BatGapBot Spiritual AI Bot

Welcome to Buddha at The Gas Pump’s Spiritual AI BOT, the BatGapBot.

If you’re already registered to use the bot, click here to go straight to it.

Among about 100,000 other relevant documents, this spiritual AI bot’s “data corpus” contains 1,700 of the world’s sacred texts. We continue to add more relevant material including transcripts of all the BatGap interviews (thank you to our team of volunteer proofreaders!), as well as some interviewee’s books, and transcripts of some of their other videos.

Here are some ways you can use the bot:

  • Spiritual and Existential Queries: Addressing deep, spiritual, and philosophical questions with depth and multiple perspectives.
  • Content Creation and Learning: Assisting in creating content and learning, especially by pulling quotes from religious texts.
  • Spiritual Practice and Community Building: Providing suggestions for daily spiritual practices and fostering community around shared interests.
  • Practical Guidance and Emotional Support: Offering advice and support for handling personal and group conflicts.
  •  Exploring Spiritual Texts and Traditions: Helping explore different belief systems and understand spiritual traditions.

And here’s a 6-page BatGapBot User Guide, including use cases and sample questions.

Ready? *chat now* free, easy registration required through our host ServiceSpace.

The BatGapBot email list:

In addition to the general BatGap email list, we have a smaller mailing list for those interested in the BatGap Bot. We will send news of bot developments, tips, surveys and other info to this list. If you would like to be on this list, subscribe below:

Some testimonials:

I am very much enjoying playing with the BatGap bot and its various iterations. Life changing really. It certainly sharpens the intellect. Sheer genius on your part to introduce it. Thank you! – Cathie Harrison, New Zealand


I am frequently asked questions. I tried some out on your BatGap bot and it gave quite profound responses. The language is great too. It’s such a powerful tool.  I think the bot will help many people, such a brilliant idea. I will put it up on my FB wall. Thank you. All the best. – Jurgen Ziewe – multidimensionalman.comJurgen’s BatGap Interview


I just put in some questions to Bat Gap Bot, and holy cow!  What a BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL set of responses came forth!!! I know it sounds silly, but I felt like crying, the answers are so spot on.  Many points are those I would give myself to new parents or teachers.  I don’t even know how to thank you for offering us access to this new, developing service. – Pamela H.


I spent some time with the BatGap chatbot, asking it 25 questions. I was positively surprised by the relevance, accuracy, and positive personality of the chatbot. I definitely didn’t expect it to work as well as it did. – Jeffery Mishlove of New Thinking Allowed (who now has his own bot) – Jeffery’s BatGap Interview


I have just registered and put my first question: What does it mean “there is only awareness”? I then followed up with some suggested questions. I was stunned by the conversational style, and the depth and accuracy of the answers. I believe that AI can be used for great good and its opposite. You have succeeded in creating a real service to people. Thank you so much. – Michael


Please note that this is experimental. If you have technical difficulties or if you get strange, inaccurate, or irrelevant answers please let me know. It will help improve the bot. You can include the answer you got by clicking “Public Link” below the answer, then include the web address (URL) of the page that it opened in your feedback. Send Feedback

If you want to learn more, check out our BatGapBot Guide.

BatGapBot is a pilot project of Service Space AI,  which is a new type of AI ecosystem that fosters compassion, connection, and collective service, trained with carefully curated and values-driven content.