449. Terry Patten

Terry Patten was a philosopher, teacher, activist, consultant, social entrepreneur, and author. Over the last fifteen years he has devoted his efforts to the evolution of consciousness by facing, examining, and healing our global crisis through the marriage of spirit and activism. He co-wrote the book “Integral Life Practice” with Ken Wilber and a core team at the Integral Institute. As a teacher and consultant, he has worked on four continents, led a team at the HeartMath Institute that developed their first heart rate variability monitor, and is the founder of the “Beyond Awakening” teleseminar series. As a community builder, he founded Bay Area Integral. As a social entrepreneur, he founded Tools For Exploration, a consciousness technologies company, and currently, he’s involved in restorative redwood forestry and fossil-fuel alternatives. His new book “A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries–A Guide to Inner Work for Holistic Change” was released by North Atlantic Books on March 6th, 2018. Terry is also co-author of Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening.

Website: terrypatten.com

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded April 7, 2018

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:03:47 – The Origins of the Cooperative Movement
  • 00:08:39 – The Evolution of Inner and Outer Work
  • 00:13:17 – Inner Work and Outer Application
  • 00:17:42 – Experiences with Adi Da and Reflections on Cultic Tendencies
  • 00:22:33 – Navigating Different States of Experience
  • 00:28:11 – Adi Da: A Profound Spiritual Writing
  • 00:32:58 – Multiple Threats to Humanity
  • 00:38:32 – The Danger of Pessimism and Uncertainty in Climate Change Discussions
  • 00:43:46 – Gut Intelligence and Precognitive Awareness
  • 00:48:32 – Demanding Unity and Accountability
  • 00:53:34 – Becoming a Superorganism for Social Change
  • 00:58:26 – Living in Tune with Nature
  • 01:02:56 – The Greatness of the Human Spirit and Miracles in Evolution
  • 01:07:11 – The Awakening and the Influence of the Unseen World
  • 01:11:19 – Awakening and Action in a Time of Fragmentation
  • 01:16:10 – Living the Questions
  • 01:20:59 – The Beauty of Culture and the Challenge of Racism
  • 01:26:33 – Embracing Puzzling Challenges and Effective Change
  • 01:30:57 – The Growth Arc Ahead of Us
  • 01:35:14 – The Fierce Voice of the Heart
  • 01:40:10 – The Paradox of Wisdom and Fellowship
  • 01:45:18 – Uniting Activists for Rational Discourse
  • 01:50:26 – The Juice of Religion and Spiritual Practice
  • 01:55:01 – The Juicy Relationship to the Divine
  • 01:59:42 – Non-dualists and their Devotion
  • 02:04:21 – Traditional Values and the Evolution of Consciousness
  • 02:08:55 – Whole Systems Change and Consciousness
  • 02:13:40 – The Call to Greatness and Genuine Sense of Possibility
  • 02:17:28 – Cashing the IOU of Consciousness
  • 02:20:46 – An Interview with Anne Baring