 01:30:45 “only begotten son”
  • 01:31:36 – Jesus, the Cross, and Trust
  • 01:35:05 “Did Jesus die on the cross?”
  • 01:35:40 – The Possibility of Jesus’ Survival on the Cross
  • 01:37:53 Seeing angels or beings from other faiths
  • 01:39:04 Jung’s “Christian yoga”
  • 01:39:44 – Awakening and Healing with Neil Douglas-Klotz
  • 01:40:56 “original sin”
  • 01:43:46 “judge not lest you be judged”
  • 01:43:57 – Finding Your Path in Life
  • 01:45:51 What is mine to do?
  • 01:47:47 Jesus suffering
  • 01:48:12 – The concept of pain and suffering in Christianity
  • 01:50:32 “let him who is without sin cast the first stone”
  • 01:52:02 – Tangled Relationships and Casting Stones
  • 01:54:19 the “house divided against itself”
  • 01:56:11 – Representatives of Anything Worthwhile
  • 01:57:36 “you shall know them by their fruits”
  • 01:57:56 non-dual existence
  • 02:00:32 – The Concept of Hell in Ancient Semitic Mysticism
  • 02:00:38 The ancient Semitic afterlife
  • 02:02:28 Reincarnation in the Bible?
  • 02:04:54 – The Power of Chants and Music
  • 02:05:40 The source of Neil’s Aramaic chants
  • 02:07:36 Chanting Abwoon d’bashmaya
  • 02:10:34 – The Power of Transformation

657. Jeffrey Mishlove

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, The PK Man, and Psi Development Systems. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “Parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death.

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group

Summary and Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded August 6, 2022.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction and Background of Jeffrey Mishlove
  • 00:04:35 – A Dream of Uncle Harry’s Death
  • 00:08:58 – The Paranormal Capabilities of the Human Mind
  • 00:12:49 – Followed a Dream to Pursue My Interests
  • 00:17:00 – Consciousness and the Universe
  • 00:20:51 – The Significance of Parapsychology and Consciousness
  • 00:24:42 – Society with Fundamental Consciousness Understanding
  • 00:28:49 – Believing in the Power of Manifestation
  • 00:32:57 – White Crows and Psychical Research
  • 00:37:16 – The criticism of research with Mrs. Piper and the Dark Age of scientism
  • 00:41:31 – The Rise of the Spiritual but Not Religious Movement
  • 00:45:28 – Potential Capabilities of Humans and Moral Development
  • 00:49:28 – The Cosmic Game of Life and Suffering
  • 00:53:38 – Levels of Creation and the Unknown Mysteries of the Universe
  • 00:58:05 – The Reality of Macro Psychokinetic Phenomena
  • 01:02:12 – Interface between Dreams and the Bardo Planes
  • 01:06:22 – Similarities between mystical and near-death experiences
  • 01:10:49 – The Bardo Planes and Higher Dimensions
  • 01:14:28 – Living Agent Psi and the Afterlife
  • 01:18:20 – The Fisher Hoffman Process and the Dictated Therapy
  • 01:22:10 – Pre-birth Communication
  • 01:26:20 – Electronic communication with the deceased
  • 01:30:18 – Difficulty in Identifying Authentic Psychic Occurrences
  • 01:35:03 – A Game of Chess with a Deceased Chess Master
  • 01:39:16 – Physical Mediumship and Materialization
  • 01:43:20 – Houdini’s Attempt to Expose Marjorie the Medium
  • 01:47:45 – The Reality of the Witnessed Experience
  • 01:51:38 – Remembering Dean Brown
  • 01:55:45 – The Fate of the Human Species
  • 02:01:46 – The Possibility of Past Lives
  • 02:02:38 – Closing Remarks

653. Clare Goldsberry

Clare Goldsberry has been a life-long student of religion and spiritual traditions. Having been reared Protestant Christian, her goal was to study for the ministry after completing her BA in Journalism at Arizona State University. However, a few semesters into those studies in a cooperative study program with Claremont School of Theology (Claremont, CA), she was called away into the study of Buddhism.

For the past 27 years, she has been engaged in the practice of Buddhism, as well as the study of Hinduism, Gnosticism, Theosophy, philosophy (from the ancients to modern philosophers), and modern Christian religions. She has even added the study of Quantum physics to the mix after noticing that modern quantum ideas parallel those of Buddhism as the science of mind.

She has always followed her inner voice, as it is that call that is the true call on her path. She teaches classes on all of those topics and tries to encourage people to follow their inner light/voice and not to be led astray. The questions are always more important than the answers, as she tells her students.

Website: claregoldsberry.com


Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded July 2, 2022

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction and Background of Clare Goldsberry
  • 00:03:41 – Learning from Brent’s Illness
  • 00:07:51 – Remembering Death
  • 00:11:30 – The Mystery of Different Opportunities
  • 00:15:21 – The Meaning and Purpose of Karma
  • 00:19:23 – The Intelligence of the Universe
  • 00:23:24 – Guardian Angels and Grace in Life
  • 00:27:06 – The Search for Answers Outside Oneself
  • 00:30:31 – Believing in Leaders and Having All the Answers
  • 00:34:24 – Excommunicated from the Church
  • 00:38:01 – The Importance of Discernment in Beliefs and Truth
  • 00:41:34 – Reincarnation in the Judeo-Christian Tradition
  • 00:45:24 – Making Choices in Life
  • 00:49:14 – Embracing the Twists and Turns in Life
  • 00:52:56 – The Chinese Farmer Story and Embracing All Perspectives
  • 00:56:12 – Why We Don’t Know How to Die
  • 01:00:00 – Attachment and the Fear of Death
  • 01:03:21 – Reincarnation and Beliefs in India
  • 01:07:27 – Quantum Physics and Creating Reality
  • 01:10:46 – Making a Difference in Your Practice
  • 01:14:13 – The Possibility of Transcending Suffering
  • 01:17:47 – Non-attachment and Letting Go
  • 01:21:34 – Grief to Growth and Finding Meaning
  • 01:25:02 – A Shift in the World
  • 01:28:42 – The Buddha’s Awakening
  • 01:32:25 – The Dying Process and Embracing Death
  • 01:36:14 – Loving without Attachment
  • 01:40:04 – Letting Go of Attachments and Embracing Fulfillment
  • 01:43:42 – Living Life on Your Own Terms for the Time You Have
  • 01:47:12 – Reflections on Aging and Death
  • 01:50:03 – Farewell in Phoenix