566. Helen Hamilton

Helen Hamilton is a spiritual teacher based in West Yorkshire, in the north of England, and is a mother of four. After struggling through her own awakening several years ago Helen was driven by the urge to simplify awakening for all beings and to share the essential pointings that allow us to overcome common challenges along the path to freedom.

Helen’s teaching style is direct and uncompromising in its insistence that we already are what we are searching for and yet encompasses compassion and wisdom to help us dissolve our ego with love and understanding. She teaches worldwide and holds regular Satsangs and other events.


Website: helenhamilton.org

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and transcript of this interview.

Interview recorded August 29, 2020

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to the Interview with Helen Hamilton
  • 00:04:34 – Discovering Meditation and the Third Eye
  • 00:08:50 – The Polarization of Life
  • 00:12:48 – Discovering Different Types of Meditation
  • 00:16:36 – Exploring the Sense of Self
  • 00:20:46 – A Pivotal Moment of Awakening
  • 00:24:47 – Overcoming the Belief of Exclusivity
  • 00:28:39 – Removing Obstructions in Spiritual Growth
  • 00:32:47 – Embracing the Ongoing Unfolding in the Body and Mind
  • 00:36:54 – Understanding the Mind’s Obsessive Thoughts about Others
  • 00:41:01 – Understanding Obsessions and Cravings
  • 00:45:22 – Passionate Contemplation and Openness to Emotions
  • 00:49:13 – Assault by the Demon Mara and the Importance of Regular Practice
  • 00:52:56 – Characteristics of Enlightenment
  • 00:57:07 – The Manifestation of Diversity within Oneness
  • 01:01:14 – The Source of Intelligence
  • 01:05:39 – Teenagers, Emotions, and Parenting
  • 01:09:39 – Consciousness and Awareness
  • 01:13:40 – Stages of Awakening
  • 01:17:39 – Success in Awakening
  • 01:21:18 – The Absence of Internal Conflict
  • 01:25:01 – Awakening and the Energy Component
  • 01:28:38 – The Proper Context of Spiritual Experiences
  • 01:32:18 – The Power of Meditation
  • 01:36:10 – Recognizing the Unchanging Nature
  • 01:40:09 – Quieting the Mind and Experiencing Oneness
  • 01:44:03 – Settling the Mind and the Presence of Thoughts
  • 01:47:28 – Thoughts and Enlightenment
  • 01:51:21 – The Journey through Spiritual Courses
  • 01:54:56 – Meeting People Where They Are
  • 01:58:31 – Finding Home in Life