Ann Mathie

Ann has been practising yoga and meditation for nearly 20 years and has since completed her Masters in the Traditions of Yoga and Meditation from SOAS University with ongoing Sanskrit training. Ann was inspired from an early age by her father’s anecdotal experiences with Kuṇḍalinī and his involvement in experiments with Zen priest and transpersonal scientist, Dr Motoyama. Her own experiences have pointed her towards a phenomenological investigation of the parallels between spontaneous Kuṇḍalinī awakenings and Buddhist paths to enlightenment. Her previous research focuses on the phenomenology of Buddhist and Yogic experiences through practice.

Ann is currently researching spontaneous Kuṇḍalinī arousals and how these experiences map onto the path of realisation within Indian Buddhist and Yogic traditions as well as cutting-edge consciousness theory. Her mission is to gain a deeper understanding of the psychological processes that can arise from spontaneous transpersonal experiences or deep meditation practice and how we can safely support others walking this path towards greater wholeness.


Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded October 8, 2022

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction and Background
  • 00:04:25 – Kundalini and Theosophy
  • 00:08:29 – Questioning Mainstream Sanity
  • 00:11:53 – Exploring Different Religious Practices
  • 00:16:02 – The Complexity of Traditions and Spiritual Paths
  • 00:19:48 – The Path of Compassion and Moral Behavior
  • 00:23:46 – The Three Components: Rajasic, Sattvic, Tamasic
  • 00:27:39 – Breakthroughs and Trauma in Spiritual Experiences
  • 00:31:07 – The Arhat and Enlightenment in Buddhism
  • 00:34:34 – The Four Stages to Arhant-hood
  • 00:38:12 – The Power of Insight in Teaching and Evaluation of Teachers
  • 00:41:58 – The Importance of a Healthy Guru-Student Relationship
  • 00:45:47 – Spiritual Integrity and Money in Modern Society
  • 00:49:19 – Contrasting skillful means and direct realization
  • 00:53:05 – The Benefits of Meditation Practice
  • 00:56:57 – Dissolving the Illusion of Self-Personality
  • 01:00:27 – Awakening Without Practice
  • 01:04:25 – The Manifestation of Kundalini Energy
  • 01:08:35 – Spontaneous Body Movements and Kriyas
  • 01:12:06 – Letting Go of Stored Emotions
  • 01:15:40 – The Relationship Between Shaking and Psychological Processes
  • 01:19:28 – Managing Kundalini Energy for Individuals with Weak Neural Networks or Trauma
  • 01:23:07 – The Consequences of Mind-Shattering Experiences
  • 01:27:04 – The Challenges of Running a Marathon
  • 01:30:51 – The Path to Enlightenment and Psychological Health
  • 01:34:49 – The 10 Impurities of Insight
  • 01:38:41 – The Importance of the Whole Path
  • 01:42:18 – Finding Balance on the Spiritual Path
  • 01:46:27 – Importance of Cultivating Right Intention
  • 01:50:29 – The Importance of Compassion and Kindness
  • 01:54:14 – A Conversation with Ann Mathie

603. Tara Springett

From her teenage years onwards Tara has been deeply interested in personal growth and self-development and has dedicated her life to this quest.

Tara holds an M.A. in Education and has post-graduate qualifications in gestalt therapy, body awareness therapy, and transpersonal therapy. She is a fully qualified and licensed psychotherapist and counselor. Tara has worked as a drug counselor, counselor for adolescents, and general psychotherapist since 1988.

Tara has been a dedicated Buddhist practitioner since 1986. In 1997 she received encouragement from her Buddhist teacher Rigdzin Shikpo to teach meditation to others. In 2002 her Buddhist teacher Venerable Garchen Rinpoche also encouraged her to teach.

Tara has since taught ongoing meditation groups and combines Buddhist wisdom and her experience in counseling when assisting her clients with their personal growth, self-development, and improvement.

Since 2011 Tara has specialized in helping people suffering from kundalini syndrome.

Tara is the author of several self-help books. She has been featured in numerous publications and has appeared on various radio and television shows in Europe and the US. Tara is a regular contributor to

Tara (born 1960) lives in the beautiful countryside of Devon in England where she also works in her private counseling (Skype) practice together with her husband Nigel. In her free time, Tara loves to walk in nature, visit old-fashioned English tea rooms, and lavish many hours of work on her flower garden.



Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and Transcript of this interview.

Interview recorded June 19, 2021.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:04:41 – Managing Negative Emotions and Scary Energy Movements
  • 00:09:08 – The Process of Kundalini Awakening and Kriyas
  • 00:13:32 – Storing Traumas in the Body
  • 00:18:08 – The Correlation Between Chinese Medicine and Subtle Body
  • 00:22:26 – Four Levels of Spiritual Practice
  • 00:26:59 – The Experience of Being the Deity
  • 00:31:26 – The Levels of Development in Dzogchen Teaching
  • 00:35:24 – Working with the Chakras for Awakening Kundalini
  • 00:39:21 – Speaking the Truth with Diplomacy
  • 00:43:37 – Kundalini Awakening and Clearing Deep-Seated Issues
  • 00:48:03 – Becoming a Deity in Tibetan Buddhism
  • 00:52:21 – Contradictions in Buddhist Teachings
  • 00:56:55 – Coexistence of Mental Health and Kundalini Symptoms
  • 01:01:45 – The Relationship between Kundalini Awakening and Mental Disorders
  • 01:06:28 – The Dangers of Kundalini Awakening via Drugs
  • 01:10:27 – Deflected Kundalini Rising and its Consequences
  • 01:14:52 – Kundalini awakening and its accessibility through the internet
  • 01:19:15 – The Starting Point: Kundalini Awakening
  • 01:23:26 – Signs of Progress in Meditation
  • 01:27:47 – The Evolution of Relationships and the Tantric Relationship
  • 01:32:18 – Managing Sensitivity
  • 01:36:47 – Pacing Yourself in the Enlightenment Process
  • 01:41:19 – Dzogrim and the Fusion of Control, Surrender, and Love
  • 01:45:30 – Balancing Judgment and Acceptance
  • 01:49:31 – Balancing Bliss States and Family Life
  • 01:53:50 – The Health Benefits of Kundalini Awakening
  • 01:58:06 – Kundalini Awakening and Prophetic Dreams
  • 02:02:14 – Stages of Consciousness
  • 02:06:35 – The Stages of Consciousness Development
  • 02:10:49 – Books on Kundalini Symptoms and Awakening

514. Dorothy Walters

Dorothy Walters, Ph.D., spent most of her early professional life as a professor of English literature in various Midwestern universities. She helped to found one of the first women’s studies programs in this country and served as the director of this program for many years. After an extended residence in San Francisco, she now lives and writes in Colorado, where she has a close relationship with the mountains as well as various streams and canyons.

She underwent major Kundalini awakening in 1981 (a phenomenon totally unfamiliar to her as well as to most of her contemporaries at the time); since then she has devoted her life to researching and writing about this subject and to witnessing the unfolding of this process within herself as well as assisting others on a similar path through writing and other means. As someone who made her extensive journey without the direction of any external leader or guru, church, or established order, she is a strong believer in the “guru within,” the inner guide rather than the external authority figure or institution.

She feels that universal Kundalini awakening is the means for planetary and personal evolution of consciousness, and that evidence of planetary initiation is becoming more and more prevalent. Her Kundalini awakening and subsequent process of unfolding are described in her memoir Unmasking the Rose, A Record of a Kundalini Initiation.  Her poems taken from her four previous volumes are published as “Some Kiss We Want: Poems Selected and New”. Her article on “Kundalini and the Mystic Path” was included in Kundalini Rising, an anthology from Sounds True Publications. Her poems, which have been included in many anthologies and journals, have been set to music and sung at the Royal Opera House in London as well as Harvard University, used as texts for sermons and read aloud in churches, included in doctoral projects, been frequently quoted, and have given inspiration to many.  Recently, a pilgrim to Petra read one of her poems aloud while there.

She often gives counsel and referral free of charge to those undergoing spontaneous Kundalini awakening and/or spiritual transformation.


Website: Kundalini Splendor

Dorothy passed away in February, 2023.

Conversations with Andrew Harvey:

Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.

Summary and transcript of this interview.

Interview recorded August 17, 2019.

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
  • 00:06:21 – The Two-Edged Sword of Kundalini
  • 00:13:09 – Out-of-body experiences and subtler realms
  • 00:17:31 – The Masculine and Feminine Aspects of Shiva and Shakti
  • 00:21:43 – Kundalini Awakening Journey
  • 00:26:32 – Searching for Guidance in the Absence of Gurus
  • 00:30:59 – Walking in Two Worlds
  • 00:35:33 – The Importance of a Spiritual Buddy
  • 00:39:37 – First level initiation with unseen guides
  • 00:43:35 – Being in Touch with Guides
  • 00:47:10 – Early Experiences and Lack of Understanding
  • 00:50:44 – Moments of Cosmic Consciousness
  • 00:54:11 – The Experience of Bliss
  • 00:57:28 – The Energetic Path
  • 01:00:46 – Tuning into Others’ Experiences
  • 01:04:51 – Challenges and Pain as Catalysts for Kundalini Awakening
  • 01:09:05 – Overcoming Cancer and Spiritual Awakening
  • 01:12:32 – Aches and Pains with Inner Spiritual Awakening
  • 01:16:59 – The TM disaster and finding your own path in spirituality
  • 01:20:06 – Beauty and Oneness in Consciousness
  • 01:24:22 – The Skepticism of Channeling and the Answers Received
  • 01:27:35 – Facing Childhood Issues
  • 01:31:31 – Hope and the Power of Poetry
  • 01:34:35 – The Power of Poetry and Spiritual Writing
  • 01:38:27 – Evolution and Progress in Turbulent Times
  • 01:42:01 – The Subtle Body and the Bliss
  • 01:45:31 – The Importance of Taking Care of your Body
  • 01:49:09 – Surrendering to Vastness and Love
  • 01:53:47 – Publishing Poetry and Embracing Wildness
  • 01:58:43 – A Delightful Conversation with Rick
  • 02:01:52 – Staying Connected with Me