477. Rupert Sheldrake

Rupert Sheldrake, PhD is a biologist and author of more than 85 scientific papers and 12 books, including Science Set Free and Science and Spiritual Practices. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge University, a Frank Know Fellow at Harvard, and a Research Fellow of the Royal Society. From 2005-2010 the Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project for research on unexplained human and animal abilities, funded by Trinity College, Cambridge. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, California, and of Schumacher College in Devon, England. His website is sheldrake.org.

Some of Rupert’s books:

Transcript of this interview

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Interview recorded November 20, 2018.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:03:14 – Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance
  • 00:06:30 – Controversy and Memory in Nature
  • 00:09:48 – Morphic Resonance and Memory
  • 00:12:47 – The Ultimate Morphic Field
  • 00:16:02 – The Trinity Principle in Hinduism
  • 00:19:09 – Levels of Consciousness and the Pervading Field
  • 00:22:01 – The Subtle Body and the Dream Body
  • 00:25:06 – Morphic Fields and Boundaries
  • 00:28:14 – Promissory Materialism and the Wager
  • 00:31:28 – The Unfathomable Complexity of the Universe
  • 00:34:41 – The Belief in Science as a Faith
  • 00:37:46 – The Potential of Analog Computing and the Rejection of Materialism
  • 00:40:48 – The Materialistic Perspective on Spirituality
  • 00:44:12 – Dismissing Dzogchen and the Arrogance of Atheism
  • 00:47:13 – Accepting Your Own Experience
  • 00:50:09 – The Fallacy of Winner-Takes-All Thinking and Scientific Fundamentalism
  • 00:53:03 – The Tendency for “One True Path” Ideology in Religion
  • 00:56:13 – The Phenomenon of Homogeneous Hydrogen
  • 00:59:34 – The Divine Ordering Principles in Science and Spirituality
  • 01:02:45 – The Impressive Buildings of Europe
  • 01:06:09 – Exploring the Effects of Drugs on Consciousness 
  • 01:09:06 – Yin and Yang polarity in Taoist philosophy
  • 01:12:27 – Morphic Resonance and Vibratory Patterns
  • 01:15:34 – Father Bede Griffiths and the Ashram Experience
  • 01:19:00 – Comparing Christian and Indian Traditions
  • 01:22:20 – Morphic Resonance in Rituals and Pilgrimages
  • 01:25:23 – Circumambulation in Different Religions
  • 01:28:05 – The Consciousness of Nature and the Sun
  • 01:31:20 – The concept of panentheism
  • 01:34:11 – Interview Release Update