645. Anoop Kumar

Anoop Kumar communicates a bold, new vision of healing and healthcare based in a more comprehensive understanding of whole human anatomy–a crucial step in the journey of healthcare transformation. He is the founder of Health Revolution, an emergency physician, public speaker, and author of Michelangelo’s Medicine: How Redefining the Human Body Will Transform Health and Healthcare and Is This a Dream?: Reflections on the Awakening Mind, and a columnist for Emergency Medicine News.

Integrating a deeper understanding of consciousness with our existing medical knowledge is foundational to Anoop’s work. To further this, he developed the Three Minds framework–a trans-disciplinary approach that develops and integrates our knowledge of consciousness, mind, body, and the environment. He applies the Three Minds framework to identify unexamined tenets ripe for disruption and rehabilitation in healthcare.

By training, Anoop is board-certified in emergency medicine and holds a master’s degree in management with a focus in health leadership.


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Summary and Transcript of this interview

Interview recorded May 7, 2022

YouTube Video Chapters:

  • 00:00:00 – Introduction with Rick Archer
  • 00:04:39 – An Explosive Experience in the Bedroom
  • 00:08:48 – Remembering Past Lives
  • 00:13:06 – Timeless Experience
  • 00:17:25 – Defining Consciousness and Brahman
  • 00:21:55 – Taking a Scientific Approach to Spiritual Concepts
  • 00:26:23 – The Cleansing of Perception and Integration
  • 00:30:48 – The Three Minds Framework
  • 00:35:49 – The Formation of Identity
  • 00:40:57 – Moving from the Physical to the Mental World
  • 00:45:40 – The Relationship Between the Physical and Mental
  • 00:50:27 – The Three Minds Framework
  • 00:54:59 – The Nature of Light and Perception
  • 00:59:26 – Awareness of the Second Mind
  • 01:03:44 – The Three I’s and Existence Across Different Layers of Reality
  • 01:08:36 – The Difference Between Jesus and Hitler
  • 01:13:02 – The Perception of Existence
  • 01:17:46 – Speculation on Unity of Minds
  • 01:22:07 – The Three Minds: Jeeva, Saguna Brahman, and Nirguna Brahman
  • 01:26:53 – Integrating Fields of Knowledge and Society
  • 01:31:53 – Perception and Identity
  • 01:36:45 – The Sense of Identity in Spirituality and Psychosis
  • 01:41:18 – The Power of the Mind and Restructuring through Spirituality
  • 01:45:44 – The Importance of Guidance in Spiritual Practice
  • 01:50:00 – Setting Personal Standards
  • 01:54:19 – The Influence of Culture on Religion
  • 01:58:58 – The Process of Integration
  • 02:03:27 – The Power of Creativity and Connection
  • 02:07:56 – The Role of Intuition in Spiritual Guidance
  • 02:12:14 – Healing and Becoming Whole
  • 02:16:47 – Closing Remarks and Resources