Lucas Bergendahl Transcript

Lucas Bergendahl interview


The interview with Lucas Bergendahl on “Buddha at the Gas Pump” covers his spiritual journey and awakening. Lucas shares that four years ago, he experienced an awakening that granted him access to the Akasha through telepathy, leading to a higher state of consciousness. Since then, he has dedicated his time to integrating this experience and helping others identify past influences that hinder the realization of their soul’s full presence. He also assists animals through telepathy and conducts workshops on esoteric teachings.

Full transcript:

Rick: Welcome to Buddha at the Gas Pump. I’m Rick Archer. My guest today is Lucas Bergendahl and here’s a brief bio of Lucas. “Four years ago, I experienced an awakening that opened up different worlds, and granted me access to the Akasha through telepathy, leading to a higher state of consciousness. Since then, I have dedicated my time to integrating this experience, and helping others identify past influences that hinder the realization of their soul’s full presence. I also assist animals through telepathy. I conduct workshops on esoteric teachings gathered since my awakening, providing keys to help people find their way home. And more about Lucas in a minute, or more with Lucas in a minute, a couple of housecleaning points or housekeeping points. Let’s see, you might want to visit the website if you haven’t been there, if you’re just watching this on YouTube;, because there are all kinds of things there that you won’t find on the YouTube channel, one of which is an AI chat bot that is called the BatGapBot that has over better than conversations you might have with ChatGTP or Copilot or one of those other AIs. And there’s also a donate button as there is now on YouTube, that’s a new thing, it says thanks, I think, on YouTube. This program is made possible through the support of appreciative listeners and viewers, so if you appreciate it and would like to help support it, you could donate through PayPal on Facebook, excuse me, on the BatGap website, or through the little button on YouTube, or through various other means, which you’ll see on the donation button, the donation page on BatGap. Okay, enough of that. Welcome, Lucas.

Lucas: Thank you. Thank you, Rick.

Rick: Good to have you here. Lucas and I had a conversation earlier in the week, and he’s one of these people that I kind of feel like I know him, you know? I think you’ll get that feeling too. He’s easy to know and kind of a kindred soul, I think, to all of us. So, you’re

Lucas: Yes. Yes.

Rick: That’s good. And let’s do a little bit of chronological bio first. So you were, how old were you when you first- well, actually I remember hearing you say that when you were a kid, you had perceptions of things that you just assumed that everyone had, but you later discovered they didn’t. So, what were you like as a little kid?

Lucas: So how I was as a little kid, is the story from my parents because I cannot remember it myself.

Rick: Right, me neither. (laughs)

Lucas: Yeah, I have a few moments I can remember, but it’s basically, I think what is most easy for me to actually explain is my latest awakening, because that leads to how I was as a kid, if that’s okay? I go that way.

Rick: Yeah, sure, yep.

Lucas: Because I tried very much after I dropped school, I tried to fit in society, with like figuring out what to do with life, and try to be successful with this work, this work or what to do. And the more I tried to seek success, the more I found this empty hole inside of me. And at one point I just completely burned out and I went into a depression for a year where I only slept two hours a night. and it was actually one day when my parents, they came to me and they say, “You know what, Lucas? There’s something we have to tell you. We have to tell you something from when you were a child.” And then they started to tell me how I often talked about past lives, like my own past lives, when I was sitting and playing with my toys. I apparently said to my mom, ”Mom, now I know how I died in my past life,” and then I told the entire story and such and that was more like a daily routine that I often spoke about either past lives, or like what will happen in the future or spirits, when someone in the family left the body. I was waking up the entire night just like watching the spirits and such. So, my parents had A lot of these. They often saw that there was something in me that was awakened to these worlds. And the more I tried to fit in society the more I opened like an emptiness inside of myself, that kind of drained me. So, that’s how I was as a as a kid. I was able to see my past lives and I was able to sometimes get glimpses of the future which will happen, which I said to my parents, stuff like having a little brother or something that’s like a more classic one, but also seeing spirits, and that also made me afraid of the darkness when I was a kid. So yeah was a lot of hindrances trying to fit into the world, when you saw spirits also right.

Rick: Yeah a lot of so-called spiritual people have a hard time fitting into the world. They go through a struggle when they’re younger. In fact, you have a picture of Saint Francis behind you. And I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the movie Brother Sun, Sister, Moon about Saint Francis. But, he came back from the Crusades, and he was a sort of a macho guy. And then he got really sick. And then he came out of that and had this huge transformation. And then, his father wanted him to work in the family clothing business or whatever it was. And, in the movie at least, he took off all his clothes and threw them around and just wandered off. Yeah, he just said, “I can’t make it in this world. I can’t fit in.”

Lucas: Yeah, that’s true. And somehow, I’m trying to fit in a little bit more still, but I’m not walking around naked in the street.

Rick: Yeah, well, if you did, you’d get a nice cozy jail cell to sleep in.

Lucas: So no, I’m actually like, one of the things that I’m very dedicated to today, is to help people that also have openings, because There’re so many people who has these kinds of openings, it is so hard to fit into society. And it’s about finding the balance, right? Because some people have an EC, even though they’re like very awakened and, they have these open abilities and such. So, it’s actually one of the things that I’m really like, I’m trying to really be in service of, because I know how devastating it can be if you don’t know what’s within you and you don’t know how to react without you.

Rick: Yeah.

Lucas: Like externally. Yeah.

Rick: There’s probably a lot of people watching today that feel that way. Incidentally, I didn’t mention in the beginning that you’re in Denmark, you’re Danish. And just in case people are wondering what your accent is. So how do you help such people?

Lucas: That’s very difficult. I don’t that that’s the thing with the way I work. I don’t have a formula of what I do. People sometimes call it soul therapy. I don’t really have a name for it, but basically, I’m trying to find the truth within them, which they are not able to see themselves. I know that sounds very normal or something but that’s like my go-to point, and then every session or every meeting I have with someone goes different ways. But there is of course these kind of fundamental parts that I’m using of myself and I’m using like you mentioned, I’m using the telepathy and I’m using my opening to the Akasha and also my opening to the past lives which I have today to help these people seeing what’s like what’s blocking them, what’s causing suffering.

Rick: I actually figured you were going to say that it’s different for different people, which makes sense. You wouldn’t obviously do the same thing with everybody. So, can you think of a typical session that maybe you had recently or whenever, and just kind of give us a sense of how that went and what your experience was with the person, and maybe, what you saw in a subtler way about them and maybe what the what transformation if any they underwent?

Lucas: Yeah, recently I had a client that came to me, and she saw she saw one of my interviews – one of my past interviews and she felt that kind of call. She didn’t know what she came for. So, I sat with her, and she said I don’t know why I’m here, but I just feel like I need to have that session with you and then I have to, for me, it’s like I have to see the entire book of the soul’s incarnation to figure out: “Okay. What where is the chapter that something happened where we need to look into today?” to figure out what’s blocking and So, it’s not like I see a book, but that’s the best symbol. It’s very subtle out there. So, it’s very hard to say but I – kind of like I scrolled and like you have the book and you scroll in and I’m like “Okay, there’s something here. I feel okay. Let’s look into that” and I basically read her without her saying anything how she had problems in her relationship, and how she had that she actually wasn’t together with her with her husband anymore. And she had, like she was trying to seek love from others and at the same time and Yeah, like and why that happened, because in her mind she didn’t know what was happening. She didn’t see that there was something in that, that caused her suffering. She just went to me, because she said I feel a cold I don’t know what it is. Of course. I have suffering, I don’t know what it is. And then I kind of guided into see what it was and then we went into “Okay, what is this about?”, because I’m always trying one of the things that I really try to do is always pull the energy back so, it’s what’s within you and never about the other person. That can be very triggering for a lot of people, because sometimes it’s easy to pull it to put it to others. But I’m really trying to figure out what is it? Like what is the karmic pattern that is blocking you to see? To see the truth within yourself in this situation that kind of sets you free? So that’s my belief, that when we see the truth and we become conscious about that Truth, and we accept that truth and we embody it, it can set us free.

Rick: Okay, I have a couple of questions about that. So, one is, well, I can think of a dozen questions, but first question is like when did you and I’ll get back to this lady, but when did you start? picking up on people’s past lives.

Lucas: I’ve I became conscious about it like four years ago, in my awakening. I had I had a moment, I had an experience where all these kinds of abilities came back to me, because it got suppressed for a long time

Rick: They came back to you from previous lives or from your childhood?

Lucas: From my childhood. Yeah, from my childhood, but also more strong. I guess it’s more strong than my childhood. It feels like that at least because

Rick: And even your childhood you could say that was from previous lives. I probably had this stuff developed back then.

Lucas: Yeah, I say I believe so, because I know I’ve worked with it in past lives. Also because that’s one of the first thing I saw was like a story of my soul’s own incarnation into this this world. And so, yeah, I believe so, when we go into these, when we are being born with these abilities is because the soul has already unlocked it in the past life.

Rick: Yeah. And a general principle we could state here is that everybody comes into this life at a certain level of evolution, which is pretty much the level of evolution at which they left the last life. You kind of pick up where you left off.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. And, that’s also why that that’s actually, that’s exactly how I use this, like with the past lives. Because in the beginning it was very hard for me to see if someone, when this opened within these three days andI started to just, I was walking on the street and I saw a man and how he jumped out of a house in the past life or like how he raped or murdered someone, I saw these kind of things just walking on the street, seeing people.

Rick: Wow. Was it like constant, and therefore really kind of overwhelming? Or just occasionally a flash?

Lucas: It was constant in a way. If I walked with my dog, I could meet 20 people. I didn’t see it with all 20, but maybe five or 10 of them, something like that.

Rick: You’d get some image of them jumping out of a window or something?

Lucas: Yeah, exactly. And I also had that, when the telepathic ability opened, I also got the thoughts, it came like, if they were also suicidal or what they were thinking about. And often it was very, very dark what people are walking around thinking about, right? So, I took a lot of time to really isolate myself to figure out how can I

Rick: shut it down,

Lucas: shut it down, so it will only be open when it’s needed.

Rick: And so did you accomplish that?

Lucas: Yeah, I did. Yeah, it was a very intense half a year where I felt like a lot of joy and a lot of light, to life kind of vanished for a long time because it felt…

Rick: You’re picking up on all this stuff, yeah.

Lucas: Yeah, it was very intense, very overwhelming and all the dark stuff. So, I, but I went deep and I actually, within half a year, I learned how to only open up when people, not even when they asked me, but when they needed, because, I also figure out when people, friends or like people and who’s also like a seeker and they heard about this, this, and they were like meeting me somewhere. They’re like, can you tell me something about that? I’m not doing it that way. It’s only like if people come to me with like, and they really need help, right? They really need to -they want to heal then I’m opening up I’m not opening up for fun.

Rick: Yeah, it’s not a party game.

Lucas: No.

Rick: You’d be a popular guy. Yeah.

Lucas: Well yeah that’s the thing, right? I had to make a choice also when I saw that I could become very popular. I could feed the part of myself who could like seek affirmation and such and I need to drop that also and say that’s not the path I want to go. I want to go this one.

Rick: Yeah, I was thinking about that. Maybe it was after our conversation that we had the other day, and maybe you and I actually talked about it. Yeah, we did because we talked about the story of Jesus, after his 40 days and 40 nights in the desert being tempted by the devil, so to speak, and told that he could be famous and he could, do all this stuff if he kind of got in league with the devil and Jesus, I think that might have been the point where he said, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” He didn’t fall for it. But obviously, I can think of examples of people who had some kind of spiritual awakening and again, some kind of powers that which were very attractive to people and they abused them. They ended up using it as a tool for getting a lot of sex or, or other taking advantage of people in different ways. And that to me is like a pitfall on the spiritual path, which results in a person, a huge downfall, that you’ve got to make amends for, perhaps over many lives, lifetimes later on.

Lucas: Yeah, because you have a big responsibility when you open up to other people’s energies. And it’s one of those things that can break my heart much today actually to see, because the more you unveil, the illusion into the truth and you see all these layers, the more I’ve done that, the more I actually see that there is not many healers out there who’s not kind of serving illusions. I could say that way or serving like an unconscious pattern. Because I think that the first part for me, the first experience I had with this was, I had my own kind of trip with this where I needed to figure out and we can go into that later on because there was also some, I was, I got tempted and I got also, they also like the darkness also tested me, coming physically and with voices and such, really like tried to break me. But we, I don’t know if we should, you want to go into that, but…

Rick: Well, we want to go into all those things. We just have to do it in a, we have to make sure we remember them all. Because right now we’re still on that lady that you had the session with.

Lucas: Oh yeah.

Rick: Having trouble. So I had asked you about, when you first realized you could see past lives. I think the next question I’d like to ask is, what is the experience like for you of seeing a past life? And maybe you could compare it to something that people are familiar with. Is it like a dream where you have a dream and you visualize somebody’s life? or obviously it would be a waking dream because you’re not asleep. Is it primarily a visual thing? Does it involve all the senses? And how concrete is it? Or is it just really subtle and vague, like an intuition?

Lucas: It’s very different. It’s actually very… there’s many different ways I use it. Sometimes I use it consciously if someone sits with me. I know at three o’clock today I have a client and we sit today so then I’m opening up myself. Sometimes things also come to me in my dreams or even in my knowing that there is something that I have to tell one of my students or one from my family or something like that. So, it works in very different ways. But I think what you also ask, is like for example, for my work when I sit with people, how it comes to me that way. And it actually comes through impressions, through emotions. So the sensitivity that I have within myself, I feel those things within myself and when I go in to feel it, I see a storyline, I see a happening.

Rick: , it starts with the feeling but then it also becomes visual.

Lucas: Yeah, it can become visual. I don’t really use the visual anymore because it’s not really necessary. But it did for a long time. I just kind of like shut it off, because there was no reason for it anymore and it kind of like took a little bit of distraction from me being present in the moment.

Rick: Yeah.

Lucas: So like, I trained it in a way to know that what happened in that past lifetime. For example, like this woman we talked about, that she felt it was actually a part of her that was that cheated on her husband in another lifetime. And through that, she became a self-destructive pattern where she said, I would never deserve someone again. I will never deserve love again. And that emotion, she gave birth to in that past life. And that was still running in her mind, like a voice saying, “I don’t deserve this.” And I think many people, they know this, but for the specific karmic pattern of her, it was that emotion that she needs to go in and heal that voice. So that emotion is what I feel in my body. And when I feel that emotion, I see the knowing of what happened, the experience of how that kind of emotion was being born and it’s running today.

Rick: Do you sometimes pick up on a series of lives for a person?

Lucas: Yeah, yeah.

Rick: Like you might say, “Oh, I was a murderer, but then in my next life I was a doctor helping people to help atone for my having been a murderer, and then I did that.” Do you sort of get a whole storyline going over many lives?

Lucas: Yeah, I often try to narrow it into 10 lifetimes.

Rick: Wow, even that’s a lot.

Lucas: Yeah, but it’s not like I don’t see the entire life, right? For me, it’s just about figuring out what karmic pattern right now is blocking you for feeling more free.

Rick: Right.

Lucas: If I see, for example, that woman and she had that in another lifetime. I walk into the next lifetime, or like I tap into that to see how did it affect that lifetime? How did it affect that lifetime? So, I’m like jumping to see that karmic pattern, like tracing it to see how that unfolded in different lifetimes. So, I don’t go into other stuff. I don’t go into stories about who she was, as a priest or queen or something. I don’t care about that because it’s not important and that’s one of the things that I realized myself, because many of my clients have also been people who have had past lives, and where they heard that there was something very special, and then the ego starts to go into that right now. It’s not always polite when I have to sit and say I don’t see that.

Rick: Yeah, was it you I was talking to? I was talking to somebody, and he was saying it’s amazing how many people thought they were Cleopatra

Lucas: Yeah, I’ve had 30 of them

Rick: Talk about multiple personality disorder. Cleopatra was a crowded body.

Lucas: So that’s one of the things that really drains. me because people come to me often to be like: “I was this important, I was this important.” And I get it because if we’re sitting in deep suffering, it’s very nice for the mind and for the emotions to feel like, “In a past life I was very important. Maybe I don’t feel that important in this one, but I can rest in that.” But it’s just, it keeps holding us into pain and it’s kind of hard to break the illusion Often, to be the dream crusher in that, right? But yeah.

Rick: Yeah.

Lucas: Yeah.

Rick: Interesting. Well, I guess, who was it, Emerson or Thoreau said, “Most men live lives of quiet desperation.” A lot of people feel their lives are kind of mundane and boring and humdrum, and it’s kind of a kick to think you might have been Mark Twain or Cleopatra or Napoleon or whatever. But obviously, and this leads to an interesting question, which is, how to discern between fantasy and reality. And I think this is something you yourself must have to deal with, because I’ve heard you talk about Atlantis and living on other star systems and all that. And have you sometimes thought or realized that something you were thinking was actually just your imagination, and maybe it’s not true after all? And is that something you have to kind of to keep your eye out for to make sure you don’t do that.

Lucas: Yeah, I keep my eye out all the time. It’s like a full, it’s like a lifestyle. And that’s also what I teach my students like it. You cannot conclude anything you see. Everything that I’ve said in my past, I cannot sit here today and say it’s 100% the truth. I can only do my best always to serve to see if it’s the truth. And I always question myself to feel in, is there a part of me somehow that feels this is not fully aligned. And if there’s just like 1% of that, I dive into that. And of course, it sometimes happens that I’ve seen, well, this thing might not be fully- I’m more careful when I sit here, for example, like in an interview, because I know that’s going to like follow me. But if I sit with a friend or something, I’m not as careful. I can, but if you know what I mean, I’m more careful with what I say on interviews that I’ve really dived into that to see, okay, there’s no part of me that can, that feels any sort of disturbance or disharmony, because that’s how it comes to me. If there is a part of my ego that wants to say like part of the personality that wants to say something, that’s, that’s why I know it’s like part of the imagination. So, it’s like a full-time job to, to always like question everything that comes because things come down all the time. My entire, that’s my daily life just comes down, right? So, I have to filter through.

Rick: That’s really good, and I’m glad to hear you say that, because I know people, and I’ve interviewed people, who don’t seem to be able to distinguish between, reality and fantasy or between imagination and something that might be true. And so, they kind of, I remember this one guy who lived in Sedona, it’s like anything that popped into his head and he had a good imagination, he assumed to be true, and he was just kind of making stuff up. And some of the stuff I knew, just historically and factually was absolutely untrue. So, what purpose does that serve? It’s just kind of one, and the whole New Age world is full of all kinds of fascinating stuff, but, we don’t, it’s like, as someone put it, it’s hostess Twinkies for the mind. I don’t know if you have hostess Twinkies in Denmark, but they’re like these snack foods that are real tasty but absolutely no nutritional value.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, that’s it. That’s a perfect symbol. Yeah. Yeah, no, that’s true. It’s true. And I also see how, what was your truth at one point, like the more you dive in, and the more you seek within for like finding the truth within yourself, you also realize, of course, just things you said a couple of years ago that maybe was true at that point, but now you just hit a new layer where that thing is not fully like resonating with you anymore, if you know what I mean.

Rick: Yeah, that’s good. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Aldous Huxley, but he was a philosopher and all, and he said an interesting thing about the scientific revolution. He said that the greatest innovation of the scientific revolution was not the steam engine or the accurate clocks or anything like that. It was the development of the working hypothesis because we came out of an age, the Middle Ages, where all kinds of religious dogma were considered to be true and you could be killed if you questioned them. And so, the scientific revolution gave people the liberty to question everything. And so, any idea could be, and that’s kind of the way I do it myself. If somebody tells me they see angels or that, so and so’s beings exist on the Pleiades or whatever, I think, okay, that’s an interesting working hypothesis. Let’s see how much evidence we can find for it, and maybe we can, maybe we can’t, but I’m not going to just absolutely believe it or absolutely reject it, And different things have different degrees of evidence different degrees of credibility if somebody tells me the earth is flat sorry, I don’t I really don’t think it is, but if they say alien beings have been visiting the earth, yeah, there seems to be a lot of evidence for that. So It’s kind of like a matter of living your life around what you can really know through experience rather than just imagining things.

Lucas: Yeah, I agree. I can for example, like one of the things, that if I could use an example, what I’ve realized is often when I get these things, especially when it’s something where I feel “Okay, this could be on the edge,” when we talk about past civilizations or something. I’m trying to be very careful with what I what I say because, I don’t want to feed into the entire Thing you mentioned, I cannot remember the name but that beautiful symbol you use with that dessert thing,

Rick: The working hypothesis?

Lucas: No, the candy-

Rick: Oh the hostess twinkie.

Lucas: Yeah, exactly. I don’t want to say I don’t want to feed that. So, I’m trying to be very careful with that. But one of the things that I, for example, realized with this was how there was, when I remembered some past lives where I could see that there was evidence behind it somehow, I knew how that felt in my body So, I was trying to be very cautious with how the different impressions that came from customers, How it felt in my body. And suddenly I realized okay, there’s a path that feels this way, there’s a path that feels that way, and this way I might be more cautious about where that way I’m still cautious. But I know this this kind of feeling, there might be more resonance with it. So, I I dive into that. Liike one of the things for example that I realized was how there are different kind of civilizations of Atlantis. And one of the things that came to me was, what is important for me to know what not to feed into this and this about that and that, that’s important. But more like to understand that there was like a part in the Atlantean time where they were more in a dreamy state than they were in a waking state- like a waking state like we sit today and feel like we are- It’s more like the consciousness were flowing and the cosmos was flowing with everything And for me that was like the message was to spread that. And I didn’t fully share that until I realized that there was also Saints from east that often said that you are closer to the truth when you’re actually sleeping. So, I start to try to find other kind of evidence that someone says the same, before I take it out if it makes sense.

Rick: Well, that makes a lot of sense and I have long debates with skeptical and atheistic friends about this kind of thing. Speaking of Aldous Huxley, there’s the idea of the perennial philosophy, where people all over the world in different cultures that had no way of communicating with each other, came up with similar ideas about the nature of reality and stuff like that. And it kind of lends credence to the notion to their theories or their philosophies. People are actually cognizing this kind of thing in every culture, in every age. And I don’t know, I guess that’s just an example. But yeah.

Lucas: And I cannot sit here also and say that I have seen the full truth, right? I mean, people, they need to resonate with what I say. And if they don’t resonate, it’s just like, all the like, drop it, don’t spend time on it. Because that’s one of the things that I actually also like I got that confirmation. I’ve always felt like that, and people can be very intimidated when they sit with me, because some people, they might ask questions. And I also like when I’m private with some friends or something, and they ask me questions. Often, I answer, but people can also be very intimidated and say, “How do you know that?” And I’m like, well, you don’t have to believe it, just drop it if you don’t believe it. I’m not sitting here and saying that this is like a truth, and you have to follow it, because I don’t believe so. I believe that there are so many perceptions, of life and I feel like I’m just still a student of that. I don’t know anything. It’s like the more I realize stuff the more I realize that I don’t know anything.

Rick: That’s a great attitude. I think that might be what the Zen people meant by beginner’s mind. No matter how advanced you are it’s actually good to have beginner’s mind.

Lucas: Yeah, it makes sense.

Rick: To have the attitude of a beginner. Yeah. Because it’s true I mean relative to what could be known possibly. nobody. I mean, nobody has more than a tiny fraction.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly. And it’s beautiful

Rick: In any field, like science. Albert Einstein probably would admit that, he’s at the base of the mountain in terms of what could ultimately be known.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah. And it’s beautiful, right? It’s beautiful that we can actually like find the different puzzles. And even when we feel like we have put it all, it’s just like, we take that break, and that break and suddenly we have the puzzle, and we realize that puzzle is only like a break to another one and that’s like it keeps going that way.

Rick: Yeah.

Lucas: It’s beautiful.

Rick: It makes life interesting.

Lucas: Yeah, it does.

Rick: Well let’s take Atlantis as an example. So obviously we’ve heard a lot about Atlantis and Annie Besant and the Theosophical Society and all kinds of people have been talking about it for a long time, and I guess there are myths going back to ancient civilizations talking about it. And that for me is one of those things where, I don’t know, it’s an interesting working hypothesis. Maybe it’s all just myth, or maybe there actually was such a place and there will eventually be some kind of archaeological or geological discovery, that will confirm it or at least lend evidence to it. and what’s your thinking on that? You’ve had subjective experiences about it, I’ve heard you say things about it, but where was it supposed to be and when did it supposed to end?

Lucas: So I think I want to start by saying that I actually agree with you in the way that it’s it’s not really important for me if it happened or not happened. It’s more like when it comes to me this way, it’s like there is a message that we should use today, right? So, what if it didn’t happen? Honestly, I don’t even care because what happened in the past and this is why it’s also not so good for my business of doing past life stuff. I don’t care about the past anymore, because I don’t believe that the past exists anymore.

Rick: Right.

Lucas: So, but at the same time, I get these kinds of messages, like there’s something happening in the past that you can use today to help people get deeper into the now to be most soaked into the now. And so, as I see it, l, I just wanted to say that, but as I see it with Atlantis, like Atlantis had three different kinds of civilizations, like there was different timelines.

Rick: Now, wait a minute, and is what you’re about to say all coming from something you have cognized or something you read or what?

Lucas: No, no, I haven’t. I am not a good reader.

Rick: Okay, so you didn’t read about this. This is something that came to you,

Lucas: Yes. Subjectively. Exactly. When I get something, I try to find it in the books to get confirmations, but I don’t always know where to search, right? So, I have a lot of books and sometimes, I sit here and there ,and of course I still read to like also learn myself. That’s very important for me, but I’m not a big reader. So, I haven’t read any about this now.

Rick: I should try the Batgap bot. Ask that your questions.

Lucas: We’ll do that. We’ll do that.

Rick: Keep going.

Lucas: Perfect. The thing that I saw was, there were three different timelines of Atlantis. And I saw this because the way I use telepathy. It’s not only for me communicating with a dog or a horse or another human being. It’s actually like telepathy is the way, it’s like the connection between the soul and the human. Right? Because there’s a consciousness and there’s a consciousness and between two souls, there’s a consciousness and consciousness. And that thing that relates those two is telepathy. It’s like a communicate, can communicate a bond you can say. So, when I got. shown these things and it was like, I was being taught. It was like had the opening in these three days and everything open. And then I went to school, I went to class to learn all these things. And what I saw was that there were three different civilizations of Atlantis. And this was important to understand the development of the human being, like how the chakras were developed, because the different chakras have a different kind of telepathic vibration to use in different kinds of healing techniques, different kinds of ways to communicate with the cosmos. If it makes sense. So, I don’t know if it’s too-

Rick: So far so good. Yeah. Keep going.

Lucas: So as I saw it, there’s like three different stages of Atlantis. There was one long time ago where the human, the soul started to like the soul started to take a physical form- a physical form and that was like what we call- I don’t know what the English word for that is. It’s not instincts. It’s like, the Self-preservation what you call it, when the animals also, they produce again and again, it’s a little bit like instincts I don’t know the English word actually.

Rick: Well, that’s a good word. Okay. souls started to take a physical form and I guess you’re saying in other words souls prior to that, were existing as souls without a physical form but they wanted to incarnate, embody in order to be able to function in a more material realm or something.

Lucas: Yes, and the first thing that kind of got evolved was this kind of instincts, you know the instincts. So, it was like this as I saw it, it was like this plasmic thing from being in ether into this plasmic before it manifested into the physical. And the first thing that got involved was the consciousness of the instincts in that physical being. So, I saw that to understand how the instincts work because for me it was important to like it was I got shown this for understanding how important the instincts are to follow today- what to follow what not to follow. It’s like a compass, this the soul if we should use the term that the soul is out in the cosmos it’s out in the ether and it’s communicating down to the body to say “You have to go this way to come home because right now you’re trapped, you’re lost, you have to go this way”. There’s part of the instincts that helps you follow that way. We’re very disconnected from the instincts today because of the way we live.

Rick: Intuition is another good word here.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah. But I don’t use that word for this, for another reason, because we come into that. I see it like there’s different kind of ways of telepathy, like I said. So, I the instincts kind of like is associated with the solar plexus chakra when we talk about chakras. So, I saw this to understand, okay, if I start to understand the consciousness of my solar plexus chakra, I can start to follow the instincts that something from the cosmos is showing me to go that way. And that’s what I do today. So, it’s also what you can call spontaneously living, right? It’s not like I jump out of the cliff if I feel like my instinct tells me that. And It’s not like that, but there is a certain, there’s a very delicate part of the instincts that actually show you the way back. And I say way back because I believe that today we are just confused, but we already know everything. We just need to realize it again. So that’s why I say, it’s like a way back and like a remember, but at the same time, cosmos always evolves. So that’s the paradox, but I hope you know what I mean. So that was like the first civilization, but I saw like there was three different kinds of civilizations of Atlantis and like the intention with what I share now, is to understand that I saw that because I saw the development of the human being with the different kind of energy forms and to use that to help people find back. So that’s why when I sit, and I talk about my sessions is about talking about that past life. That’s very conditioned because many things happen, like I don’t speak with the person about where I sit and have telepathic communication with the energy system and the chakras to start to awaken this, if it makes sense.

Rick: ; I’m not entirely clear on the last point you made but keep going and keep explaining and it’ll get better.

Lucas: So that’s why when I shared this with, when I do sessions with people, I said and for the human being I talk about the past life with the trauma, with the identification, with these karmic blockages. But at the same time that I sit and speak with that, I use a telepathic connection to talk with the energy system, the being, the different chakras. Because I believe that all the chakras in the person, as I see it, they have their own kind of vibration, right?

Rick: I see, so you’re picking up on two sources of knowledge. One is you’re tuning into some past lives, and the other is you’re tuning into maybe their subtle body, the different energy centers in the body which they might not even be aware of. And then another thing I’ve heard people say is that, the dweller in the body, anybody’s body, is actually just a tiny subset of the total soul and that our full potential as a soul couldn’t possibly even be contained in this body, which reminds me of that line from Star Wars where Obi-Wan Kenobi said to Darth Vader, “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”

Lucas: Yes.

Rick: Yeah, so you’re kind of a… I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but you’re sort of tuning into this sort of higher soul or higher self or, larger reality of what the person is than they themselves realize.

Lucas: Yes. And I believe myself, that’s why the sessions have these beautiful kind of miracles happening. Like this woman I shared with you, she just broke down completely and said, “I’ve spent 40 years trying to go to psychotherapy, trying to go this, and you spend one hour and you healed me. What did you do?” And “ I didn’t do anything. It’s like, because it was something in you that opened.” I cannot force an opening. I can just invite it. But if the person is ready, it happens. So, it’s like, I didn’t do it. It’s not, it’s not me. It’s actually you who did it. Right. And that’s, that’s very important for me to, to remember. And also, like always share that I’m not doing anything. I’m inviting something but it’s only when the person is ready

Rick: Yeah, you’re a catalyst.

Lucas: Yeah,

Rick: Rou know how catalyst works it sort of facilitates the chemical reaction without

Lucas: Yeah

Rick: Without interfering with it or something. It just enables it to happen in a way that it otherwise wouldn’t.

Lucas: Exactly. And this is how I use telepathy. It’s like it’s that I use it for the cosmic consciousness and the cosmic being the subtle body to open, but people get freaked out because sometimes people I see people they are afraid to come close to me because they feel like “oh, he’s reading my mind.”

Rick: Like “She’s going to hear all my dirty thoughts.”

Lucas: Yeah, exactly Sometimes it was like, when I have been out traveling and do workshops and some from the workshops, they come to introduce that kid to me and then them like the mother says and this guy, he’s the one doing telepathy like the kid is standing behind the mother say “I don’t want him to read my mind.”

Rick: I think that people can do that kind of thing. I was seeing Amma one time, Amma the so-called hugging Saint, and I was sitting with a friend about 30 feet away from her off to one side. And she was sitting on the couch doing her thing and music’s playing and she’s hugging all these people and everything and I started telling this friend something, I really shouldn’t have started to tell him, and she just turned and stared at me like cut it out and I said, okay, I just stopped telling the guy. But Wow

Lucas: But that’s actually if we can go a little into that because now when we talked about instincts and we talked about intuition where I said for me, intuition is a little bit different than the instincts because one of my practices so to speak is, that I believe that telepathy is designed kind of cosmic being, because it’s like a consciousness that connects to consciousness, right? A soul and a human and a dog. There is a consciousness that connects all these kind of things like a web and that makes us able to relate to each other and communicate not only physically and with using the voice, but also emotionally and emotionally and intuitively. So, for example when I devote myself, I’m like the same way as St. Francis said “Lord make me an instrument of thy peace”. I’m like,” I devote myself to that consciousness to say. I don’t know what I need to do,” and I just follow that. So, I’m not reading people’s mind. But very often what I say people say “Oh my God, I thought farther about that and they say, “You read my mind.” I said, “No I don’t, this is intuitive telepathy for me,” because intuition is between two souls when they relate towards each other. I don’t know what’s happening up here in the soul’s level. I’m in the physical, but if I connect to this, I’m in the flow with the cosmic, I’m in the cosmic flow. So, what those people might think about, I can also think about, but it’s not necessarily that I know they think about this. For me, that’s like working with intuition, if it makes sense. It’s following the cosmic flow. That is not my intuition. It’s just, it happens through me and I’m just following it. Does that make sense?

Rick: Yeah. And it reminds me of trees. I have this book, I think it’s called The Wisdom of Trees, that Pamela Wilson sent me. She’s been on Bat Cap a couple of times. And there’s this whole thing about how, I think it’s called the mycelium or something, there’s this whole network of fungi or something that’s under the ground that the trees, it’s like the internet for trees. And all this information gets passed through it. And like if there’s some kind of infestation of some beetles or something that are going of hurt the trees, the word spreads around the forest and the trees can maybe develop some kind of chemical to repel the beetles or something, or if there’s a drought or all kinds of other things like that, but they actually have this network of communication. And so, we do too, in terms of our collective consciousness, as Jung put it, Carl Jung, or some deep level at which we’re actually all the same person, right? And therefore, telepathy is kind of just, it’s probably mediated through that deep underlying field.

Lucas: Yeah, exactly. And it’s like that’s also what like many, many spiritual teachers, they also say your thoughts are not yours. It just happened through you. But we somehow intend to personalize it. And the more we personalize it, the further away we come from telepathy, because we’re not connected to that we go into our own little bubble. So that also means when I go like a process myself, when there’s like a trauma, grief or something, and I know that I identify even more now with the thoughts and the personality and all these kinds of things, I have to close for that because then it’s not, I don’t know if it’s the cosmic flow that comes through me is probably my own kind of things I have to cleanse out again and purify again. So, it’s that part where the thoughts that come to you is a cosmic flow, but the more we identify with it, the further away we come from being with that flow somehow. The thoughts still comes, that’s what I realized, the thoughts still comes, but if you don’t identify with them, you can actually use them for a way better purpose. You don’t have to figure stuff out.

Rick: Yeah. So, in other words, another way of putting it, if the wave realizes that it’s really the Ocean, and it’s kind of actually essentially one with all the other waves, even though they appear different on the surface, then I’m not sure what the utility of that would be. But at least it’s a more realistic vision of what’s going on, unless instead of the wave thinking, “Okay, I’m this isolated wave and I’m completely separate from that wave over there and that wave over there.” They’re not, and it’s not the reality.

Lucas: No, exactly. And that’s actually why for me, when I feel, when I go through a process and I feel like I’m being tested and like losing faith and all these kind of things, it’s actually like going back to this kind of connection with the telepathic cosmic consciousness, to feel like I’m going back to the flow because then I’m not like trying to figure stuff out by myself, because the more I do that, the more I separate and believe I’m just the wave.

Rick: Yeah.

Lucas: Not just the wave. Right. So, it’s like, I’m trying to get back to that sometimes. And that’s actually, I’ve realized I don’t need to figure stuff out about traumas and I don’t need to figure stuff, I don’t need to figure anything out. I just need to like let that flow happen, because it purifies itself. And that’s, that’s, that’s pretty beautiful, actually,

Rick: Are you aware of the work of Rupert Sheldrake?


Rick: He’s been on Batcap. He’s this British scientist who has been studying what he calls morphogenetic fields, and how there’s a kind of different fields actually for different species and for a kind of more universal field for everything and things like that. And he gives examples of how certain ideas will crop up independently to different people. Like for instance, Sir Isaac Newton developed calculus, but some other guy developed calculus at the same time without collaborating with Newton, and there have been other things like that. He wrote a book called “Dogs that know when their owners are coming home” which he actually studied this very carefully where, the owner would do something very unpredictable and take a Taxi, or show up at their… and then they observe the dog, and the dog would be like waiting at the door. It would get up and go as soon as the owner was intending to come home. And even our dog, I just if we even think that we maybe should take a walk, the dog will come running down the hall, right?

Lucas: You have to be aware of what you’re thinking because if you just think about it, you’re not doing it, you’re going to disappoint the dog, right?

Rick: Exactly. We have. In fact, Irene gets upset with me if I if I even say the word “walk” or give any kind of hint because then if you if we’re not going to actually do it the dog will be very disappointed. We have a very psychic dog. You’d like it.

Lucas: Yeah, and they are great teachers. My dog was also very psychic. He was the one that really taught me about telepathy from one being to another, because what I thought, what I was thinking, he picked up immediately, no matter what it was. So, I feel I really have to be aware of what I’m thinking, because I don’t want to hurt him, and I don’t want to like, harm him and such. So that was like a great Zen teacher, I could say,

Rick: And he knows how to spell too. Like he’s afraid of flies because I think he’s afraid of the fly swatter. Cause we get it out to swap the fly, so,then we started spelling it FLY. And, but then he picked up on that. We can’t even say FLY anymore. So now we call him Hank. Hey, Hank’s in the house.

Lucas: Yeah. And that’s exactly because the beauty of this is that there’s so much to learn from animals. Because they don’t have that kind of “I” idea of like the personality, the ego, I want to call it now. I know there’s many animal therapists and also other telepathy people out there who says that they have an ego. I don’t believe so, because I don’t see an animal that says, I am sad. Sadness just happens in them. They just feel, they don’t say, I am happy. Happiness just happens in them. So, for me, there is not an I that identify with it. It just happens. That’s the flow. And when you are in that flow, you pick the impressions of others also, right? Because we all have that kind of emotional body. We all have the subtle body, the aura field that radiates out what we think and what we feel. And it’s like a radio station and they’re just so open that for example, when you say F L I,

Rick: F L Y.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You think about the fly, which means that that impression goes straight in. It doesn’t matter what you say. because what you sense, what you think, hear and feel, they pick it up, right?

Rick: Yeah.

Lucas: And they learn the words to put it into that. So that’s a beautiful example.

Rick: Yeah, it’s funny you brought up the radio station because I was just thinking that as a good analogy for what you’ve been describing, which is that the radio doesn’t create the music. The radio is just a medium or a interface with the electromagnetic field, which other radios can also access and express the same music or different music if they’re on a different frequency. So, I think what you were saying in the last few minutes is that your ability to do this stuff is not your ability, it’s more like you’re just an instrument. Again, “Lord, make me an instrument of my peace, of thy peace.” You’re just an instrument for this, and with that orientation, you have the right intentions and motivations and if you began to appropriate it like, “Oh, I’m special,” then you’d get in trouble.

Lucas: Yes, exactly. Because like I see it, it’s not special to be telepathic. Like I said, we all have it. There’s like a conscious, there’s a conscious, your consciousness, I’m a consciousness, that that connects us is the telepathic bond. Which means that I’m not special because I pick up on it, we all pick up on it. I’ve just like, I’ve just focused on maybe learning to feel it even more, but we all pick up on it all the time, all the time we pick up the telepathic impressions. That’s sad.

Rick: Yeah. You can see how, there could be civilizations, perhaps have been, in which people don’t need to talk out loud because they’re just so tuned in that, like a couple who’s been married for so many years, they can sort of pick up on on each other’s thoughts or whatever, but even more developed. So, they could just all, I mean, you might imagine there are species who don’t even have vocal cords, because they’re just, they’re, they’re just so good at telepathy is the way they function.

Lucas: Yeah, exactly. And I believe there is both in, in out in space that there’s a many, many, many species that don’t need voice because they have this very, they are so profound in this, they don’t need to talk, they’re just in communication with each other. And I also believe there are also beings on this earth that does the same. If you look at the way that some birds are dancing with each other in these big groups, right?

Rick: Oh, the starlings. It’s called the murmuration of starlings, where thousands of them just all move in synchrony. And scientists actually don’t know quite how they do that.

Lucas: Exactly. That’s what I call telepathy. Yeah.

Rick: Yeah, interesting. I was thinking, we were talking earlier about Atlantis and things like that, and whether it’s a myth and so on and recently a friend was telling me about Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth series, which I had known about, but I’ve never actually sat down and watched it, but I want to do that. I want to make a point to watch it and he was a friend of George Lucas actually, and it was a lot of inspiration for the Star Wars series. But in a way, it almost doesn’t matter whether something really happened or whether it’s just a myth, because it can have the same value for the society either way.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah, exactly. When I began to get this from Atlantis, I felt like if people don’t believe me, I took it very personal in the beginning. But very I learned within a couple of years to- because I knew with myself, it doesn’t really matter if it’s like if it happened or not happen. It’s like the message that comes with it, It’s like that’s important because the message that comes with it is something we need to use today. It doesn’t really matter if it happened or not. And honestly, there’s too much curiosity that dwells upon the past in ancient civilizations. I understand because it’s also like finding back to being more in flow and such, but there’s just the same like you said, it’s just It doesn’t always serve the best to to dwell too much in the past. Yeah,

Rick: Or the future or the future?

Lucas: Yeah, exactly

Rick: Hmm,

Lucas: I believe that’s the separation. It’s like the full separation we have of like being with the one beloved, that’s what I call the Cosmos, and what people would call God, also in these kinds of things. I believe that separation, the more we understand, the more we realize, because it’s easy to sit mentally and say, well, the past doesn’t exist, and the future doesn’t exist, right? But fully experience it, that’s another thing. But first for that, we need to kind of like drop the seeking of these two things, right? And it’s very hard for the person to do, the personality really wants to hold on to it.

Rick: Yeah, which is not to say we can’t learn from the past, right? There’s someone said those who forget the past or don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. So, obviously, we can learn what is a good thing to do and what’s not a good thing to do based upon what past people have done. So, I don’t think that’s what you’re saying, right?

Lucas: No, no, no. I mean more in the way of like what, I felt in the past or, like sometimes we hold on to the past too much. That’s what I mean.

Rick: Oh, like,

Lucas: Like the unconscious patterns to enlighten them into consciousness.

Rick: Yeah. Like if we lament over, our childhood and what our parents, and that kind of thing and just keep obsessing about that when we’re 50 or 60 years old.

Lucas: Yeah, exactly, exactly. That’s what I mean. I’ve seen that also with many people. They go to breathwork every week, and they go to Ayahuasca 10 times a year to heal the same trauma. And they hold onto that past so much, that they kind of feed it again. They feed the same trauma by trying to heal it. –

Rick: Cause you put your attention on it and that to which you put your attention grows stronger in your life, right?

Lucas: Yeah, exactly. So that’s what I mean, because I totally believe, and I do that with myself all the time, I reflect upon the past to see unconscious patterns. And I also reflect upon the things that I see, and that we can learn from history and we can learn from all these things. So, I believe that’s important, but it’s like embodied into this moment, right?

Rick: Okay, so if dwelling on past situations only reinforces them and is not really the best way of resolving such traumas, what is the best way or most efficient way?

Lucas: Can you repeat that?

Rick: Yeah, like if dwelling, let’s say you go to a psychotherapist or something and you’re talking about all your childhood issues and things like that and you go on for years, like that lady said she’s been to therapist for years and never gotten anywhere, and perhaps actually, reinforced stuff. If that’s really an inefficient way of going about it, what is a more ideal way of resolving past traumas, because we do carry them, they do lodge in our systems and yeah

Lucas: Yeah, so of course, I believe that is it’s of course, I also believe that the trauma and like the energy I see that also like the energy is inside the body, right? There is like an energy that so of course it can help to do some kind of uh, Work for that. But one of the things that I think I want to say is that for me, there’s a difference between emotions and feelings and thoughts. And I see that that’s one of the things that I use in my workshops also, where emotions is like the wave. It comes like waves where thoughts and feelings, they’re like the energy pattern is like a circle. So, what I used to say is like, you’re running the hamster wheel. So, the more you think about it, the more you just like running around and like, you’re just noticing that the same thing. And what I realized with myself was that the more I just see myself as an experience to know that, let me say it this way. I realized how many incarnations I’ve had, which means that we all have, that this little incarnation we have right now is just like a blink of an eye.

Rick: Right.

Lucas: And it’s over.

Rick: Right.

Lucas: And then we have a new one. How important is this incarnation? It’s not that important. That’s what I realized. So why would I spend time in dwelling with something where it will already be somehow forgotten in the next one? Then I know, okay, then we have the next one. And that’s why I say I work with 10 past lives. It’s just 10 blink of an eye. It’s not that much from the perspective where I see it. So why would I spend so much time trying to figure it out? Instead, I see myself an experience. I see myself as a soul having an experience and like an experiment also, you know? So instead of like trying to figure out the content of the trauma, for example, I’m more interested in the mechanics of the mind, I’m like I’m starting like, oh, now I’m going this way. There’s like part of my personality that goes this way, a part of it that goes this way. And every time I do this, I actually go into the faith of just, just to the to the divine, whenever it’s ready to be taken, just take it. I know, it’s very easy to say this way. And of course, for every situation, it is a little bit different. But that’s like the main practice to say for me, I’m not trying to figure it out with the mind, because then I’m nourishing it. I am looking into it and I’m feeling it and through the feeling I’m finding into the place where I feel I’m ready to give it over. And if I’m not ready to give it over it’s fine. We cannot like rip it off right. It’s like if we would rip off like the mold of the snake before the mold was ready. Like it happens when it happens that’s my faith. When it’s ready it will drop.

Rick: Yeah well it’s funny you said that it’s easy for you to say, you said something like that, because you said something like it’s easy for me to say, or maybe I was just thinking that, but there’s a difference between a description and a prescription. So, you can describe how you operate, how you function, but then if you’re going to be a teacher of some kind, then how do you empower or enable other people to achieve the same perspective. Maybe they need meditation, maybe they need some techniques, maybe they need this, that or the other thing. They can’t just kind of copy your way of thinking without being in your state of consciousness. Y

Lucas: eah, this this is why my work will go more and more over to have more students which I can initiate in my cosmic consciousness. The opening I have.

Rick: How can you initiate them? How can you impart it or convey it, you know?

Lucas: Yeah, it’s a way of being part of their daily life, with the things they go through. I see the human body as a filter through Cosmos. So, what I see, is like a student come to me and then that student, it’s like an apprenticeship, right? So, it’s not like you take a course in one week and then you initiated or something. It’s like I’m part of the flow of your life, and through that we see what kind of test that the customers and the universe puts into you, to see how can this situation help you purify your filter even more. Because the more purified the filter is, the more I have experienced myself, that what doesn’t serve you anymore, that way it will drop when it drops. Because like I see even every feeling is its own intelligence, right? And that intelligence, what I have discovered, is that even that feeling, it doesn’t want to hold on. It’s not like it wants to hold on, you know? I’m not talking about the thought now. I’m talking about the emotional trauma that happened. That has its own intelligence. I believe everything has its own intelligence. The stone has its own intelligence. The water, of course, the water, we have scientific proof of that today. But I also believe that the feelings have, because that’s what I see, that’s what I feel, that’s what I work with. And I don’t believe, I don’t see that even the feelings feels, wants to feel stuck there, I believe that everything is always seeking towards freedom, towards liberation. So, it’s like cooperating with that. So, of course, it’s about giving love to everything. And that sounds very easy and like a cliche. But it’s more about helping people to opening up for themselves to that which they need to open up to through Cosmos, so, they can be a filter, because then things being taken when it doesn’t serve them anymore, because often these traumas is also what locks us to not being fully open to these kind of abilities, because if we use it from a traumatic point of view, we don’t know if we are serving illusions or we are serving the truth, right?

Rick: Yeah, your statement, the feeling has its own intelligence. Some people have experienced that they actually are possessed in a way by things, and they don’t realize it until the thing comes out or releases, and then they actually realize that there was some kind of entity, that was occupying, at least in part, their makeup, and there might be many entities, and they have to be kind of purified or purged. So that’s one way of looking at it, it can be looked at in other ways, like just neurophysiological or something. But, what do you think about that? And I guess you could say if that is true, like in the Bible, you think about Jesus releasing or casting out demons, right? And the demons are clinging, holding on, but they ultimately, you get the impression they’re happy to be cast out because it was a miserable existence being a demon tormenting or occupying somebody.

Lucas: Yeah, this is a big question, and for that we need to go deeper into the entire game of the darkness, so to speak. And we can go that way. I would love to go that way.

Rick: Yeah, let’s get into it.

Lucas: I think there is, for me, I try to separate it between darkness and evilness. I see these two different kinds of, I try to conceptualize it this way for the mind to understand it better. I see darkness as lower entities of a lower consciousness that doesn’t know better.

Rick: Right.

Lucas: So, for example, when these kinds of entities like this feeling, it comes into you, it, they often come through the astral plane, because the astral plane is where the feelings gets manifested. So, through our astral body, these feelings, they pop in and we, in the mind, we start to identify with it. This is why astral travel is like, we need to be careful what we are doing. And that’s also why we need to be careful with the planets and what we’re doing, because we don’t know what we open up to and we get stuff down. And even when we feel good right after, you don’t know what’s gonna happen in next life because you put something in. I’m very like, I’m harsh with that because I’ve seen so much of this and it breaks my heart that people don’t know what they’re doing actually. But this kind of things is like the lower conscious entities, they’re still like serving the light. We can, if we should use that concept. They just don’t know better. If one conscious being is here and another one is up here, This conscious being cannot see that one up here, because if it could see it, it will be up here, right? So that feeling feeds up what it knows. If that feeling feeds off jealousy, if it feeds off anger or something, because that’s what it knows, it just needs to preserve itself the same way as we need. We need food, we need love, we need this and this and whatever we need. That’s where we are. These, they only know, make that feeling only know one thing to feed off and that’s what it’s activate in us, right? But that doesn’t mean it serves the bad in us. Sometimes they don’t even want to be there. They just like, they have to exist. They have to feed itself to like nourish itself. Because like when it actually does this, like the next step for it might be another feeling that might be a little bit more high vibrant or whatever we should call it. And suddenly it like, it evolves, right? So, I don’t see that darkness as being bad. I just see it as a lower consciousness that needs to be enlightened, if it makes sense.

Rick: Yeah. They’re trapped in the role. Kind of like I’m reminded of again. I think of Star Wars today for some reason, but when I go for when Darth Vader finally got Killed, he was like, I guess it was Luke who actually killed him in a fight. I don’t know. But anyway, he was like he finally broke free of his Darth Vader role and realized, his original consciousness and was grateful for being liberated that way.

Lucas: Exactly, and this is why I think I I can share this now. I haven’t shared it before, but I have also done something that would look like exorcism in today’s society, but I would not call it exorcism, because people they judge it to understand like it’s the devil and people feel so bad about it. Why that’s not how I see it. I see a feeling that completely corrupts the person in the moment, but if we can like sometimes, I can use like a telepathic connection- I’m not that skilled that I can do it every time. That will be amazing, but I’m not that skilled and I’m not sure it’s my path either. But sometimes when I can pick up that frequency, I can communicate with it and then it pops up and what I realize is often when it pops up ,that the person sometimes they sleep, sometimes they can’t even remember it. Sometimes they can’t remember it’s very different compared to where they are themselves. But it comes up, because it also wants to be set free. So, it’s actually like a corporation. So that’s why I can of course not call it like exorcism in the way of like, and everything. But it’s a little bit the same because something like an entity leaves the body and it doesn’t feel good in the moment. It doesn’t. It does feel good afterwards.

Rick: Yeah, afterwards. Yeah. can that be dangerous for you? Locking horns with these entities?

Lucas: And not this one. This is very calm because they don’t have any bad intention. When we talk about evilness, it’s different. Then I need to be way more aware.

Rick: Yeah.

Lucas: Because evilness is that which is conscious, but just choose it in another way.

Rick: Yeah. When you think about it, anything that’s negative or evil, any person, any being which is playing a negative role, it’s not their ultimate destiny. And therefore, it’s not ultimately what they really want to be doing. So, they’re just kind of in it at that time. And like, you wouldn’t, as Jesus said, “Forgive them, Father, they know what not they do.” You wouldn’t want to be one of the guys nailing him to the cross, or you wouldn’t want to be a guard in a Nazi death camp, but people, have kind of gotten stuck in these dark destinies, dark roles, and ultimately everyone needs to be liberated from all such things and rise to their full height of possibility.

Lucas: Yeah, and that’s exactly where something like traumas and these kind of wounds can really, they can really call upon bad energy that just like sucks the life out of you. I could, if I should use that dramatic phrase, but that’s what I see sometimes, , and but at the same time, we should not judge what is evil because let’s be honest, most of us have had troubles in our life where someone we have an argument with someone, maybe an ex-lover or a friend and it never really , it never really got healed. So that person might see you now as someone that was manipulative or narcissistic or something. And you’ll maybe see that person as the same, like who’s right in this.

Rick: Right.

Lucas: There’re two different perceptions, seeing the same kind of reality in the middle. Like who’s, who’s actually, like who’s, who’s right. So, we can never know what actually is like, what is evilness. Right. I mean, look at what happened with Jesus. People thought that was, he was evil. Right. And you have seen that with many masters afterwards. Many have been executed for the same.

Rick: Yeah.

Lucas: Yeah.

Rick: Okay. Change of topic. We’ve talked about cognizing the past and you cognizing past lives and all that stuff. Do you ever have future visions, like feelings for what might be happening in the next several decades or whatever?

Lucas: Yeah, but I have a lot of those, but I’m very careful with saying it because I know that the future is always in movement. So, I’m not one of those who use it to like, talk about futures. I don’t believe so. It’s very, very rare that I do that because if I say something, people might cling to it and I don’t want that because then they cling to something that I might see, I could see it wrong or maybe it just changed because something happened and the future changed. So, I’m very cautious with talking about that. But yeah, I have the visions and I have many of them. And yeah.

Rick: Yeah. A lot of people seem to feel, and actually a lot of ancient traditions have said, that we might be heading into some very dark times, difficult times. A lot of people might die, whether it’s climate change or plagues or whatever. But that if we get through all that, there’ll be a very bright future, some kind of new age of enlightenment or something. Does that concur in general with your vision?

Lucas: Yeah, it actually does. And it began, because– it actually began by that– when I had that opening, I said, oh my god, this world is going a very dark place now. It’s like, it’s not going to be easier right now. And I felt so hopeless until I realized we just have to dive very deep so we can come up on the other side. And that’s why I don’t resonate with all these kind of challenges that say that some galactic federation will come and save us in three months from now or something. I’m like, we have to go, we have to dive deep. And honestly, somehow the deeper we go, the more we can also grow the other way. Right. It’s like the native, they speak about the tree, the deeper the roots are, the taller the tree can be. The mysticism, they also talk about, the deeper you go in your unconsciousness, the more the consciousness can grow is like different concepts, but it’s the same truth to talk about, and I see the same, like we are going a very, very tough place. But I believe it’s for the better good. But right now, it’s, yeah, it’s about center in the heart and being humble and, yeah.

Rick: Yeah, interesting. And I, , my feeling is that the more spirituality can be infused into the collective consciousness, the less difficult it will have to be.

Lucas: Yeah, I agree. I agree. And right now, we just see that the spirit of spirituality just kind of burst it up in especially in like in the in the hippie times right where we get we work from the suppression, and then suddenly this beautiful kind of love and peace and all this harmony it’s about to come and now there’s like this pattern of this commercialized spirituality where it’s not so much about actually meeting yourself. It’s more about feeding the personality in some ways, which It’s like but again if you see from a higher perspective, which I always try to do. I just see it’s like it’s just a phase. Because it’s just a phase and it just has to happen, because the spirit the spiritual entity was if could say that way, it’s not the best way to say, but it also has to evolve down here with all the human beings, and we have to we have to integrate and process it and of course, the ego needs to take a little ride with that also and feel good and special clothes and all the malice and and being the best in the data and all these kinds of things, right?

Rick: This question may be outside your expertise, but it relates to what we’re talking about. Do you feel that there have to be cycles? And obviously there are cycles, so maybe there have to be, but very often, like after a big war, everything gets better again, like World War II, and now Germany and Japan are close allies. And there, it was a horrible thing to have gone through, but now those countries are not apparently inclined to behave that way anymore. Does that, do you have any thoughts about that perspective?

Lucas: Yeah, I think, I actually want to bring it back, to ancient civilizations again, just a little bit. Because one of the things that I see is that when, when a kind of group of conscious people, they reach a very high enlightened state, it cannot stay like that. It has to drop again. And we see that we saw that with, if we talk about Atlantis this way, but another, I also saw it like there was one of these openings I had was again, we can call it a story, whatever. It’s not important. It’s more like what’s behind it. I saw this temple back way back in the time in the East where they kind of used, the sexuality through the tantric in a very pure and beautiful way where it actually liberated a lot of souls and enlightened a lot of souls. But suddenly, it’s like every, every peak when there’s like a very strong light at one point, the darkness comes and goes over the light again. It’s like, sometimes those things happen. So, I see like everything is a cycle, , and it’s, it’s the same with religions, as I see it, when someone experienced the divine God, whatever we want to call it, that’s not something you mentally just are capable of understanding. It’s like an experience. So, it’s like you see the snake, you see if the snake should be the symbol of the God, for example, of God, let’s use that term. Then you have a prophet, you have Jesus, you have the saint or something that experienced that snake. And then suddenly that snake goes out to like to spread that to other beings, to other, to like for them to experience the snake themselves. But when the drug, the body of that saint drops, then what you have left is the mold, right? Then somehow the followers of that saint, they don’t have the snake to experience, they have the mold to experience of the snake, which is not the full experience. And suddenly this starts to roll, and then new illusion starts to come. And this is also how I see how the world is today. Also, because it’s like a polarity, right? This entire universe is a polarity. And when something really good happens, something really bad also has to happen. It’s like the joy and the happiness is only like the joy and the sadness is only for the mind to judge whether it’s good or bad. But both things happen, right? Both things both things happen. So that’s also the same for example when I have had past lovers, or I’ve had past friends or something -when they started to put me on the pedestal and said, please take me off it. Please take me off it, because I know if you put me up here, at one point you have to put me down here. It’s like the polarity of life and maybe not in this life, but then another lifetime and I don’t want that So, please just put me off it

Rick: Yeah, well, I think this metaphor of the snake you just used I think you’re referring to the loss and revival of knowledge or how a saint comes and there’s a huge surge of enlightenment and then he dies, and then next thing, you know after a couple of centuries people are being persecuted, in the name of that teaching, or it’s just gotten totally warped and distorted. And so, it’s kind of like knowledge crumbles on the hard rocks of ignorance, and it happens to whole societies as well as, religious or spiritual revivals, just keeps going in cycles. But perhaps growth is accomplished through cycles. You can’t just have, like you’re saying, you can’t just have the positive all the time.

Lucas: No, exactly. going back to the myth, the myth of Icarus, right? It’s like trying to go to the sun and the wings is melting off. We need the cycles, and we see that in the seasons also, right? Most places- least, we need both and that’s very important, I believe. So that’s also why I spent, I know, okay, I know the further I come out to feel the beautiful divine things that I cannot even explain by words. There’s a lot of things I cannot explain, but I know when these things have happened to me. I just know. Okay, there’s a cycle now where I have to go as deep low, and I need to not judge that and just like embrace that It can be very hard sometimes but yeah, I believe so 100 Interesting. I believe that the other thing is a bypass for sure. Yeah.

Rick: Shadow work. There’s a couple of questions came in. Here’s one from Natalie butler in London. She said, “I have been told twice that this is my first human life and that there are a few others here from the same place as me. I wonder where I would normally reside or incarnate.” That’s her question.

Lucas: Yeah, so what’s the question about?

Rick: Well, your guess is as good as mine. She said, okay, so she’s saying this is her first human life and I guess she’s wondering, if this is her first human life, where has she been for her other ones? Was she an animal? Was she on another planet? That kind of thing.. Irene says, how would he know?

Lucas: Of course, I’m not going to go into like the individual, if that’s okay, because that takes too much. I rather want to like focus on like the flow of the conversation.

Rick: Yeah, the principle of it.

Lucas: Yeah, of course. I also see that new souls comes down, but I also have to admit that it’s not many souls that comes down in this time. What we could also call the Kali Yuga. Many of the souls came before that, because it can be very overwhelming to come down in the middle of that like a soul and take form and not have the experiences before. But those experiences can also come from… many different layers of this. But let me just say that I don’t see it like you have been an animal the last time, because I see it’s another kind of soul they have. At the end it’s the same soul I know, but animals they have soul groups where they like they drop down in a group where there’s a bigger soul and that soul has like maybe 100 of drops which is the animal. They have a totally different game. And therefore,

Rick: Like those birds we were talking about, they could in a sense be one big soul.

Lucas: Yes, exactly.

Rick: Or a school of fish or something like that. Perfect example.

Lucas: Yeah. And therefore, I see it as a lie. I see it as a big lie that they say out there that your grandfather can be the bee or the worm. But I also have to say, I also understand why it’s being said, because it creates humbleness to the people to think about like what they do with the animals. So, I get the game, but from my cosmic point of view, I don’t see it as… of course it’s possible, it happens that you can incarnate, but it’s not something that really happens.

Rick: Well, If every worm eventually became a human, we’d have a math problem. There are probably thousands of worms in our yard, but there’s only two humans on this property. And that’s true of the whole earth. And, if you count all the mosquitoes and the butterflies and everything else, there would have to be some kind of conglomeration of… if those things have individual souls, they’d have to somehow conglomerate to, join together in a mass to form the soul of a higher being, because the higher beings just aren’t as numerous as the insects and whatnot and the fish. Y

Lucas: es, exactly. And that’s, I think it’s important to remember that there is difference and it’s not, all souls, they have their own experience. And it’s not only the human experience that actually is very beneficial. All experiences on earth are very beneficial and that’s also why we should be humble to all Beings, because there’s something to learn from all because they all have a specific soul that comes with a certain kind of delicate wisdom, right? And so yeah, of course it’s possible that it’s her first lifetime. I would say I don’t really see it that often in, not before the the Kali Yuga at least, because many souls saywe need some time before that. Often you can meet, if you meet these kinds of souls, it could be people with very heavy autism or something, where all the different worlds is very open and the senses is very, it’s very hard to be in a physical body,

Rick: Because they haven’t had much practice at it.

Lucas: Yeah, exactly. Normally, but it’s possible, but I also have to say, and again, I’m not going to talk about this personalized question. So I’m not saying if it happened for her or so, but there’s also many psychics out there who are saying this to people. I’ve had many, many people saying it’s their first lifetime.

Rick: The psychics have told them that?

Lucas: Yeah. As life readers saying, well, this is your first lifetime.

Rick: How would they know, really? Yeah.

Lucas: Yeah, exactly, right? That’s also, you cannot say that because if, maybe you could just not see them, right?

Rick: You’re saying it’s like the Cleopatra thing. One person was probably Cleopatra and probably people having been born for the very first time as a human is kind of a rare thing you’re saying, not as common as psychics would have you believe.

Lucas: Yeah, but I see many people who believe it’s their first incarnation either, especially they hear from someone because many people, past lives people say it out there, but also you can also feel it yourself. But there is something for that to dive into because that can also be a karmic pattern that creates an illusion from your past to look into. And this can be very, very interesting to look into because you can open up to a new kind of value from your soul that has been blocked because of a pattern that tells you, “Well, this is my first.” Because there’s something you might not see, which if you go in and look at it, you can open up to beauty for yourself.

Rick: Yeah. You say you’ve remembered a lot of your own past lives. If you had to apply percentages, what percent were human? What percent were on some other star system or whatever? Can you actually answer a question like that?

Lucas: No.

Rick: Okay. You don’t have to then.

Lucas: I only like when I had the opening, many of the past lives came to me, those I know today. I have not been curious about the rest. Because I know if something comes to me, it’s because I need it. And if I don’t need it,

Rick: It won’t come. Y

Lucas: eah. So, I haven’t dived into it. It’s not it’s not my priority. I rather want.

Rick: It’s a hostess Twinkie.

Lucas: Yeah, exactly.

Rick: Okay, let’s do another question here. This one is from Rita Sponenberg from Pennsylvania. A lot of this conversation is reminding me of the interview with David Spangler from years ago. David Spangler was one of the founders of the Findhorn place up in Scotland who had all kinds of subtle perception of fairies and elves and subtle beings. The negative entities, okay she’s elaborating on that conversation, the negative entities, just needing to survive. He used the analogy of the sewage in his lake, the trees, when he was whacking the ferns and picking up on their reactions. Okay, that’s all she wrote, but she’s just reminded of… So, basically, this is a guy, and I’ve interviewed a number of such people, who was, from an early age, able to have subtle perception and see all kinds of things that people don’t ordinarily see. And it’s been the nature of his whole life. And that’s why he was instrumental in the Findhorn community. Yeah, I don’t know if you have any comments on what you just said or what?

Lucas: No, not really. Nothing really pops up to me.

Rick: Well, it’s interesting about, you know, whacking trees. I mean, do you…

Lucas: Yeah, can you elaborate that? Because I don’t feel…

Rick: Maybe he was chopping a tree or something like that and feeling the pain or… Ferns, or ferns, I guess he was cutting some ferns. Do you find it difficult to navigate life sometimes ,because you feel the pain of, you don’t want to step on a bug on the sidewalk because,

Lucas: Yes. Yeah.

Rick: Yeah.

Lucas: I think I can very easily say that when I opened up to other beings that this way, I stopped eating anything from animals, because I could not deal with that pain. It was not possible for me to be with that pain anymore. I actually stopped with the meat before that, but I could not eat anything from it because it was too painful. And I needed to figure out like, what’s up with the plans? Like, how’s this like working? How’s the spirit working with this? And it took me a while to, to realize that the plans is actually, They are also here to serve us in some ways, and right now we are not in the in the place of that, but if there’s one thing I could share about how I look at the future. Because I’m pretty sure about this one. Is that we come to a place of consciousness where we don’t have to take a whole thing to kill it, right? So, we don’t have to take a carrot or something, where we take the entire being, but maybe we pick oranges from an orange tree where the tree still lives so to speak.

Rick: You’re saying our food sources would be like fruit and things that don’t kill the whole plant when we take some food from it.

Lucas: Yeah, but we’re not there yet. So, as I see it, we came to a place, again, my truth, if people don’t resonate with it, take it or leave it. But I saw that the consciousness, there was like a new kind of opening in the consciousness that happened around the 1800s, where we kind of learned not to need to kill animals. So, before that, maybe we needed it to survive and such, but we came to a place where we didn’t need it anymore. And therefore, it’s like, it’s not supposed to happen anymore the same way, but we still, we’re not in a place now where we can drop all the vegetables so we can still eat carrots and such. But it’s like we take it in steps, so to speak. That’s how I see it. It comes in steps and as I see one of the last steps, we can talk about the last step might be just like breathing air or just like catching sunlight, right? But before that by still eating, I see it like we only take, we only borrow or so to speak, we don’t take like a full living being. We only take that which still lives. So, we don’t take a full being, yeah.

Rick: Yeah, yeah, don’t try living on sunlight just yet.

Lucas: No.

Rick: Especially in Denmark in the winter.

Lucas: No, that would be a bad idea.

Rick: And of course, even some meat-eating civilizations like the Native Americans were not wasteful as I understand it. They were reverential when they had to kill a buffalo or something for food. They just killed what they needed. The white men built railroads, and they would cross the west, and they would stop the train and people just shoot buffalo from the train and then keep on going. It was like supposed to be fun and the Native Americans naturally thought we were insane, and they were right in that regard.

Lucas: Exactly and that’s also like one of the things that people often talk like say to me. “Well what about the Native Americans because they kind of killed animals?” and I’m saying “Well the Native Americans in my perception, had a very strong bond to mother earth and to all the animals. They probably know how to do it. I don’t know it, so I’m not doing it.” That’s how I feel

Rick: They didn’t do it for kicks, they didn’t do it for sport.

Lucas: , no exactly it was a whole ritual and all these kind of things and I’m, not saying that there’s not places where that’s needed anymore. That’s not that’s not up to me to to decide. But yeah, it’s just like how I how I see that there’s like a consciousness that happens where we kind of stop Taking from others and also at one point we will also stop taking from plants and only borrow. Yes, to be like full harmony like full balance.

Rick: Yeah I mean, obviously there are realms of creation where this is already true. I don’t mean physical planets, but astral and celestial realms where people probably, I’m speculating here and you can see what you think but where people don’t need to eat physical stuff in order to kill anything or in order to survive. And maybe if you’re on a gross planet like the Earth, there will always be the need to be something of that nature in order to survive, just because it’s such a dense realm.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah exactly, exactly and I agree with you and it’s like it’s It’s the consciousness growing and , and I just see it as we’re going that way, that we’re getting closer and closer to that place where we don’t need to eat but like we’re not there.

Rick: So don’t try to be a breathinarian.

Lucas: I just see it like it’s… yeah.

Rick: Yeah. So, what are some other things that we could talk about that I haven’t thought to ask , that you would like to talk about? Like aspects of your experience, aspects of what you do with people or… Oh, another question has come in. Have you sent it yet? Yeah. Oh, let me check. Irene said… And you can be thinking about other things we can talk about while I check this question here. Oh, yes. Question three, Peter Falck from Italy. What do you believe is your first responsibility here on this planet?

Lucas: That’s a great question I believe -what I came to at least until now is that the con the cosmic consciousness that I have opened up to, is something that needs to be conceptualized, in the same way as you see other people with an opening where they kind of create like a concept like you see with Rudolf Steiner or you see with someone else. It comes to me that my opening needs to be conceptualized for the future.

Rick: Meaning you have to build a structure of knowledge about it? You have to be able to explain it, writing a book or something like that?

Lucas: Because my opening came in a way that I didn’t know what kind of words to use for all these kinds of things. I needed to study words to understand what it is that I’m seeing and feeling and knowing out there, to understand what kind of words can somehow describe it as from a human to a human like so the mind can understand it, and I have I have fought this for a very long time because I try to stay very humble in a way of why should I be someone that created this. But I’ve came very recently to knowing that the more I try to judge my path of not realizing that there is something that needs to come out of this. Then I’m just putting myself in suffering because it’s not about me. It’s about, I have the opening to help people find like to help them find back. So that’s my that’s my biggest that’s my biggest responsibility in in this lifetime.

Rick: yeah, yeah Okay, so let me just elaborate on what you just said. So, you want to kind of codify the knowledge or write it down, or record it in some way that can be conveyed to other people and thereby to enable them to benefit from it. And I presume that even like Rudolf Steiner, who you mentioned, or others, it won’t just be a matter of reading a philosophy, because we have a lot of those. It’ll be something that they can take into their lives and maybe practice in some way that will bring about a transformation on a deeper level than mere intellectual understanding could do.

Lucas: Yeah, exactly. It’s like it’s somehow a bridge between the knowledge and experiencing it or embodying it because that’s what I basically do with the telepathy. I have the akasha where the knowledge comes, but through the telepathy I experience it and I get to transform through that experience. So, it’s exactly, it’s very good elaborated. It’s bringing the things together, and somehow make that like a legacy. And I don’t know exactly how to do it yet, because it might require some help. I have some students who are already working on it. Because of course, it’s like what we talk about here, is only a little surface of what it is that it actually possesses, or like what it contains, or I don’t know what to call it. But yeah.

Rick: Yeah, Okay, so this knowledge, let’s say, if you were to, let’s say, write a book or a series of books or something, would there be a lot in those books that isn’t already in other books that have been written throughout the ages?

Lucas: No, because somehow everything is like, they speak about the same with just different words, right?

Rick: , nothing new under the sun.

Lucas: Nothing new in the sun and it will be the same here. I just need to find a new concept for the truth that I found, and I keep like diving deeper into like that experience that I have felt of that Divine presence that -like the same as the saints and the prophets-I’m not saying I’m a saint or a prophet. I don’t mean it like that, but it’s like that kind of opening I have I somehow need to conceptualize that for the mind to understand. But it’s not something that is special and the first time on earth or something ,is like the same as you can find in many other books. It’s just maybe different wording and a different kind of setup with maybe experiences and practices and knowledge and such.

Rick: Yeah. Yeah, no, I think that’s really good. I mean, I don’t think that any spiritual teacher who ever walked the earth, invented anything new. And in fact, even before there were human beings on the earth, there were probably spiritual teachers throughout the universe who were saying the same thing, but there’s a reason why people keep coming and having these insights, because it needs, only a new seed can yield a new crop. It needs a fresh sort of infusion over and over and over again in every generation. And so, I’m just putting what you just said into my own words to make sure that I’m on the same page, but you just feel this calling to to u get it in writing and to systematize it perhaps so that as many people as possible can benefit from it.

Lucas: Yes. That’s the word That was the word I was looking for. So, thank you for finding that I couldn’t find that one Yeah, that’s exactly how I feel and I feel it like right now I sensed two years ago that I will start to step more away from being a healer and more being the teacher. And it just came to me and I felt okay. I didn’t know why actually because I felt like the healing was about to grow, and there was flow and like, okay, so now I have to like go down just like I’m about to grow but okay, it started to go down again. Like after I got that it’s like the flow was not the same anymore. But at the same time, I started to have the students and all these kind of things and it opened to me that it’s because It’s this path. I have to go. I have to systemize something that people can follow exactly and one of the visions that I have is to to have like this book or this series of books or something, that can help people but also have like a center or maybe a few centers in the world where people come and they can retreat and they can go into learning more about this like a little community somehow or something.

Rick: Yeah, that’s nice. And you can do all that stuff. You have plenty of time. You’re only 29. You’re about 45 years younger than me or something like that. So, you have plenty of time to do all this stuff. Of course, you never know. We all might die tomorrow, but yeah, there’s a thing and that would be that would be okay too. It’s all like in a cosmic scheme of things, but yeah, I’m inspired by what you’re saying and what you’re doing and it’ll be interesting to… I won’t be around to see all of it, but probably, but it’s, I think you’re going to make a nice contribution to the world. You already are. And the thing about being a healer versus what you’re now feeling called to do, is you can only heal so many people. Not that they don’t need healing, but it’s kind of limited. And if you can provide something that can reach a much larger number of people, then they can heal themselves with that.

Lucas: Yeah, exactly. And the big change for me, because I’ve known this for a long Time, but I’ve kind of battled it because I was afraid if it was like a spiritual ego or something right. But when I walked around in India last time, like when I was in India here in the beginning of this year, I was walking, and suddenly there was this this sadhu, this holy man that just stopped me and said, “You’re special, come here and sit with me” and then he…

Rick: Give me a few rupees and I’ll tell you how special you are.

Lucas: Well, he didn’t ask for rupees and so he just, but he just sat and he came and he said you have to come back every day, every night because I need to I need to tell you stuff. It’s a crime. It’s actually a crime the way that you don’t take responsibility upon the opening your house.” I didn’t say anything to him. He just said “Right now you’re helping one to one person” and then he said he used himself an example and said, when he began, he went out to the jungle, and he meditated for two years and then afterwards people built a temple at that place in the jungle. He used that symbol for me to understand that there is a legacy that has to happen. It’s not one-to-one sessions, right? And that kind of… When someone just stopped me and just said that, I felt like, “Okay, maybe it’s time that I take it a little bit serious.”

Rick: Yeah, no, that’s interesting. And you never want to lose the sort of one-to-one feeling too, because it’s a kind of a balancing act between broad reach and never losing the personal, , feeling for individuals. I’ve seen teachers who have a broad, who have a huge following, who have come to believe that individuals are dispensable, you know? It’s like the ends justify the means, and it doesn’t matter if this person is discarded, or this person is used for their money or for whatever. So, there just has to be that sort of intimate, personal love and compassion as if the person were your partner, even though you might have thousands of people that you’re with.

Lucas: Yeah. And it’s actually one of the reasons why when I feel for example, that right now I have to step way more into having students. Like have more students that can take over the legacy and God do the healing and such. But the thing is that I kind of attach myself to my students because I get so involved in their life, I care about them. So, if they drop me, I actually get hurt. I’m not, I’m, I’m not neutral in it. I’m not like, okay, then just a new one. It’s not how it is because there’s like an energetically exchange with my students, which means I really like, I feel them. And when that happens, of course, I also feel sad if like, if they have to leave or something. Right. And so, it’s actually, it will be easier in some ways to only focus like on, on one to one sessions, but now I’m still going to focus… I’m still going to have one-to-one sessions. People can still reach out to me. I’m still going to do it, but my focus just apparently has to go the other way. And that that’s something I have to prepare to, you know?

Rick: Yeah. And it might, it’ll take a while. And we’ll see what the extent of your range of influence is. I mean, different people have different ranges. And sometimes a real small gathering can actually be more impactful than a huge thing. Ramana Maharshi just sat there on his couch with a few people staring at him and it’s a relatively small setup. But look, the impact he had is still rippling throughout the world.

Lucas: Exactly, exactly. And there are a couple of part of me that would love that, because I’m not sure how it will turn out for me if it would be like a huge, huge gathering, with too many people. Because I like to feel the pulse with people also, that’s how I work with it. And then I would also love to still have like a private life where I can, with like being a brotherhood and such. So, it’s like, I’m not necessarily like attached to it has to be something big or at all. Yeah.

Rick: Another thing that happens is that when it does become big, then all of a sudden you have all these administrative hassles and monetary considerations and beautiful women kind of like coming at you and, you kind of have a target on your chest, and a lot of spiritual teachers who’ve had big organizations have fallen prey to that. They’ve gotten caught up in the money and the women and all that stuff, even if they were monks who came out of India, especially if they’re monks who came out of India. [Laughter] So, it’s kind of like the bigger it gets, the more challenging it becomes. And I know Adyashanti, for instance, who he recently retired from teaching and somehow or other it really took a toll on him. I don’t think it was entirely a health thing. He was experiencing a lot of pain and the pain was very traumatic, and he ended up retiring from it. There’s always going to be temptations. Yeah. And you just always have to be careful. Like you were saying in the very beginning of this conversation, you always have to be self-scrutinizing and making sure that you’re being true to yourself and true to the truth and things like that.

Lucas: And I actually feel like I’ve already been tested or being trained towards this because I have experienced going out in the world and travel to do my workshops and feel like a huge gathering already happened and the women, they’ve become very interested in you and you can see there’s a lot of money in it. So, I’ve already learned from that moment like to not in the way of like thousands and thousands right, but still enough to like see okay there is something here, like understand the difference between following the path and just let these things be. Come and go, not come and go the way of like that it just happens, it’s not something with you and you should not go into it just happens. So, I feel like I’ve already been trained some ways to this, actually.

Rick: and it’s funny because you know you might have actually been a spiritual teacher in past lives, you might remember some such lives and well do you remember such lives and how did it go? Did you fall in some instances or get torment, persecuted or all that stuff?

Lucas: Yeah, I’ve been, the short version is that the first thing I saw was the past 700 years where definitely like basically just been hunted down and executed.

Rick: Yeah, there you go.

Lucas: Yeah. And so that was pretty, pretty overwhelming to see. But I also saw the one where I actually fall in myself and left my wife and two kids to seek fame of spirituality. And that’s the one that taught me today because I got, since I remember that one, I got the taste, of how it would feel to follow the fame or follow all these kinds of things, and it doesn’t taste good for me. Doesn’t taste good for me. I remember how it was in that lifetime. I don’t want that.

Rick: Yeah, well, maybe all that stuff made a strong enough impression that you won’t be tempted anymore.

Lucas: That’s how it feels. That’s how it feels at least. Yes.

Rick: Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Okay, so, yeah, we’re just about up with our time but I’d be happy to talk a few more minutes if there’s something you want to say.

Lucas: Two hours just went huh? Yeah. Beautiful. I think I want to share where I am right now in my life is that like I said I am opening up to take more students in to spend more time on that, because I also feel like if I can contribute with like helping people with this like opening up can be even more people can be helped out there.

Rick: And what do you how are you going to do that? They have to come to Denmark? You’re going to set up zoom calls or what?

Lucas: No, Yeah, they don’t have to come to Denmark. No, it’s basically that we figure out where they are in their life and how often we have to talk. And so, there’s teachings monthly there is there is guidance, like, we text, and we are in communication, like every week and often doing like what’s happening with a bunch of individual students with a bunch of yes, it’s a big work. Yeah, but it’s what I’ve been called to do. So that’s what I’m going to do. No questions asked. And that’s so I’m opening up to that. And at the same time, I’m also I’m also in a place right now where while I’m doing that, before I systemize all this, which will be pretty big work, I am very open to to come out and then, the world and do workshops to help people enlighten these things that I’m able to help with at least.

Rick: , so somebody listening to this, let’s say they live in, I won’t say Pittsburgh, because you’ve already done that, but Sedona or Boulder or any place, London or Italy or whatever, they could get in touch with you and they could maybe set something up and you would go there and do your thing.

Lucas: And I will do workshops and I will will do healings. Yes. Yeah. We Yeah, for sure. Because I’m in a place right now where I’m free and I’m capable of doing these things. And I just want to, use that in a way of being more in service of- yeah, so everywhere where it’s needed, I am. I’m open to talk with people about it if they feel a call for it. Yes.

Rick: Good. And so, I’ll be linking to your website, and do you want me to actually put, you do have a website now, don’t you?

Lucas: No, I don’t.

Rick: Oh.

Lucas: Because I deleted it. I changed it. And I’m not sure if I should have a new one yet because it’s like.

Rick: Well, you have to have a way of getting in touch with you. I could link to your Facebook page. I could put your email address on your BatGap page if you want or.

Lucas: Yeah, the email address. otherwise right now I have just like I focused on my Instagram because there’s like there’s too many places where people contact me and honestly, I’m not some of It- technologies were very weird with me there’s many emails that doesn’t go through and when I had an email there’s many problems so I’m trying to not have too many platforms.

Rick: Yeah, okay so we’ll talk about that afterwards and I’ll link to you however you want, and ten years from now it might be a completely different thing. So, if I’m still around, which I hope to be, I’ll change it on your BatGap page. Maybe we’ll be doing another interview by then.

Lucas: I could, yeah, we can talk about it.

Rick: I’ll be interviewing Sri Sri Lucas G.

Lucas: Yeah, I can easily create a webpage where people can reach through me. Yes.

Rick: All right, so people who are listening to this can just look at your page on BatGap and whatever means we determine for them to contact you, they will find there. Y

Lucas: es.

Rick: Yeah. Okay, good. Alrighty, well thanks Lucas. I’ve really enjoyed this. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. I feel like I said in the beginning, I already know you in a weird way. I just kind of like have a feeling of affinity with you, as as I’m sure a lot of people do. And we’ll be in touch and look forward to seeing what you do with your gift.

Rick: Yeah, thank you, Rick. It’s been an honor for me also and a pleasure to be here with you because I really resonate with your perception of life and spirituality. And I believe it’s very important to meet those people so, we can like have this beautiful flow together and contribute to the healing of everyone. And so, it’s been grateful for me too, and I’m happy to be here. Yeah, thank you for it. Thank you for the opportunity.

Rick: Oh, you’re most welcome. It’s just an opportunity for me also.

Lucas: Yeah, so.

Rick: Alrighty.