702. Neil Theise

Neil Theise is a professor of pathology at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Through his scientific research, he has been a pioneer of adult stem cell plasticity and the anatomy of the human interstitium. Dr. Theise’s studies in complexity theory have led to interdisciplinary collaborations in fields such as integrative medicine, consciousness studies, and science-religion dialogue. He is a senior Zen student at the Village Zendo in NYC. His life long Jewish practice has involved both traditional observances and formal academic study. In recent years, (to his surprise) he has also undergone shamanic initiation.


Website: neiltheiseofficial.com

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group

Summary and transcript of this interview.

Interview recorded March 9, 2024

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:04:25 – Complexity Theory and the study of life
  • 00:08:34 – Dynamic Healing of the GI Tract
  • 00:12:40 – Artificial Life and Complexity Theory
  • 00:17:26 – Awakening through the Koan “Mu”
  • 00:22:41 – The Fascinating Idea of Biocentrism and Organizing Complexity
  • 00:25:45 – Discovering Complexity Theory
  • 00:28:37 – The Illusion of Materiality and the Nature of Pure Awareness
  • 00:33:37 – The Non-dual Fundamental Awareness
  • 00:37:38 – Complementarity in Quantum Physics and Beyond
  • 00:42:36 – The Quantum Field of the Body
  • 00:46:29 – Direct experiences of quantum level reality
  • 00:49:14 – The True Nature of Conscious Reality
  • 00:53:25 – The Illusion of Reality
  • 00:56:56 – The Mechanism of Human Consciousness
  • 01:01:23 – Challenging Empirical Science and Promissory Materialism
  • 01:04:51 – The Intimacy of Subject and Object in Quantum Science
  • 01:08:53 – The Limitations of Mathematics and Empirical Science
  • 01:13:30 – Gödel and Turing’s Implications for Mystical Exploration and Consciousness
  • 01:17:33 – Shifting Paradigms and the Nature of Consciousness
  • 01:21:20 – Self-Organization and Complexity in the Universe
  • 01:24:44 – Negative and Positive Feedback Loops
  • 01:29:02 – The Adjacent Possibles and Creativity
  • 01:32:16 – The Subtle Dimensions of Living Beings and the Universe
  • 01:35:26 – Language Limitations and Perspective
  • 01:39:02 – Awakening through Traumatic Experiences
  • 01:42:35 – Wondering about Luck and the Beloved Name
  • 01:45:28 – The Universe’s Construction and Spiritual Practices
  • 01:48:30 – The Divine Feminine and Unconditional Love
  • 01:52:57 – The Nature of Reality and True Compassion
  • 01:55:56 – Conclusion

692. Ruth Kastner

Ruth E. Kastner earned her M.S. in Physics and Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Maryland. Since that time, she has taught widely and conducted research in Foundations of Physics, particularly in interpretations of quantum theory. She was one of three winners of the 2021 Alumni Research Award at the University of Maryland, College Park. She is the author of 3 books: The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Theory: The Reality of Possibility (Cambridge University Press, 2012; 2nd edition just published, 2022), Understanding Our Unseen Reality: Solving Quantum Riddles (Imperial College Press, 2015); and Adventures In Quantumland: Exploring Our Unseen Reality (World Scientific, 2019). She has presented talks and interviews throughout the world and in video recordings on the interpretational challenges of quantum theory, and has a blog at transactionalinterpretation.org. She is also a dedicated yoga practitioner and received her 200-Hour Yoga Alliance Instructor Certification in February, 2020.

Website: ruthekastner.org

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group

Transcript and summary of this interview

Interview recorded October 21, 2023.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:04:03 – The Importance of Physical Fitness and Yoga
  • 00:08:00 – Discovering the Transactional Interpretation
  • 00:11:58 – The Connection between Consciousness and Spirituality
  • 00:16:28 – The Yin-Yang Nature of Quantum Theory
  • 00:21:50 – The Reality of Quantum Possibilities
  • 00:26:08 – The Blind Men and the Elephant
  • 00:29:38 – The Measurement Problem and Consciousness
  • 00:36:21 – The Orthodox Position on Dark Matter and Dark Energy
  • 00:41:10 – Events and the Illusion of Space-Time
  • 00:44:08 – The Analogy of Enlightenment and the Game of Life
  • 00:47:10 – The Shimmering Intelligence in Every Particle of Creation
  • 00:53:15 – Pathology and the Neglect of Yin
  • 00:55:34 – The Taboo of Passivity and Eastern Wisdom
  • 00:58:00 – The Debate on Free Will
  • 01:00:39 – The Ad hoc Nature of the Feynman Propagator
  • 01:01:21 – The Flatland Analogy
  • 01:04:48 – Mr. Flatland and the Sphere
  • 01:08:16 – The Controversy Surrounding the Term “Consciousness”
  • 01:11:50 – Volition and Symmetry Breaking in Nature
  • 01:15:01 – The Relationality of Charged Particles
  • 01:18:22 – Understanding outcomes in the transactional picture
  • 01:21:52 – Mastery over the Laws of Nature
  • 01:24:56 – The Holographic Principle and its Significance
  • 01:29:23 – Quantum Theory and the Physical World
  • 01:33:25 – The Power and Limitations of Physical Science
  • 01:43:30 – The Interconnectedness of String Theory
  • 01:49:12 – The Flow of Time and Phenomena
  • 01:54:24 – The Cosmos: Conscious Being or Product of Chance and Necessity

684. Chris Niebauer

Chris Niebauer earned his Ph.D. in cognitive neuropsychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in the differences between the left and right sides of the human brain. He is the author of No Self, No Problem: How Neuropsychology Is Catching Up to Buddhism and The No Self, No Problem Workbook: Exercises & Practices from Neuropsychology and Buddhism to Help You Lose Your Mind. He was a professor at a state university in Pennsylvania for 22 years, where he taught courses on consciousness, mindfulness, left- and right-brain differences, and artificial intelligence.

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group

Summary and transcript of this interview

Interview recorded June 3, 2023

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:06:21 – Disappointment with Daniel Dennett’s book on consciousness
  • 00:11:55 – The Value of Intelligence and Happiness
  • 00:17:39 – The Dominance of Language in Reality
  • 00:23:31 – Breaking the Cycle of Mental Excitation
  • 00:29:04 – Non-Thinking Forms of Consciousness
  • 00:34:24 – The Power of Numbers and Abstractions
  • 00:40:01 – Observing the Interpreter and Letting Go of Intrusive Thoughts
  • 00:45:55 – The Need for a Tiny Shift
  • 00:51:17 – The Inventive Storytelling of the Left Brain
  • 00:57:17 – Holistic Development of the Brain
  • 01:02:52 – The Playfulness of Debates and the Power of Music
  • 01:08:41 – The Nature of Skepticism and Strange Beliefs
  • 01:14:25 – The Shift to Right Brain Awareness
  • 01:19:53 – The Left Brain on Trial
  • 01:25:32 – Individual Paths and Categorization
  • 01:31:05 – Liberation and the Illusion of Self
  • 01:36:54 – The Paradox of the Soul and Individuality
  • 01:43:02 – Embracing Paradoxes
  • 01:48:22 – The Connection between Light and Consciousness
  • 01:53:31 – The Role of Faith in Materialism and Consciousness Studies
  • 01:58:37 – The Inadequacy of Neuroscience
  • 02:03:46 – The Limitations of Understanding and Balance in Life