205. Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee Ph.D. is a Sufi teacher and author. Born in London he moved to Northern California in 1991 and founded the Golden Sufi Center, (goldensufi.org). In recent years the focus of his writing and teaching has been on spiritual responsibility in our present time of global crisis, and an awakening global consciousness of oneness (workingwithoneness.org) (Working with Oneness). More recently he has written about the feminine (The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul), and the emerging subject of Spiritual Ecology (emergencemagazine.org) He has been interviewed by Oprah Winfrey on Super Soul Sunday and featured on the Global Spirit Series shown on PBS. His most recent book is Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth. Much of this interview focused on the topic of that book.

Other books:

Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded 11/10/2013

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Llewellyn Vaughan- Lee and his work
  • 00:02:23 – The Key to a Different World
  • 00:04:57 – The Beginning of My Spiritual Journey
  • 00:07:04 – The beginning of my spiritual journey above Mrs. Tweedie
  • 00:08:53 – The Decision to Go to America
  • 00:10:37 – Spiritual Freedom in California
  • 00:12:37 – Learning from a Spiritual Teacher
  • 00:14:52 – A State of Pure Light and Bliss
  • 00:16:32 – Oneness and Shattered Ego
  • 00:18:48 – Reconstituting the ego around a different center of consciousness
  • 00:20:58 – “Abiding after Passing Away”
  • 00:23:44 – The Compilation of Essays
  • 00:26:47 – Our Responsibility Towards Creation
  • 00:29:41 – Becoming Responsible spiritual citizens of the world
  • 00:32:09 – The Next Step: Servanthood
  • 00:34:18 – The Contribution of Spiritual People
  • 00:36:25 – The Listening of the Heart
  • 00:38:13 – The Forgotten Spiritual Body of the Earth
  • 00:40:23 – Sustainability and the Responsibility to Creation
  • 00:42:48 – The Great Chain of Being and the Ecological Crisis
  • 00:45:13 – The Quest for the Grail
  • 00:48:19 – The Awakening and Service to the Whole
  • 00:48:41 – Keeping Integrity Amidst Commercialization
  • 00:50:50 – Embracing the responsibility of awakening
  • 00:53:00 – Connecting through the Web of Light
  • 00:55:11 – Beneficial and Less Beneficial Forces in the World
  • 00:57:22 – Censored from an Awareness of Inner Beings
  • 00:59:29 – The Inclusiveness of Oneness
  • 01:01:32 – Prayer for the Earth and Spiritual Intimacy
  • 01:03:55 – A Connection between People and the World
  • 01:06:10 – Music